Monday, March 28, 2016

Scripture Meditations: MARCH-APRIL 2016


3.28.16 Monday  John 13:21  
“One of you is going to betray me.”
Betrayal.  By definition it means ‘an act of deliberate disloyalty’.  Betrayal involves destroying the trust of another.  It sounds so bad, so sinful.    Yet how often do we inadvertently betray our Lord every day? Perhaps it isn’t as blatant as Judas’ kiss or even  Peter’s denial.  Perhaps it isn’t even deliberate.  But we betray with our silence, our lack of response.  We betray with inaction as much as overt action.  How can I maintain a relationship of trust with God?   
Notes….I am using scripture references from another year, a year when Easter fell at a later date.  I suspect I am going to retrace some of the Holy Week steps again this week.  I am also going to continue including a breath prayer at the end of each meditation.  It helps me focus on the really important part of the scripture. 

Trusting God…may I not betray you.  Amen. 

3.29.16  Tuesday  John 13:31-32  MSG
Now the Son of Man is seen for who he is, and God seen for who he is in him.  The moment God is seen in him, God’s glory will be on display.  In glorifying him, he himself is glorified – glory all around!
I included some wisteria and azaleas in my glory picture.  
     Glory.  It is defined as adoration and praise in worship, majestic splendor or perfect happiness, honor or reknown.      I sign my scribble books with the words, “To God be the glory”.  But what does glory really mean in relationship to God, to Christ, to you and me?  What does it mean to be glorified?  Are WE glorified?  Or are we a reflection of God’s glory?  How does glory relate to holiness (I spent six weeks thinking about holy!)    So many questions, yet no answers! 

Glorified God, Glorified Lord…..glory all around!   

3.30.16 Wednesday  John 12:46 MSG
I am the light that has come into the world.
            Rick asked me the other day the significance of a lighthouse in terms of churches.  We had passed a lighthouse on a lake in Texas and then several churches with the word Lighthouse in them.  I said I thought it referred to Jesus as a light to show us the way.  Jesus is our Lighthouse.  He is the beacon of light come into the world that helps us know the right from the wrong path.  We associate light with goodness, and dark with sinfulness.  Having a light can make all the difference. 

Light of God….show me the way.  Amen.

3.31.16 Thursday  John 13:15 MSG
I am your example.  Do what I do.
Buttercups and some tiny fungi from my walk today around the campground.
            We teach by example.  We learn by watching those around us – not what they say necessarily, but what they DO.  Jesus was a GREAT teacher.  He told the disciples great stories, but they learned, they engrained his ministry, by watching his actions.  Healing. Compassion. Love. Forgiveness.  All were lessons in doing ministry.  How well are we following the good example?   I fall short on a daily basis, but at least it gives me the ideal to imitate. 

Guiding God….help me imitate your Spirit.  Amen. 

4.1.16 Friday   1 Corinthians 1:25 MSG
Human wisdom is so tinny, so impotent, next to the seeming absurdity of God.
More images buried in my prayers...Spanish moss, azaleas,
crawfish, live oak trees, and a wicked thunderstorm Wed. night!
            We can do our research, read, listen, and try to bone up on all things spiritual and religious, but in the end, we will not ever fully understand how our Almighty Power operates.  Just when think we have things figured out, God will act in what appears to be the most foolish of ways.  God will use unlikely people.  God will do the opposite of what we pray for.  The truth of the matter is….we just don’t know.  What we DO know, is that God will act for our ultimate good, with abundant love for our well-being. 

Unpredictable God….help me understand. Amen.

4.2.16 Saturday   John 18:2 MSG
Judas…. knew where it [the garden] was because Jesus often met there with his disciples. 
            Where do I go to find Jesus?  Judas knew where to go because it was where Jesus often congregated with his followers.  Judas had been there many times and it was familiar.  My first response to the question would be to a church because Jesus often meets there with us.  But far more often I find Jesus or God on a walk, in the flowers, in beautiful nature scenes, in smiles or conversations, in acts of compassion.  If I am asked to find Jesus, do I know where to look?
            Today’s drawing includes those places where I saw God yesterday.  It was a travel day from Natchez, MS, to a little Corp of Engineers park in southern Alabama.  We took a walk after arrival (and before the heavy rainfall).  We saw a bald eagle, an Eastern bluebird, tiny leaf buds emerging from a branch, and the aromatic scent of a whole hedge of tiny white flowers.  God in God’s world, reminding us of his presence. 

Loving God…. may I always know where to find you.  Amen.

4.3.16  Sunday  John 19:38  MSG
After all this, Joseph of Arimathea, a disciple who kept his faith a secret for fear of the Jewish officials, made a request to Pilate for the body of Jesus. 
I tried something different today…photos from
our stroll with fungi, flowers, and new growth.
            This scripture is part of the Easter story, but I am going to concentrate on the phrase “who kept his faith a secret for fear”.  I have such respect for those martyrs of Christianity who have loudly and joyfully proclaimed their faith KNOWING they would be punished and probably killed for their statements.  I ask myself if I have that kind of confidence and trust in God.  I’m not sure I would not be a Joseph, hiding my faith for fear I would become another body on the cross.  But Joseph’s request for the body was an opening from that fear.  Granted he was asking Pilate, not the Sadduccess or Pharisees, but it was a start.
            To openly declare my faith, to let others know I am who I am because of my beliefs, can begin with simple statements in the middle of everyday conversations with neighbors, friends,  or chance encounters (perhaps they weren’t chance…was God at work hoping I would say something?)  The key is to overcome the fear, having the faith that we are in God’s hands. 
            Faith can defeat fear.    

Ever present God…..remove my fears.  Amen.    

4.4.16 Monday  John 20:19
Then Jesus came and stood among them. “Peace be with you”. 
            I can’t begin to imagine the wonder among the disciples.  They watched the crucifixion.  They heard the rumors from the women.  And  then suddenly,  the familiar figure is there, with them, speaking those familiar words.  I would think they would be flooded with emotions.  Fear.  Amazement. Excitement.  And perhaps the final realization that Jesus without a doubt came from God.   The events of the previous three years had been very real indeed, not a dream. 
            Has Jesus stood by me, saying “Peace” and I have failed to recognize or respond?  What is my response?  “Peace be with you.”  God’s peace.  The peace of knowing that wherever we may be, Jesus is indeed right among us.  There is wonder in the presence, along with a challenge.  May we respond.

Lord of Peace….Come.  Stand among us.  Amen. 

4.5.16  Tuesday  Psalm 55:16  MSG
I call to God.  God will help me. 
            I call to God.  I write my prayers every day, the names a stream of prayers as I pen the individual letters.  I feel guilty if there are days when I forgot someone, or ‘ran out of room’.  For some reason I think I have let them down.  But God knows the prayers of my heart, as well as those of my pen.  God will not let us down.  In God’s time, on God’s terms, but always with our best interests in mind.  May we have the patience to await God’s help, to realize God’s answers to our prayers, to our call for help. 

Ever listening God ….Hear my prayers.  Amen. 

4.6.16  Wednesday  1 Peter 2:11  MSG
Beloved, remember that you do not belong to THIS world….
            Separate, but love.  That’s how we are called to live.  To belong to the community of Christ, and to live in a world that doesn’t always understand or accept us.  It’s hard.  And perhaps that is why we Christians like to ‘hole up’ in our own little worlds and ignore the rest.  As teachers, it was the reason we heard for parents pulling their kids from the ‘corruption’ of public education and ‘ungodly’ children to be isolated in the purity of a church school. 
            We may not belong to this world, but we belong to God, and this world is the world God has called us to make into His kingdom.  That means we reach out in love, we demonstrate by example OUR world in hopes of drawing them in.  Jesus mingled with the sinners and outcasts.  That’s where we should be.        

God of all worlds….help me in my belonging.  Amen.

4.7.16 Thursday  Amos 5:14 MSG
Seek good, not evil and live!
            Once again this verse reminds me of the book our CAV friends, the Norrells, gave us.  It was titled Find the Good  by Heather Linde.  An obituary writer, Linde sought to always find the positive in a person’s life to write about for her small newspaper.  Amos gives us the same advice.  Seek the good in those we meet, seek the good in situations, focus on the positive.  In so doing, our lives will be so much happier and fulfilling. 
            My body feels battered from my first three days here working for Habitat in Tuscaloosa.  But rather than let my muscles get me down, my weariness overcome, I’ll try to concentrate on meeting homeowners, meeting the wife of the Alabama football coach, working side by side with the associate pastor of First Presbyterian Church and hearing her inspiring stories, accomplished tasks, smiles, and encouragement, and the great view you get of a city from atop a roof!  Seek the good….and live! 

God of goodness….may I focus on the positive.  Amen.

4.8.16 Friday  Psalm 141:3 MSG
Listen to this prayer of mine, God!
            I have no doubt that God hears my prayers.  In fact, I don’t voice most of my prayers, so I have no doubt that God SEES my prayers.  God knows as I write each name or draw my blessings and thanks the words and thoughts in my heart. 
            The psalmist doesn’t ask for God to listen to OUR prayers.  He is very specific…listen to this prayer OF MINE!  Individually, God acknowledges our prayers.  Collectively, God hears our prayers.  God is an amazing administrator in the prayer department!! 

Attentive God….see my prayers!  Amen. 

4.9.16 Saturday  Psalm 50:1  MSG
The Almighty God speaks!  He calls to the whole earth from east to west.
            I heard God speak last night in the organ music at First Presbyterian Church.  They were dedicating a new pipe organ with a freed concert from a renowned organist from England. 
            I heard the Almighty speak in a variety of languages; the multitude of stops and orchestrations of this organ were all on display.  We heard the softest possible stop dance across the air like the still small voice of God.  Other times we heard God thunder with a volume that shook the rafters and stirred us to action. 
Many of the classical pieces such as fugues or toccatas repeat a musical motif over and over, sometimes clearly, other times muffled with interwoven melodies and counter melodies.  It occurred to me that God speaks to us in a variety of ways, but the message is often the same: love one another.
Who would have thought that God would speak to me in such a way?  How often does God speak and we fail to stop and listen?  

Speaking God….may all the world stop to listen.  Amen.

4.10.14  Sunday  Colossians 2:6  MSG
Journey with Christ and allow him to shape your lives.
      I’m not sure if I want to concentrate on the phrase ‘Journey with Christ’ or the part of allowing Christ to shape and mold our lives.  But the two can go together, for when we travel with someone, we begin to do things like they do.  We work together to make the journey smooth.  If we travel with Christ, our artist God has the opportunity to chisel away our rough points, to chip away the sins and faults, and shape our lives into a blessing for the honor and glory of God.  We must travel with the flexibility to BE molded!  And we must always carry Christ closely with us on the journey. 
Sculptor God….mold my life to you.  Amen. 

4.11.16 Monday  COLOSSIANS 2.17 MSG
So don’t put up with anyone pressuring you in details of diet, worship services, or holy days.  All those things are mere shadows cast before what was to come; the substance is Christ. 
            The reality is Christ.  The truth usurps all the rules, the laws, the details of “religion” as opposed to the spiritual reality of Christ and the grace of God.  What we eat isn’t that important, guidelines for worship meaningless without the over-riding love we show to one another.  I don’t like to get caught up in the details of the Book of Order, what does or doesn’t belong in the sanctuary space.  For me the question is ‘how do we treat each other?’  ‘How do we honor God with our actions?’
God of all…you are our reality, the only truth we need. Amen. 

4.12.16 Tuesday  AMOS 5.15 MSG
Hate what is evil, love what is right, and see that justice prevails.
            “See that justice prevails.”  Amos was big on justice issues.  Amos would be a social justice advocate in today’s society.  Such an advocate sees the wrong and works to eradicate it.  We all have this responsibility and we all CAN make a difference, one person at a time.  Rick and I may not be stopping wars or curbing world hunger, but we ARE working toward affordable housing for all, one homeowner at a time.  Yesterday we met Shonda and Tony.  We were working at Tony’s house, a simple brick structure build to withstand the storms that ravage the southern states.  He is very emotional about the reality of his home taking form.  Shonda’s house is just in the beginning stages a couple blocks away, and she is just started the process of earning her sweat equity hours.  I enjoyed working with them both.  They put a face to justice.  They make it real.  They make it rewardable to love what is right.  

God of justice…may we seek to right the wrongs of our world. Amen. 

4.13.16 Wednesday  PSALM 144:14  MSG
May there be no cries of distress in our streets.
            One fifth of Tuscaloosa was wiped out by the tornado of April 27, 2011.  It cut a diagonal path through this city of 100,000 residents, just missing the University of Alabama and its sprawling campus.  There truly were cries of distress in the streets amidst this swath of destruction.  Lives were lost, physically yes, but also emotionally as the trauma of loss was devastating.  Rebuilding is still going on.  Brand new schools stand where children were sent home just before the tornado wiped out the building.  Neighborhoods have been rebuilt, the pride of home ownership revitalizing the area. 
            I have been heartened by the response of people in the South to disasters.  Cries for help are heard and answered.  Churches have response teams ready to go.  They house groups that arrive ready to help.  And they are still coming, five years later.  When tragedy strikes, people rise up to answer the call. 

Responding God….may we always answer the call for help.  Amen. 

4.14.16 Thursday  JAMES 4:14  MSG
You don’t know the first thing about tomorrow.
            Carpe diem I believe is the Latin term for ‘Live for today’.     We don’t know what the future holds, we don’t know even what tomorrow holds.  What we can do is make each day the best it can be, to go to bed with no regrets.  While we can attempt to plan ahead and make wise decisions, we can’t live our life with ‘what ifs’ that keep us from fully living today. 
            And while we don’t know what tomorrow brings, we DO know what God brings: love, grace, and presence.  We do know that whatever tomorrow brings, God will come with it to guide us and provide for us.  That’s an assurance I can live with. 

God of our tomorrows….give me peace for today.  Amen. 

4.15.16  Friday  ROMANS 13.7   MSG
Pay your taxes, pay your bills, respect your leaders.
            It’s Tax Day, April 15!!!  Well, actually this year we have the whole weekend to postpone that filing deadline – Tax Day is really Monday the 18th!  We got our taxes done before we left the end of February.  In fact, I think the refund had already been deposited by the time we left!  That’s not something I want to handle on the road. 
            In multiple places in the New Testament, Jesus is quoted as saying that we are to be citizens of our local government and citizens of the world.  We are to honor our elected leaders, pay what is due.  The revolution of Christ isn’t against the government, it is a revolution against apathy, injustice, and fear.  It is a revolution to turn the very nature of how to approach life upside down. 
            So, I’ll pay my taxes, educate myself, and cast my ballot.  I will also work for justice and equality. 

King of all Kings….may I respect my leaders, recognizing your authority over all. 

4.16.16  Saturday  PSALM 145:2 MSG
I will bless you every day and keep it up until eternity.   
     I wasn’t sure what I wanted to write today, but Luke sent a God-timely text that I received when I got up …of an a capella quartet singing a ‘Mash Up’ of familiar hymns.  Wow!  What a way to bless God every day.  So often I think I still wake up daily and render my opening prayers to God as intercessions, remember this person or that.  My FIRST conversation with God should be a blessing, praise for another day of service, another day to enjoy and rejoice in God’s provision and love.  THEN, I can move on to the intercessions! 
            So ….. perhaps I will hum a tune of joy today while I draw.

Eternal God….all glory is yours today and every day.  Amen.  

4.17.16 Sunday  Philippians 4:4   MSG
Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I say REJOICE!
            This verse is almost a continuation of yesterday!  Blessings cause us to REJOICE!!  Always!  Everyday!  In all things!
            Today we are going to attend ‘God’s Chapel’ – otherwise known as a ‘Closer Walk with Thee’.  We are going to spend some time on the trails of the Arboretum which is near to our campground.  Hopefully some moments of
solitude and reflection; an opportunity to get away from the crowds and take a little time for ourselves and meditation.  But on the way I plan to REJOICE!  To celebrate God in the wildflower gardens, the budding trees, the fragrances, and the lush moisture of the South. 
 I tried to include a few of the many beautiful flowers I saw today – the red buckeye, purple water iris, flaming azaleas, leaf vines wrapped around tree trunks, and crimson clover.  We heard birds singing constantly.  Sadly, I was never able to find the labyrinth. 
God of celebration….may I rejoice in every instance, for your presence is everywhere.  Amen. 

4.18.16 Monday  Psalm 103:6  MSG
God makes everything come out right; he puts victims back on their feet. 
            I have to admit when I first read this first, just the first line struck me: ‘God makes everything come out right!’  I sure had that feeling over and over last week as I was marking the siding chalk lines for the Habitat house.  Even when we couldn’t locate the base OSP boards, or I knew the corners seemed to not match, when I put the level to the wall, I said a short prayer, ‘Please God, let it be right.’ And it was…every time!  We marked the studs lines the best we could and when I checked with the siding crew, they said they were hitting a stud every time!  God makes everything come out right.
            I’m pretty sure my petty building efforts were not what the psalmist had in mind.  The second half of the verse indicates a more justice oriented goal: victims back on their feet.  If we work WITH God, justice will happen.  Victims can become victors. 

God of right….continue to set our world back on its feet.  Amen.

4.19.16 Tuesday  Amos 5:24  MSG
Do you know what I want? I want justice – oceans of it!
I want fairness – rivers of it.  That’s what I want.  That’s ALL I want.
    This is one of my favorite verses.  It is the inspiration for my Waters of Justice ZenDoodle Prayer.  It is a great verse for Habitat work as we are spreading justice in housing as we build.  I love the image of flowing justice, uninterrupted and continuous.  That should be our goal.  That’s what God wants.  So let’s work together to keep the river flowing, the ocean of justice filled.

God of justice…may we each do our part to keep the river flowing. Amen.

4.20.16 Wednesday  Psalm 145:3-4 MSG
God is magnificent; he can never be praised enough. 
There are no boundaries to His greatness.
          No boundaries.  No limits.  God is infinite.  God’s power is endless.  God’s love is limitless.  OUR love and power has no boundaries through God.  For with God, all things are possible.
            In building for Habitat, I am slowly learning that there are no boundaries to what we can do…even without training or with limited knowledge.  I find I can follow directions.  I find I seek conversations with the homeowners and their stories motivate me to do more.  Today we worked on Tony’s house.  Tony is an African American single man who works for the local TV station.  I learned this afternoon that Tony is a Super Survivor.  I asked him about the Superman emblem on a necklace.  He said he received it from a gal when he celebrated 10 years cancer free.  Tony had colon cancer at AGE 10!!  Ten!  Tony sheds a few tears most days when he comes to work or to visit his house site.  Today is was because of a special touch a volunteer put on his shed door – a giant TH  - Tony’s initials.  Little things, but they can have no boundaries in sharing God’s love.  May Rick and I continue to stretch our boundaries in reaching out to our infinite God. 

Unending God….may our service know no boundaries.  Amen.

4.21.16 Thursday  Galatians 6:10  MSG
Let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.
I saw this design on the back of one of the Mennonite
shirts.  I loved the design, but also the words of service and hope.
            For the benefit of all.  I like that.  Not for just one group of people, or those that think like us.  When we help one, we help the whole community.  Sometimes we want to do mission ‘out there’ and we neglect those closest to us.  I met someone here in Tuscaloosa who answered God’s call to serve, but at the cost of his family.  Where is the balance? 
At the same time, why start just within our own community of faith?  Jesus sought the outcasts, the impoverished, and the Samaritans. But that takes a little more of a stretch, a little more outside the comfort zone.  So maybe Paul was asking us to start small, start local, and get the hang of this ‘benefit for all’ service. And then move outward to those we find a little more challenging to help.   

All encompassing God….may we serve to benefit ALL your children.  Amen.  

4.22.16  Friday  Psalm 46:1 
God is a safe place to hide, ready to help when we need him. MSG
God is my refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble.  RSV

            These are such familiar lines, expressed in differing ways, so I’ll add my Tuscaloosa interpretation: God is my Safe Room in times of tornados! 
            All the new homes in Tuscaloosa must have a safe room, a place within the house with reinforced steel walls, heavy anchors into the foundation, a massive door with three deadbolts, etc.  But when things get hairy, the winds begin to swirl, the family can retreat to the safety of the large closet space, close the door, and pray.  I’m sure the safe room would include water, emergency food supplies, the family records and important papers.  Ventilation is built in.  
            Isn’t that what God provides?  A place of refuge when life spins out of control?  A place where we can store up some reserves and be ready to weather the stormy moments of our lives?  Perhaps too often we only run to our shelter when we feel life is out of our control.  Perhaps we should spend a little more time in the security and comfort of God when we just want to rejoice and say thanks!? 

God of refuge….may I seek your comfort always, not just during the tornados of life.  Amen.

4.23.16  Saturday   Job 36.26   MSG
See how great God is – infinite, far greater than anything you can see or imagine!
            The suggested scripture for today was from Psalms and close to what I wanted, but this passage from Job is perfect.  Yesterday we went to the Huntsville Space & Rocket Center.  We watched an IMAX movie on the Hubble telescope.  Toward the end the movie took us traveling through space to the edge of the known universe.  Spiral galaxies with billions of stars each spun past the screen rapidly, the possibilities of God’s creative powers unfathomable.  And then, just as quickly, we backed away from the edge of time….and came back through our Milky Way and to the tiny floating sphere we call home.  It took my breadth away as I murmured to myself, “This is ALL God”.  Staggering.
            We tend to think of our Universal God as God of Earth only, this little chunk of spinning rock the only item on God’s list of concerns.  Yet when we conceive of such an infinite God of the Universe, it is much more difficult to grasp a God that knows our innermost thoughts and prayers.  We can only trust and revel in the assurance that such a God loves each of us individually.  WOW!

God of incomprehensible magnitude…. Continue to reassure us individually of your presence. Amen. 

4.24.16  Sunday  1 Timothy 6:6  MSG
A devout life does bring wealth, but it’s the rich simplicity of being yourself before God. MSG
Well, religion does make us very rich, if we are satisfied with what we have.
            What makes a person rich?  What is wealth?  For many, the answer is MONEY, accumulating things, new cars, etc.  But Paul reminds us that God calls us to a different kind of wealth – a richness of spirit and heart.  We can be rich in God.  Sometimes it is just a matter of attitude  and perspective.  If we are content with what we have….we are rich!  I like the way the The Message phrases this, “the rich simplicity of being yourself before God.”  God sees through the big house and the fancy car.  God sees what we are doing, how we treat one another, how we share our abundance.  There is wealth in giving.  There is wealth in satisfaction. 
            Many people would not consider a simple Habitat home as wealth.  There aren’t a lot of ‘bells and whistles’.  But for those homeowners, many of whom are the first homeowners in their families, that home represents wealth beyond measure.  They have sweat for it, they have invested themselves in it.  One of our Tuscaloosa homeowners is overwhelmed when he considers the promise his house holds.  He is feeling very rich. 

God of abundance… may we be satisfied with the wealth you provide.  Amen.

4.25.16 Monday  Acts 2:41
Whoever made a place for his message in their hearts received the baptism. VOICE
“….made a place in their hearts”… Those are the words that jump out at me.  How do we make a place for God, for Christ, in our hearts?  What does that action look like?  We can talk the talk, we can recite scripture by rote, but a place in our heart, our very soul, that is where the difference is made.  One who has the message written in their hearts doesn’t have to stop and think about whether an action is right or necessary, they just ACT.  They know when to jump in and when to step back. 
What can I do to make sure God has secured that special spot in my heart and soul?  How can I prepare such a place? How can I keep it open to receive God and all guests?

Loving God….help me make room in my heart for you.  Amen. 

4.26.16 Tuesday  Psalm 10:14
But you do see; you take notice of trouble and suffering
    and are always ready to help. GNT
            God knows when things are wrong.  God knows when we suffer and need help.  God sees and God acts.  God sends people on our behalf.  Sometimes we recognize them, but often we don’t.  Often we don’t acknowledge that presence of God in that interaction.
            More importantly, how often do we fail to realize that the person God is asking to help on God’s behalf is us?  It takes me back to Matthew West’s song, Do Something.  When things are going very wrong, we cry out, ‘God, do something!  Take care of this!’  And God’s reply?  ‘I did.  I created YOU.’  WE need to respond on God’s behalf.

God…help me respond to your call for action.  Amen.

4.27.16 Wednesday  James 1:26
Do any of you think you are religious? If you do not control your tongue, your religion is worthless and you deceive yourself.  GNT
….your mouth exposes your heart… VOICE

            We hear the phrase ‘talk the talk or walk the walk’, generally used to indicate one who ‘talks up a good storm’ but fails to follow through.  In that case the mouth doesn’t expose the heart, because the mouth is willing, but the heart is not.   Paul writes of those who claim to be religious, but their language reveals a different soul.  I like the phrase in The Message,  of the ‘mouth exposing the heart’.
            ‘Church’ people are often guilty.  Gossip, improper language, slander can roll from lips as easily as naught.  Their speech betrays their faith, making it a worthless veil others can see right through.  What we say DOES matter as much as what we do.  While our actions perhaps speak louder, our words carry truth of heart as well. 

Lord…may my lips always proclaim a heart of faith.  Amen. 

4.28.16 Thursday  James 1:27
What God the Father considers to be pure and genuine religion is this: to take care of orphans and widows in their suffering and to keep oneself from being corrupted by the world.  GNT
            Pure and genuine religion cares for others, tends to their basic needs.  A solid faith takes care of how oneself in terms of attitude and approach.  It does NOT worry about the lifestyle choices of the ‘orphans and widows’, nor judge them before rendering help.  If I am practicing genuine religion, I don’t care about their personal beliefs or faith if help is needed.  I help.  I keep myself true to God’s call.  All simple to say.  Hard to practice on a daily basis.  We want so quickly to judge first. 

God of all….may I practice the religion of love first and foremost.  Amen.  

4.29.16 Friday  Psalm 10:12
Time to get up, God—get moving.
    The luckless think they’re Godforsaken. MSG
       Often WE are the face of God in action.  Those in trouble may think God has forsaken them because the people of God are not up and moving.  Perhaps this verse should read as such: Time to get up, PEOPLE of God, and get moving!  Because of your inaction, the luckless think God doesn’t care!
My actions, every day, reflect the God I claim to serve.   What message am I sending about God?  How can I keep sending the right message?  

God of action….keep me moving on your behalf.  Amen. 

4.30.16 Saturday  Philippians 4:19
And with all his abundant wealth through Christ Jesus, my God will supply all your needs. GNT
Our hike yesterday took us past an abundance of God-beauty….
            God will supply.  This phrase takes me immediately to our friend, Gypsy Barb, the living epitome of trusting in the bounty of God.  I vacillate between respect and ridicule for her approach to life, to the delicate balance between disaster and dedication.  But it works for her.  She seems to always bounce back through the wealth of relationships established on the ‘gypsy trail’.
            But for those of us who don’t live quite that lifestyle, the wealth we have in our relationship with God does truly supply our most basic spiritual needs.  We have a contribution to make in terms of our efforts for the physical needs.  We have the obligation to use our talents and gifts for our benefit AND as the wealth to provide for others. 
            A key for me in this verse is the difference between the words needs and wants.  It doesn’t say that ‘God will supply all our wants’, just our needs.  It is important for us to discern that difference. 

God of abundance,…. may I place my trust in your bounty.  Amen.  

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