Thursday, August 9, 2018

Wildflower Identification Prayers

          As I was wrapping up my Wildlife Mandala prayer series and hiking up in the Elkhorns, I was stumped once again by a wildflower that I knew I had previously identified, but didn't see often enough to remember!  "I need to make my OWN wildflower identification guide" I thought to myself!  And then I realized maybe I could combine such efforts with my morning prayers.  I am pretty sure no other wildflower book will have prayers embedded in the background of each image! no particular organization for this blog's purposes, here are 100 days of Wildflowers, complete with a brief description, where and when I took the picture, and common habitat.  In a few instances, I used internet photos because I couldn't FIND the picture I took ages ago! 




































































I have never seen this particular flower, the only one I have included that I haven't personally viewed.  However, I wanted my #100 to be a flower that had 100 in its name for 100 parts or petals, much as I used the Centipede to wrap up the Wildlife Mandala series.   It took a little research to find this one!