Monday, July 4, 2016

JULY Scripture Meditations 2016

7.1.16  Jeremiah 22:29 MSG
O land, land, land,
    listen to God’s Message!
          This is how I want to shout sometimes, perhaps like Jeremiah!  “Listen, people of the world!  Listen to God!  Listen to the message of LOVE! Stop the carnage!  World, world, world, LISTEN!”  I didn’t read the before or after for this single verse, because I think just the verse alone stands alone.  So, I don’t know the context for Jeremiah’s plea.  But it is a message we need to hear again today.  And not just spoken…..lived. 
Eternal God….your word stands firm today with a message to love one another.  Amen.  

7.2.16  Ezekiel 36:23 GNT
…. I will use you to show the nations that I am holy.

          God uses us – it’s that simple.  Miracles happen, but most of the time, God gets the job done through ordinary people like you and me.  And when we all work together in God’s name, holy things happen.  They truly do.  
Holy God....use me to show your holiness.  Amen.  

7.4.16 Galatians 5:1 VOICE
 So stand strong for our freedom! The Anointed One freed us so we wouldn’t spend one more day under the yoke of slavery, trapped under the law.
          An appropriate message for this, our nation’s 240th birthday.  (Not that old by European or Asian standards!)  But Paul is talking about a more internal freedom, as evidenced by his final phrase, trapped under the law. The Hebrew code of laws, as found in Leviticus and the Torah, had become a form of slavery.  Christ freed the people from that bondage. 
          Do we have laws today that bind people down rather than release them?  Laws that degrade or devalue the humanity of an individual?  Perhaps in fighting such laws are where we still need to stand strong for freedom.  We have many, many laws in our ‘country of freedom’.  Sometimes I think we legislate because the common decency of human beings has been lost.  If we only could all live under the LAW of LOVE, and treat one another as such.  

7.5.16  Ephesians 3:12  MSG
When we trust in him, we’re free to say whatever needs to be said, bold to go wherever we need to go.

          Trust equals freedom because trust has our back and gives us confidence.  Placing that trust in God frees us from the worry of failure.  We might still fail at times, but know that God will help pick us up and allow us to start over again.

7.6.16 Isaiah 6:1 GNT
In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord. He was sitting on his throne, high and exalted, and his robe filled the whole Temple.

Where is God’s throne?  I can picture God’s throne as the peak of the mountains, the vista of the Created World laid before God, a pinnacle of beauty and wonder.  What does God’s robe look like?  I can picture the robe of God as a sweeping sunset sky, the swirls of color the folds and billows of God’s robe filling the temple of a vast sky.  Where do you see God’s throne, God’s robe?  Look around.  The throne and robe are everywhere.  

7.7.16  Isaiah 6:3 GNT
“Holy, holy, holy!
The Lord Almighty is holy!
His glory fills the world.”
          In verse two of the Isaiah passage, the winged creatures are singing this verse.  Yesterday Rick and I took what I like to call our Annual Anthony Anniversary Amble – a wildflower hike in the Anthony Lakes basin.  It was a beautiful, perfect hiking weather, day.  At one point I could see the throne of God on each peak, with the cloud forming the billows of God’s robe.  And the winged creatures?  They were everywhere!  Osprey, hawk, songbirds, and Clark’s Nutcrackers filled the air with music – music that voiced, ‘God’s glory fills the world’. 

          Rick found the ceramic bird feeder I made years ago in the shed and put it up in the lilac tree.  I filled it with seed, even though you really aren’t supposed to feed the birds in the summer time.  But the effect was instantaneous.  Our lilac tree is suddenly alive with music and chirps, the tiny wrens and chickadees flitting from branch to feeder to fence top to ground.  They are singing, ‘God’s glory fills the world!” 
Almighty God....your glory indeed fills the world.  May I stop to listen to all Creation sing.  Amen.  

7.8.16  Isaiah 6:5 GNT
I said, “There is no hope for me! I am doomed because every word that passes my lips is sinful, and I live among a people whose every word is sinful. And yet, with my own eyes I have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.”
          Key words here are ‘and yet’.  We are a people inclined to sin, AND YET we are a people loved by God.  We are surrounded by blatant violence against one another,  AND YET we live also in a world filled with God’s glory.  We can say there is no hope, AND YET with God, hope is always present. 
I posted this photograph today as we drove
around Lake Tahoe.  I just had to cartoon
it for today's prayers. 
       Last night’s news was filled with tragedy in Dallas, TX, as protest snipers have been shooting police officers in the wake of another unjustified death of a young black male.  ISIS has been bombing cities throughout the world in mass deaths.  The upcoming Olympics, the gold standard of a moment in time when the world stops fighting and unites, is marred by turmoil, chaos, and potential terrorism.  There seems to be no hope for our world.  AND YET…. We are a people who have seen the hope of God.  We can BE the hope of God if one by one we begin to LIVE into that HOPE. 

God of hope….give me the courage to live the hope you provide to a hurting world.  Amen.  

7.9.16  Isaiah 6:6-7 VOICE
Flaming Creature: Look! With the touch of this burning ember on your lips,
        your guilt is turned away;
    All your faults and wrongdoings are forgiven.
          Burning embers on my lips?  Ouch!  But maybe we are reminded that forgiveness isn’t always pain-free, that it involves a little sacrifice and denial on our part as well.  But forgiveness is freely given by God.  Unfortunately, we aren’t always so free in our acceptance of such forgiveness, or free to bestow the same grace on others. 
Forgiving God…may I feel the burn of grace and transfer such blessing on another. Amen. 

7.10.16  Isaiah 6:8 VOICE
Whom shall I send?  Who will go for Us?  Here I am!  Send me!
          Not a lot to say on this busy morning.  This is my Habitat mantra, “Here I am, Lord, Send me!”  Now…..if I will just continue to act on my words!
Here I am, Lord, send me. Amen.  

7.11.16  Psalm 126:2 GNT

Then our mouth was filled with laughter,
and our tongue with rejoicing.
Then they said among the nations,

“Yahweh has done great things for these people.”
          My comments today will be brief as we are traveling over 600 miles home from California.  But I simply love the gist of this passage – Laughter and Joy in God!  God HAS done great things, God is doing great things, and rather than respond with fear and questioning, we must let the JOY of God fill our hearts and lip.  Laughter IS the best medicine.  Laughter brings people together.  You cannot be enemies when you can laugh together!  Laughter bonds us to one another in a way no theology, ideology, or political view can.  JOY connects, joy builds relationships rather than breaks them down. 
Lord, link us with laughter in the joy you bring to us. 

7.12.16 Proverbs 23:22 MSG
Listen with respect to the father who raised you,
    and when your mother grows old, don’t neglect her.
          Words about parentage, mothers and fathers, always ring true when I have been to the place of my upbringing.  This past weekend we were in Sacramento for a wedding.  I spent Saturday morning with a long-time friend, but one I haven’t seen in over 25 years.  He spoke of my father with memories deep rooted in respect and admiration.  I attended the church my father started and again let the memories flow deep of a loving, supportive childhood, not just from my immediate family, but from my church community.  Along with my sister, we saw to the needs of our 96+ young mother, who I hope never felt neglected!  It was a good visit. 
Loving father and mother… help me to hold tight to my childhood instruction and tend to those who gave it…always.  Amen.  

7.13.16  1 Timothy 4:12 MSG
Don’t let anyone put you down because you’re young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity.

          The first line in this passage lends credence to our youth, but the second line pretty well sums up the totality of how we should live.  Teach with our life.  Or as the great theologians say – use words only when necessary.  Our actions speak far louder than our words.  Jesus said we must approach  with the clarity and innocence of a child, and often youth can see a situation without all the baggage that life adds to the mix.
Lord of life...use my life to teach in ways my words can never preach.  Amen.   

7.14.16  1 Timothy 5:1 MSG
Don’t be harsh or impatient with an older man. Talk to him as you would your own father, and to the younger men as your brothers. 

7.15.16  1 Timothy 5:8 MSG
Anyone who neglects to care for family members in need repudiates the faith. That’s worse than refusing to believe in the first place.
          I am going to play catch-up here, and consider yesterday and today’s passages together.   Both of these Timothy passages are part of the advice Timothy is given because of his age.  He is young and the scripture is sound regarding relationships and family.  I actually opted to use the last verse of this section today as it related to ALL family, not just widows as 5.3 referenced.  Our service begins with those closest to us, yet often they are the very people families sometimes ignore.  It is easier to give money to a faceless entity on the other side of the world than to face the challenges that family relations sometimes bring.  Charity begins at HOME.  Hmmm….how well am I doing?

7.16.16  Judges 2:7 MSG
The people worshiped God throughout the lifetime of Joshua and the time of the leaders who survived him, leaders who had been in on all of God’s great work that he had done for Israel. 

          How quickly we can forget.  While leadership is strong, the crowd can follow, but when those who have lived through events pass away, the vision blurs.  I am looking at current events in our world and thinking we are close to repeating the horrors of the past because those who truly LIVED those horrors are dying off.  The new generation may be apt to repeat mistakes.  The young Israelites were frustrated in the Sinai peninsula and quickly forgot God’s acts of mercy in Egypt. Moses wasn’t present at the time and the golden calf resulted.  As nations wall themselves off in protective stance, intolerant of our diversity and culture, are we in danger of rebuilding the Golden Calf of World War 2?  Are we about to elect a president who epitomizes intolerance?  We must remember God's great works.  
God of all the me remember. Amen. 

7.18.16 Ephesians 4:15 MSG
God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in love—like Christ in everything.
          Tell the truth in love. Grow up in love.  Know love.  Be love.  And in so doing, we will be like Christ in everything.  It sounds so simple to merely live love. Why is it so difficult to practice?  Why?

Holy God of love….may I live your love, everyday.  Amen. 

7.19.16  Psalm 71:9 MSG
Don’t turn me out to pasture when I’m old
    or put me on the shelf when I can’t pull my weight.
          The next few days of scripture passages focus on aging and relationships between youth and old.  This passage from Psalms seeks God’s help but from the standpoint of the elderly.  While perhaps not physically strong, the aged have a great deal to offer in terms of experience and memory.  We can’t ‘put them out to pasture’ and figure they are too old to do anything!  Habitat Care-a-Vanners has sure proven that.  While our backs might not be young, the amount of construction work a group of retired folk can accomplish is amazing.  Not time to sit on a shelf or a lazy boy yet! 
God…help me to contribute in whatever ways I can despite my declining youth. Amen. 

7.20.16 Ecclesiastes 12:1 GNT
So remember your Creator while you are still young, before those dismal days and years come when you will say, “I don't enjoy life.”
Not sure why, but the colorful array of t-shirts
hanging from our backyard clothesline seemed
extraordinarily beautiful today... perhaps
even holy. 
    I find this an interesting scripture passage.  Does it imply that we lose track of God in our declining years?  For many, that is when God becomes very real!  Perhaps the lesson is that a firm foundation in God early on will prevent us from becoming a dour old person who is soured on life.  A proper focus on the holy will help keep us aging folk on the right track.  
God of my youth....may you be also the God of my declining years and keep me focused on you.  Amen.  

7.21.16  Isaiah 40:29 VOICE
God strengthens the weary
    and gives vitality to those worn down by age and care.
          I think I am feeling old just from this week’s scriptures!  Who knew the Bible had so much to say about aging?  And aging gracefully and gratefully!  This is a rather well-known piece of scripture, however, because the next two verses continue, “Even those who are young grow weak; young people can fall exhausted.  But those who trust in the Lord for help will find their strength renewed. They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak.”  That is the secret to aging – trusting in God throughout the process!  And with that trust, we can fly to new heights, new dreams, and new hopes!
God of eagle strength...may I trust in you for renewed strength.  Amen. 

7.22.16 1 Peter 5:5 MSG
And you who are younger must follow your leaders.
          The implication here is that the leaders are all our elders.  And while that is often true, sometimes the youth have much to offer and teach in the way of leadership themselves because they are not caught in the binds of experience or fear of failure.  On the brink of this presidential election, I can understand if a lot of youth find a lack of leadership to follow! 
          But in general, we learn from those older than us, those who have experienced life with God and can pass that knowledge on.  We learn from our parents and parental role models. 
          At this point in my life, I question, ”What kind of leadership do I offer?  Am I the role model God wishes me to be?”
Christ….may you be my role model and may I serve as such in your name. Amen. 

7.23.16  1 Timothy 4:14 GNT
Do not neglect the spiritual gift that is in you, which was given to you when the prophets spoke and the elders laid their hands on you.
I attended a spirituality workshop today and one activity
involved 'soul cards'.  I chose a card similar to the above
with a blue shape and face circling inner rays of orange
and gold.  Hidden within were faces.  What did it mean to me?
I may be blue, depressed, or strained on the outside, but the
inner light of God can and shall break through.  God is
hidden in the faces of those who bring me light.  We also
learned to draw a Classic Labyrinth, so I used it for the
outside circle.  
          Do not neglect the gift.  Do not fail to use the talents God has bestowed upon you…for God, to the glory of God.  How often do we use the excuse of ‘I don’t have time’ or ‘I’m not good enough’? Do we think our ‘feeble’ gift isn’t enough; it won’t really make any difference?   We fail to realize that if we just commit to start, God will help us MAKE the time or EMPOWER us in ways we didn’t think possible. We fail to remember that if we make a difference in ONE life, our gift matters!  The gifts have been granted.  The gifts are needed in our world today.  Have we put our special gifts in a closet and forgotten them?  Have we let the busyness of our life preclude exercising our gifts?  Have I? 

Gifting God….help me share the gifts you have granted me.  Amen.  

7.25.16  Titus 2:2 VOICE
Here’s what I want you to teach the older men: enjoy everything in moderation, respect yourselves and others, be sensible, and dedicate yourselves to living an unbroken faith demonstrated by your love and perseverance.
          I paused today before noting which part of this scripture I deemed most important to include on my Prayer Log, lingering between moderation, respect, and the concept of living unbroken faith.  All good advice!  Why this is advice only for the older men I don’t know. I should read the rest of the chapter for context.  And when I first saw this, I thought, why advice only for men, what about the women?  Well, that will be for tomorrow! 
          What does it mean to live an unbroken faith?  Titus goes on to say that it is demonstrated by love and perseverance.  Hanging on through the tough times with the faith that God is with us.  Unbroken love; unbroken hope.  Googling the word on the internet reminded me I have yet to see the movie Unbroken which chronicles the life and faith of an Olympic runner and WW2 survivor. 
God of unbroken presence….may I mirror your love in my unbroken faith.  Amen.  

7.26.16 Titus 2:3
And here’s what I want you to teach the older women: Be respectful. Steer clear of gossip or drinking too much so that you can teach what is good…
Key words from the past two scriptures are
embedded in this practice try for drawing
the classical labyrinth pattern.  I think
I've got it! 
          I almost have to laugh when I see the gender differences in Titus’ advice to the older men and women!  Yes, respect is a common term in both.  But women are admonished to be careful of drink and gossip, as if the men never drank too much or gossiped.  (Ok, perhaps the latter is more in the realm of a female trait….)  So I guess I would prefer to just lump the two verses together as advice to ALL, men, women, younger, older.  I think the last line of verse 3 is the key: ‘so you can teach what is good’.  We teach with our lives.  People learn from watching our actions and behavior.  If we do good, we mirror Christ.  If we err and ask forgiveness, knowing God’s grace will be granted,  we reflect the kind of relationship God wants to have with us.  How well do I follow Titus’ advice??
God of grace…once again, may my life teach your love.  Amen. 

7.27.16  Acts 17:4 MSG
 Some of them were won over and joined ranks with Paul and Silas, among them a great many God-fearing Greeks and a considerable number of women from the aristocracy.
          I find myself reading this passage and going, ‘so what?’  It doesn’t stir me to any thoughts really at all.  So maybe I need to think a little deeper on this warm, summer morning.  Who joined the ranks? Outsiders.  Greeks.  Rich women.  Not the ones, perhaps, that Paul and Silas expected.  Perhaps I need to remember this when we are responding to those who walk through our church doors.  Sometimes it isn’t the young professional families (you know, the ones EVERYONE flocks to make welcome!), but the marginalized who we are called to witness.  Such a newcomer came to worship this past Sunday.  He wants to come to the Progressive Dinner.  May he feel the welcome and love of our church family. 

Welcoming God…may we reach out to those ‘outside our circles’ and share your love.  Amen. 

7.28.16  2 Timothy 4:7 GNT
 I have done my best in the race, I have run the full distance, and I have kept the faith.
          What a beautiful piece of scripture, especially for one approaching the end of life.  To know one has done their best, persevered, and been ‘unbroken’ in their faith.  Yet, when I wrote the word ‘unbroken’, unlike my whole post on the word, this time it reminded me of Pastor Al’s sermon on grace as the knots God ties when we have broken ourselves from faith.  Each knot brings us CLOSER to God as our faith is strengthened in those times of brokenness.  In fact, that was my very first Scribble drawn. 
          But I’m off the ‘track’ of the race of life, the full distance of years of service and trust.  This is such a common and well-known scripture, and one of Timothy’s best verses.  The race may be long or short, but run it in faith, passing on the baton of love, to every other runner along the way. 
God of the race…may I keep running in love and trust the full distance of my years.  Amen.  

7.29.16  Psalm 71:18 GNT
Now that I am old and my hair is gray,
    do not abandon me, O God!
Be with me while I proclaim your power and might
    to all generations to come.
          Do not abandon me, God – I am off to drive a long distance solo and I will need your help (and Debbie Macomber’s) to stay awake!  BTW, God, my hair isn’t too gray yet, but I’m not complaining!  It is a beautiful day and I am excited to drive around Mt. Hood as an option.  I’ll proclaim your glory the whole way!!  
Eternal God...may I use my age and wisdom to proclaim your message of love through eternity.  Amen.  
Mt. Hood was glorious today, plus I loved all the fuchsias growing on the Willamette University campus! 

7.30.16  1 Samuel 3:19 GNT
As Samuel grew up, the Lord was with him and made come true everything that Samuel said.
          I’m not so sure about God making true everything that I say, but I AM confident that God is with us – with you and with me – every step of this journey we call life.  Any estrangement from God is on our part, not God’s.  We are the ones who distance ourselves from the source of Truth.  May I walk confidently in the days ahead, knowing that God is with all of us.   
          More driving today!  Bandon is in sight.  A good visit with Jed overnight. 
God of our journeys….may we know with assurance that you are with us every step of the way.  Amen. 

7.31.16  John 1:12 GNT
 Some, however, did receive him and believed in him; so he gave them the right to become God's children. 
          The ‘right’ to become God’s children.  We all have that right.  The grace of God grants such privilege.  What a family in which to be a part!  God’s family includes all – sinners and saints, young and old, black and white (and inbetween!), conservatives and liberals, ALL.  One family.  One God. 
          I received a call this afternoon from one of my family.  It was a call of concern and encouragement, a call that brought a smile to my heart and love to my soul.  That’s what family does.  Liz and I met with sisters in Christ after church who were filled with love and concern for Mom – because that’s what the children of God do for each other. 
          This is a pretty amazing family to be a part of.  Thank you God! 

Thank you, Mother-Father God, for this family of faith in which we dwell.  Amen.