Sunday, May 1, 2016

Scripture Meditations - MAY 2016

5.1.16     1 Thessalonians 1:2 MSG
Every time we think of you, we thank God for you. Day and night you’re in our prayers …. 
            You’re IN my prayers.  That’s often what I write when I send a picture of my prayers to someone letting them know that I am praying for them.  To daily write the name is a physical action of thanks and intercession.  Thank you for this person in my life, God, and please act on their behalf. 
            I am surrounded by the natural beauty of the Smoky Mountains this week.  It is spring and wildflowers are blooming, trees are budding out, and the hills are awakening from the winter sleep.  Into these images I will place my prayers…day and night. 

Ever listening God…. I know you acknowledge every name and situation I draw.  Amen.  

5.2.16 Romans 10:15   GNT
And how can the message be proclaimed if the messengers are not sent out? As the scripture says, “How wonderful is the coming of messengers who bring good news!”
            Can flowers be messengers of God?  Can sunsets or sunrises?  Or quiet forests with the wind gently blowing ripples in the branches soft with new growth?  Has God sent out messengers that we often fail to recognize, delivering the good news of an interwoven creation community? 
            These iris grew wild around the base of a mighty tree, their intricate petals so clearly revealing the nature of a loving God.  I couldn’t help but turn them into a prayer. 

Subtle God… may I heed the silent and hidden messengers sent to remind us of your love.  Amen.

5.3.16 2 Peter 3:9 MSG
With God, one day is as good as a thousand years, a thousand years as a day.  God isn't late with his promise as some measure lateness.
I have seen these blossoms lying on the trails and wondered
what they were.  Finally at Hamilton gardens we confirmed
a tulip poplar blossom - we found leaf and flower
connected!  And then I looked up and saw hundreds of
blossoms on the tree branch tips.  Beautiful! 
            God-time is the term I usually use.  In God-time, it will happen. Not our time frame, not on our schedule or convenience.  God-time.  You can’t rush God-time, nor can you place human expectations on it.  God-time is interwoven in a delicate and intricate fabric of universal time.  Everything has to come together perfectly for that which God intends to happen, to happen.  And then….you always have a measure of human choice in the option to throw the balance off. But trust, that in God-time, God WILL act. 

Timeless God ….  May I be patient and work under the ticking of YOUR clock, not mine.  Amen.  

5.4.16 Luke 3:8 MSG
It’s your life that must change, not your skin.
      God wants change on the inside, from the heart.  Not just outer appearances or the side we show to the world.  We can’t put on our Sunday clothes and suddenly ‘become Christian’.  The love of Christ is an inner change, an approach change, an attitude change – a change from self to service. 
        The skin is easy.  On a daily basis, though, changing the heart is much more difficult.  We all do well on occasion, but to have the mindset of Christ ALL THE TIME is much, much harder. 
          My mind is wandering (much like the road did!) to the Blue Ridge Parkway yesterday.  It is in a transformation stage this time of year, the ‘skin’ of winter past, but the blooming of spring still to come. The early morning mists of fog and clouds reveal glimpses of far-reaching views in an ever-changing panorama.  A few azaleas already dot the roadside, but the magnificence of the rhododendron eruption lies in buds, not blooms.  The road winds through hills, and then seemingly sheds the ‘skin’ of the low places, to emerge high on a ridge top overlooking miles of wonder, acres of God’s glory.  Each turn, each tunnel, each overlook speaks of change and transformation.   

God of transformation … Keep me ever shedding the skin of selfishness to a heart of love. Amen.

5.5.16  Ezekiel 18:31-32 MSG
Get a new heart!  A new spirit! …. Make a clean break!  Live!

        What is amazing to me about this verse is that it is from the Old Testament!  It sounds so much like the words of Christ!  Be transformed with newness – heart, spirit!  A clean break from the old ways that limited our ability to fully live, to fully love. 
        I like the phrase ‘make a clean break!’  For that is what we must do in order to let the full measure of God seep into our hearts, our souls, and our lives.  We have to throw away old relationships that pulled us down, throw away old ways of doing things.  When we fully live, we can fully love….everyone. Regardless of who or what they might be or have done.  We are free to love like Christ. 

God of renewal …. Help me fully live, to fully love.  Amen.   

5.6.16  1 John 2:2 MSG
When he served as a sacrifice for our sins, he solved the sin problem for good—not only ours, but the whole world’s.
         Once for All.  That is the phrase on one of our banners at church during Lent.  Christ’s one sacrifice takes care of it ALL.  Does this mean we can just forget about it?  We can do whatever we want knowing we are forgiven by the grace of God?  No.  It means we can live without the fear of reprisal or retribution.  But we will all sin – most of us sin in the more subtle ways of relationships, apathy, or selfishness.  But we are forgiven and given the fresh slate to try, try, try again.  Just Christians?  Not in my book.  God’s grace extends to the whole world.  Everyone, regardless of belief.  Once for ALL. 
         We visited Dry Falls yesterday in southeastern North Carolina.  A torrent of water poured over the rocky shelf, washing clean away everything.  We were able to walk behind the falls.  I like to think this is the manner of grace and sin… we can dance all around various sins, but God is in the business of forgiveness, renewal, and cleansing.  God’s water of grace is powerful. 

Forgiving God…. wash me clean.  Amen. 

5.7.16  Psalm 103:2-3 MSG
O my soul, bless God,
    don’t forget a single blessing!
        What a great day to talk about blessings!  We are blessed with loving family, friends who traveled long distances to help Matt and Kristen celebrate.  We are going to be blessed with mild but warm temperatures and sunshine after a week of rain.  We are blessed with the bountiful beauty of spring in the hills – blooming trees and bushes.  We are blessed with the promise of love – for one another and for a loving God. 
        This was a perfect scripture for today as Kristen’s grandfather delivered a beautiful blessing at dinner for many of the same things, recounting all the gifts God had bestowed upon the group gathered. 

Thank you, God, for all your blessings.

5.8.16 Psalm 108:3 GNT
I will thank you, O Lord, among the nations.
    I will praise you among the peoples.

        What should follow a day of blessings but thankfulness and gratitude - Publicly stated ‘among the peoples’!  We need to acknowledge before others WHO we give our thanks to! 
A composite of the azalea pond and the cellar building at
the wedding ceremony site. 
    I am thankful this day for my mothers.  Mom Mac is 96, living independently and an inspiration and role model.  Mom Doris has called me daughter since the day we met!  On this Mother’s Day, I am so grateful to still have them both in my life.  I am thankful for a strong marriage and a rock solid husband.  I am thankful for a web of family that doesn’t smother but nurtures.  I praise God for two sons of whom I am proud….men who walk their own walk but are always there for each other. 
        I praise God for the miracle of nature and the beauty that lies therein; for the renewal of spring and the reminder of the promises behind death and rebirth.  I thank you, Lord, for the strength of relationships and our faith family.  I am grateful for the mini-miracles that happen every day in so many ways – reminders of God’s presence. 

Listen everyone!  Our God deserves our thanks and praise!

5.9.16 1 Thessalonians 1:8 MSG
The news of your faith in God is out. We don’t even have to say anything anymore—you’re the message!
        I am the message.  What I say.  What I do.  That is empowering, but also a bit frightening.  It is a big responsibility to be the carrier of THE Message. 
        We are driving home.  We left yesterday afternoon suddenly after weather forecasts indicated we needed to skirt a major storm to the north.   I will spend the day driving and watching the miles speed by.  I may not have many opportunities to spread the message of God to others.  What small actions might I take in gas stations, mini-marts, or restaurants to let at least ONE person know for who and for what I stand?  How many opportunities to carry the message?

5.10.16  2 Timothy 3:16 MSG
Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another.
            I am finding this verse very applicable as I wander the country and daily reflect on a single verse or two.  Usually I can find God speaking to me in my current circumstance or situation.
        The problem with single verse Scripture, however, is when we USE it to prove OUR point, not God’s.  When we take the intent of the scripture out and verbally spar with just the words.  Every part is God-breathed, but also Christ-seeped with love for one another.  And those verses are always useful!

5.11.16  Proverbs 21:29 MSG
Unscrupulous people fake it a lot;
    honest people are sure of their steps.
            If you always speak the truth, you don’t have to worry about covering up or remembering your ‘story’.  The truth wins; the truth frees us.

5.12.16  2 Thessalonians 3:1 GNT
Pray also that God will rescue us from wicked and evil people; for not everyone believes the message.

5.13.16  Psalm 141:3 GNT
Lord, place a guard at my mouth,
    a sentry at the door of my lips.

5.14.16  Psalm 141:4
Don’t let me so much as dream of evil
    or thoughtlessly fall into bad company.
            We are back to the adage that we are our thoughts; we are our company.  But I am always taken back on the second half to the model Jesus gave us.   You can’t share the good news or nurture the downtrodden, the ‘bad company’ by staying safe within your circle of ‘nice friends’ or those who think just like you do.  By having a firm foundation on our faith and trust in God, we have the strength to go out among the unbelievers and remain strong in our own faith. 
            Once again, easy to say, so hard to live into. 

Lord of all….give me the strength to proclaim YOU as I move and work among those who are different.  

5.15.16  Acts 1:8
You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. And you will be My witnesses….
            Today is Pentecost, the one day of the Christian year when we will focus on the third leg of the Trinity: the Holy Spirit.  We could see Jesus, we understand a Creator God, but do we really understand the power and nature of the Spirit?  Is it wind?  Is it tongues?  How can we SEE it? 
            I like to think of the Holy Spirit as the link between God and Christ that allows us a way into the Trinity, a path into a piece of God.  We have a Loving-Creator-Parent God, a Living-Example Christ, and a Spirit-Presence-God-In-Us Guide that forms our relationship and faith.  The Holy Spirit puts a piece of God and Christ into us that allows us to put God and Christ into our world.  Then we can become the witnesses to God we are called to be. 

God of the Spirit…..Blow anew each day that I might witness your holiness to my world.  Amen.  

5.16.16  Proverbs 3:27 MSG
Never walk away from someone who deserves help;
    your hand is God’s hand for that person.
            We are the hands and feet of God.  We are God at work in the world.  When we ask God to DO SOMETHING, God is going to turn it right around and say, ‘Yes, YOU do something – with my power!’  When we think we don’t have the skills or the influence, we are doubting that power of God.  Never walk away from those who need help or we are walking away from God. 

Caring God….may my hands be your hands, my actions your actions.  Amen.  

5.17.16  1 John 3:17 VOICE
If a person owns the kinds of things we need to make it in the world but refuses to share with those in need, is it even possible that God’s love lives in him?
            I am seeing a theme here for a few days of compassion for those who are in need.  It might be a physical need, an emotional need, or a spiritual need, but those of us with abundance cannot claim a love for God when we turn our backs on those needs.  Obviously I should share my material possessions freely, but I can also share hope, joy, and inspiration to those around me. But it is hard for one suffering to hear words of hope when they are cold or hungry.  The physical needs must be met. 
            I own ‘the kinds of things necessary to make it in this world’.  How well am I sharing?  Can I truly claim God-love in my heart?

God of compassion…live in my heart that I might freely share my abundance. Amen. 

5.18.16  Isaiah 10:1-2 MSG
Doom to you who legislate evil,   who make laws that make victims—
Laws that make misery for the poor, that rob my destitute people of dignity….
       This is a powerful piece of scripture.  Woe to those who legislate evil or mandate wickedness or legalize oppression, denying justice to the very ones who need it most!  You can read through the varying translations here and none of them mince words – this is WRONG!  But wait….I’m not a law-maker or in politics, so I can’t be guilty.  Wrong again.  Everytime I support or vote for someone who legislates for the rich and ignores the poor, I am guilty.  Our congressmen are doubly guilty when they enact laws that benefit ONLY themselves and neglect
the oppressed.  What is my responsibility in this?  How can I stand up in my community and advocate for the rights of all? 
            With that said, I just googled our county’s election results.  To be informed is a start in a process of advocacy!

God of justice…. May I add my voice and action to fight injustice for those who are denied. 

5.19.16  1 Thessalonians 1:6 VOICE
You took to heart the word we taught with joy inspired by the Holy Spirit, even in the face of trouble.
        ‘Joy….in the face of trouble’.  When things go bad, our attitude can be everything.  If we dwell on the bad, the ‘what ifs’ or such, we only make ourselves miserable and fail to see how God can turn the situation to good in some way.  If we attempt to thank God in ALL things and face each circumstance with joy, the situation may not change, but WE will have changed. 
            Can we do it alone?  No!  The verse says ‘Joy inspired by the Holy Spirit’! We must carry God with us in order to see life with constant joy!  SPIRIT-JOY! 

God of miracles…..may I approach each day with the joy of the Spirit, even when life gets messy. 

5.20.16  Philippians 1:3 MSG
Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God. Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer.
            Are there people in my life who give me cause to THANK GOD! every time I think of them?  People who give me reason to immediately utter a prayer of gratitude, or intercession?  Are there names that trigger prayers? 
            Yes, there are!  Names that produce instant thanks, but more often names that trigger prayers for healing.  Sometimes one name can create a chain effect of prayers, perhaps all people with the same name, but different circumstances.  Often I just put the name down in plural on my prayers.  God knows and I know who I am talking about! 
       I loved the phrase from The Message ‘trigger to prayer’.  What is our trigger?  Do we recognize and acknowledge it?  Do we pull the trigger often enough?  Might a certain flower trigger a prayer for earth-care?  If we have many common triggers, unceasing prayer will fill our lives.
           We encounter many other triggers in our lives.  The smell of chocolate may trigger overeating.  Loneliness and depression can trigger substance abuse.  We might have triggers to anger.  What if we could change some of these triggers into moments of prayer instead?
God of presence… May I pull the trigger to prayer more often, more easily.   

5.21.16  Psalm 79:9 VOICE
Remembering the yellow iris and the lilies given to me! 
Help us, O God who saves us,
    to the honor and glory of Your name.
Pull us up, deliver us, and forgive our sins,
    for Your name’s sake.
            We need to give credit where credit is due when difficult times turn out well:  God.  We ask God for help so often, but rarely do we stop and  thank God when all turns out in ways we couldn’t imagine!  I tried to tell people constantly that God was in charge of our trip home – otherwise why would storms have split around us, hail never materialized?  People need to know that God is indeed our savior, God is watching over us, God will deliver us!  To the honor and glory of God’s name! 

Saving God… May I never fail to acknowledge your name in gratitude and thanks.  

5.22.16  Luke 19:10 GNT
The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.
     Today is Luke’s last Sunday as an employee of Baker First Presbyterian Church.  It formally ends a three year relationship as Youth Director, additional years as a summer youth leader, and 29 years as a child of this church, baptized and confirmed here.  Luke has had a profound impact of the youth under his care, a relationship begun when many of these ‘kids’ were toddlers.  But my greatest admiration of my son comes in his ability to minister to the ‘lost’ – not just to the kids of church leaders, but to those whose parents never enter the doors of the church, sometimes to kids who have no church affiliation, but simply need a strong male role model.  It has been quite a ride to witness, as senior members and toddlers alike have bonded in a unified program.  He is leaving big shoes to fill, but leaving a church ready to continue seeking the lost and prepared to offer different shoes to his successor. 

God of the least…. May we all seek the lost with compassion and love. 

5.23.16  Acts 28:31 MSG
He explained everything about Jesus Christ. His door was always open.
      An open door indicates an open mind, an open view of the world, an open diversity of spirit.   Open doors set us up for new beginnings and new opportunities.  This verse from Acts speaks of Paul’s willingness and desire to talk with anyone and everyone about Christ – at any time and anywhere.  Do we keep our door open in such a manner?  How open is the door to our love? 
Ever available God… may I keep an open door to love. Amen. 

5.24.16  Isaiah 42:3-4 Varied
He will bring lasting justice to all…he will not give up until things are set right.
            Can we do any less?  Will we give up the fight for justice because the job seems too big, the challenge too overwhelming?  Will we just retreat to our comfortable homes and our full plates of food and turn our back to those who struggle?  Isaiah writes of the one to bring lasting justice….Isaiah writes not only of Jesus, but the Jesus-Within-Us.  The challenge is for us  - the hands and feet of God here on earth – to not give up.  To set things right.  Every day in some way. 

God of justice…. Give us the strength to keep up your work.  Give us the stamina to set things right.  Amen. 

5.25.16  Proverbs 17:16 GNT
It does a fool no good to spend money on an education, because he has no common sense.
            “For a smart person, you sure can be dumb sometimes.”  I don’t know how many times I heard my father express this thought.  Sometimes he was referring to his brilliant scientific brother, other times he might have been speaking about us, his children!  But all the intelligence, learning, education or brainpower in the world can’t compensate for the inability to apply that intellect to our surroundings and experiences. 
            Perhaps the analogy could be made in terms of Bible Wisdom and Bible Application.  Knowing the Word verse by verse doesn’t necessarily mean living the Word day to day.  Being able to quote chapter and verse is useless when one cannot apply that knowledge to fulfill said chapter and verse in service or compassion or love. 
            Does that mean education is worthless?  No!  It means common sense, or the  ability to transfer brain-power to muscle-power , is priceless! 
God grant me the common sense to put my knowledge to work in your name.  

5.26.16  Isaiah 25:1 MSG
God, you are my God.    I celebrate you. I praise you.  You’ve done your share of miracle-wonders, well-thought-out plans, solid and sure.
            ‘Well thought out plans’.  Makes me think of blueprints and building.  And God IS building -  building a better world, building relationships of love and compassion.   Does it sometimes seem like it will take a God-miracle for this to happen in today’s world?  Yes.  But God can work those kinds of miracles if each and every one of us starts doing our part.  We must also read the blueprints and plans and join in the building.  ‘Solid and sure’ – that’s the kind of building God has in mind.  We CAN do it! 

Builder God….help us read the blue-prints to a better world centered on love. Amen. 

5.27.16  Acts 20:24 GNT
But I reckon my own life to be worth nothing to me; I only want to complete my mission and finish the work that the Lord Jesus gave me to do, which is to declare the Good News about the grace of God.

            I am backing up to last Monday and our visit to the iris gardens north of Salem for my prayers.  What spectacular beauty declaring a tiny piece of God’s grace. 

5.28.16  Exodus 28:29 GNT
When Aaron enters the Holy Place, he will wear this breastpiece engraved with the names of the tribes of Israel, so that I, the Lord, will always remember my people.
            I walked my prayers today on the Bandon beach.  Denny Dyke, the labyrinth maker, was at work with his crew and a GIANT interlocking circle in the sand.  I got to help ‘groom’ the labyrinth before walking.  Lots of people, but I was still able to take my pace and reflect.  Dyke had a Memorial Day ‘alcove’ built in.  Pretty nice.  Thank you, God.
            I found this scripture interesting for a Memorial Day weekend passage.  We remember our fallen as their names are inscribed on plaques and statues, stones and pillars.  It is important to take time to remember the sacrifices made by others for our sake. 

5.31.16  Hebrews 13:7 VOICE
Listen to your leaders, who have spoken God’s word to you. Notice the fruits of their lives and mirror their faith.
            Mirrors.  Reflect.  Mirror the faith of our spiritual leaders, but especially mirror Christ.  He came to show us the way, face to face.  We have the Holy Spirit to continually be putting that mirror in front of us and asking, ‘How are we measuring up?’ 
            A busy week.  We drove home yesterday from Bandon and have four days to prepare to leave again.  Four days of church responsibilities, volunteer activities, in addition to packing up the trailer.  I will need to keep my mirror handy and be sure I am reflecting the image I need to reflect. 
            I am trying to learn to draw the Spirit Circles.  There is a pattern to this that I want to figure out.  
God of my unending path....may I look to mirror Christ in all I do and say.  Amen.