Tuesday, January 24, 2017

JANUARY: Praying with the Earth - TUESDAYS

Praying with the Earth - A Prayerbook for Peace
by John Philip Newell
Blessed are the humble for they are close to the sacred earth. Matthew 5.5

1.24.17  Tuesday Morning Prayer of Awareness
It is in the depths of life that we find you…
The very Soil of our soul.  JPN Excerpt
         Where do we find God?  Not on the surface, not in the trivial of life.  We find God in the trenches, working down deep in our lives.  I love Newell’s term, the Soil of our Soul.  What does soil do for the emerging plant?  It provides the nutrients, the energy, and sustenance for growth.  And there we find God in our developing souls – encouraging, supporting, nourishing us in ways we can’t even imagine.
         This is perhaps off the subject, but I did a keyword search within The Message for the use of the terms soil and dirt.  Wow!  What a difference in connotations.  Soil is good.  Soil is nourishment.  Dirt is….well, dirty!  Filth and perverse behavior.  I was intrigued, so I googled, “What is the difference between soil and dirt?”  The scientific answer?  Dirt is dead, misplaced soil. So….we are more alive, in tune with our world, when our soul is filled with the soil of God, rather than the dirt of the earth?  You get the picture, I think.

God of substance and nourishment, fill my soul with the soil of life.  Amen.  

1.25.17  Tuesday Morning Scriptures
I 'cheated' today and borrowed a Scribble
from 2012!!  But the text was right!
God lifts up those who are bowed down.  (Psalm 146:8)
Whoever wishes to be great among you must be a servant among you. (Matthew 20.26)
Why do you not bow to the one whom My own hands have made? (Quran – Sad 38.75)
          Be a servant of others.  Humility puts you in the position of servanthood, because humble people think of others first.  The Bible is filled with references to servants and the term would have been familiar in Biblical times because household servants were a common occurrence.  Jesus once again used concepts people understood, but often with a new twist or way of looking at things.  To be great and powerful, I must humble myself and serve those ‘beneath’ me?  YES! 
God of the Humble….May I serve you through my service to others. Amen.  

1.26.17 Tuesday Morning Prayer for the Life of the World
Guide us as nations to what is deepest
Open us as people to what is first
Lead us as a world to what is dearest
That we may know the holiness of wholeness
That we may learn the strength of humility
That together we may live close to the earth
And grow in grounded glory.  –JPN
         So many phrases in this prayer for the world that call to me.  I love ‘holiness of wholeness’, ‘open us as people’ and ‘together living close to the earth’.  But God speaks to me in ‘grow in grounded glory’.  Perhaps it is the alliteration I love, or that the word GLORY always brings a vision of light and beauty to my mind.  But grounded glory?  That sounds like making sure our heads aren’t in the clouds, blind to the realities of life around us!  To grow in such a glory….together our becoming filled with a presence of God while attune to the needs and sufferings of others. 
God of Glory…Ground me to the earth while surrounding me with your presence.  Amen. 

1.27.17 Tuesday Morning Prayer of Blessing
May the deep blessings of earth be with us
May the fathomless soundings of seas surge in our soul.
May boundless stretches of the universe echo in our depths
To open us to wonder
To strengthen us for love
To humble us with gratitude
That we may find ourselves in one another
That we may lose ourselves in gladness
That we give ourselves to peace. –jpn
Infinite universe
A Milky Way of twinkling lights
Stretching across the sky
In the magnitude of the Creator God.
Galaxy upon galaxy,
Black holes of nothingness, yet
Filled by God.
May the immensity spark wonder,
The immeasurable a sign of love
And bring us in awe to a
Recognition of our own
Value and worth.
A realization of you in me
And me in you.
Tiny hearts beating
Amid the sparkling universe.
Infinite love.
Infinite God.

Infinite God…connect us together within the vastness of your universe.  Amen.  

1.28.17     Tuesday Evening Prayer of Awareness
May we remember the ground from which we come
And know You as Presence in the mystery
As Evening Breeze in our soul
As Everlasting Strength in earth’s body. –JPN
         What does it mean to know God as Presence in the mystery?  The mystery of what?  The mystery of life?  Of Creation?  Of relationships?  How is God an evening breeze in our soul?  Newell uses some word images here that I don’t quite grasp, yet find intriguing.
         Yesterday I drove across the state…from the snow white, fog shrouded Baker valley, over a Ladd Canyon sunrise on the red and green barn,  past the hoarfrost of the Blue Mts., through the gorge of the mighty Columbia, and then down green fields of the Willamette Valley to Bandon.  I found hyacinths blooming on Mom’s front porch.  I can’t even imagine my bulbs bursting forth with green buried deep under the 2 feet plus of snow in Baker.  It was like driving through a weather warp, perhaps from the morning cold into the ocean breezes, from one expression of God glory to another. 

God of mysterious glory….fill my soul with the breeze of your presence.  Amen. 

1.29.17     Tuesday Evening Scriptures
God leads the humble in what is right. (Psalm 25.9)
The Son of Humankind came not to be served but to serve. (Matthew 20.28)
God has brought you forth from the earth like a plant and to the earth God will restore you. (Quran – Noah 71.17-18)
         We are talking the Blessed are the Meek Beatitude this round, and in looking at Psalm 25:9 through a variety of translations, I have found the word 'reject' used in Peterson’s The Message.  A word that I think changes the meaning dramatically.  Here are a few translations for this Beatitude:
  • He gives the REJECTS his hand, and guides them step by step. (MSG)
  • God guides the WEAK to justice, teaching them His way. (CEB)
  • The MEEK will He guide in judgement…(KJ21)
  • He will teach the ways that are right and best to those who humbly turn to Him. (Living Bible)
  • God leads the HUMBLE in what is right. (NRSV)
         So…. Do humble and weak mean the same thing?  Is reject a synonym?  What about meek?  To me these words are NOT all the same!  Humility does not equal weakness, and it certainly doesn’t mean a reject!  Maybe I am putting my 21st Century interpretation on this, but…..do the words really change the essence of the scripture when we consider Jesus’ words from Matthew?  The humble serve rather than wait to be served.  And that is what we are to do.  If that is a sign of weakness, then may I be a weak reject for God.  But somehow, I don’t think it makes me meek or weak, but simply a humble servant, with the strength to do what God has called me to do.   
God of Humility…May my first response be to serve.  Amen.  

1.30.17     Tuesday Evening Prayer for the World
May we love the earth and cherish her fecundity.
May we love the rivers and obey their ancient purity.
May we love the skies and honour their infinity
All for one another.  –jpn
Just for the record,  I had to look up fecundity.  It means fertility or the ability to produce.  Knowing the meaning helped make Newell’s prayer make sense to me.  Honor, obey, cherish that which is pure, eternal, and fertile.  Honor it all in and through and for one another.  We are an interwoven web of life on this earth.  We can’t separate the fibers of the cloth and expect the cloth to hold together.
         I find this relevant in light of today’s news concerning new immigration sanctions against targeted countries and religions.  Our new leader is intent on division rather than wholeness.  His actions seem to be picking the fibers of the earth apart rather than weaving a tapestry of love.  May we ALL call out in peaceful love, may we reach out to those who are apart and pull them back into our oneness. 
God of all Creation….Help us hold on to one another in love.  Amen. 

1.31.17     Tuesday Evening Prayer of Blessing
Glory be to you, Great Creating Spirit
Who shines in distant stars beyond numbering.
And on earth peace.
Glory be to you, Great Creating Spirit
Who sings and wings in birds on high.
And on earth peace.
Glory be to you, Great Creating Spirit
Whose thunder shakes the shining firmament.
And on earth peace.
Glory, glory, glory.
And on earth peace. –JPN
         ‘Glory be to you, Great Creating Spirit - And on earth peace’.  What greater prayer can we have for this day, this time?  I asked Rick to turn off the news last night after a half hour.  We watched a movie instead.  The only encouraging thing was to see that the country wasn’t taking the news quietly.  Protests were happening.  Will it be enough?  Will I lend my voice?  Will the thunder of the people shake the nation?  Peace.  Peace.  Peace in our homes and families, our communities, our country, our world. How can we interweave the Glory of God with the Peace of God in our lives?
God of Creating Glory….Help us find Your peace here on earth.  Amen.  
Totally off the subject, but as I posted this I realized I also see the word PRAY interwoven into this.
Perhaps that is our message....PRAY for the PEACE of God's GLORY.  

All quotations are from PRAYING with the EARTH: A Prayerbook for Peace by John Philip Newell.  William B Eerdman’s Publishing Company, 2011.   

Monday, January 16, 2017


-J Philip Newell
Blessed are those who weep, for their tears will be wiped away. Matt 5.4

Golden Light.
Fresh from the Source.
Creation’s colours
Calling our senses.  JPN Excerpt

         Any poem with color in it calls to me.  Any prayer that includes Creation’s colors is even better.  The colors of God call to us – visually, orally, palpably.  Take a look outside in the early morning.  The pink aura of the sky in the East reflecting off the ivory snow.  Green pines flocked with tiny crystals.  The chirps and songs of birds surging in and out of feeders.  The cold of the snow, the warmth of the fire.  God is speaking to us in so many ways, through so many avenues.  How can we fail to listen, to see, to know? 

Call to me, God, through all my senses, that I might seek your word. Amen.   

Wait for God.  Be strong and let your heart take courage.  Ps. 27.14
Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  Matt 6.23
Remember God deep in your soul with humility and reverence. Quran-Hts.7.295

         I am finding myself drawn in this prayerbook to the scriptures from the Quran, probably because I am so very unfamiliar with it. It is an opportunity to take a peek into the heart of Islam and perhaps understand it more.   “Remember God deep in your soul” – it sounds to me much like “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength”.  Remember with humility, with reverence.  I am mostly reverent, but humble?  Not always.  How far deep do I allow God to go?  Is my faith just on the surface, or do I invite God into every nook and cranny? There is much more to this simple verse than meets the eye.  Go deep.  God deep.  

Help me, Lord, to remember you deep within my heart and soul.  Amen.  

The yellow glow is HOPE emerging...from the center of all faiths.
(Reminder: Blue, Green, Purple represent Judaism, Islam,
and Christianity respectively.)
Let our soul breathe hope for the earth, for the creatures, for the human family.  JPN Excerpt
         May we BREATHE hope….for all the world and its creatures.  Not just to talk about hope, but to bring it out from that God place deep within us, to act with hope, to act to produce hope.  Suzanne reminds us of the earth and its creatures every Sunday during prayers.  Prayers for ALL the world. 
         I am watching the snow fall outside my window, wondering how I can be a messenger of hope this day.  What can I DO beyond prayer?  How can I put my prayers into action? 

God of Hope… may my soul breathe this day for all the world. 

On this day the blessings of earth…
To open us to life
To ground us in life
To fill us with life
And with wonder. -JPN excerpt
My fingers sift through cool, moist dirt
As I dig in rich garden soil.
Anticipation fills my heart
for the joy of emerging green.
The wonder of life trapped within a seed
Waiting for release.
Blessings. God.

I wander a mountain trail,
Shadows  and scent of pines,
Patches of wildflower color
Next to gurgling streams.
My stride strong, my heart sings,
For I am grounded by Creation,
Awed by the wonder of God’s artistry.
Blessings. God. 

I sit in solitude, listening.
The music of life fills the air
Chirps and peeps, chatters and barks.
The never-ending roar of the ocean,
The buzz of hummingbird wings.
The earth is filled with life
And I am again in wonder. 
Blessings.  God. 

Crystals of snow, rays of sunlight
Droplets of water, cottony clouds.
Blessings from the earth.
Life around us, life in us.
Awe. Wonder. Praise. Glory.
God. GMR

God of the Earth…Fill me with unending wonder at the glory of your Creation.  Amen. 

At the setting of the sun
In the darkness of the night…
We enter the dark with our years
To seek shelter in night’s sanctuary
To find strength for our souls
To know peace in our prayers and our resting. -JPN excerpt
         I found myself drawn in this evening prayer to the word ‘sanctuary’.  I looked up the definition to get more background on what is often just considered a ‘church place’.  I knew sanctuary was also a place of refuge, a safe haven.  That concept came about when fugitives were once immune to arrest when in such a place.  While that practice no longer applies (except perhaps in the immigration issue!), a sanctuary is considered still a place of protection, peace, and respite.
         With that in mind, to consider sleep our ‘night’s sanctuary’ fills me with hope.  It is a time to realign our thoughts, to find strength and recharging, to ‘find peace in our prayers’.  Yet, perhaps our sanctuary of sleep is much like our sanctuary of worship – we get out of it what we put into it.  How often do we go into sleep turning all those worries over to God?  How often do we fail to be recharged in worship because we are processing the details of life?  Sanctuary and God must go hand in hand…and then we will find the shelter of peace. 

God of sanctuary…Grant me peace within the shelter of sleep.  Amen.  

God heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Ps.147.3
Do not be afraid.  I am with you always. Matt 28:10,20
In the remembrance of God our hearts are comforted. Quran – Thunder 13.28

Jesus says “Do not be afraid. I am with you always.’
King David says ‘I will not fear.  I will trust God.’
The Angels tell the shepherds, ‘Do not be afraid.’
Through Isaiah, God speaks, ‘So fear not.  I am with you.’
Joshua tells the Israelites, ‘Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged.
Paul writes to the Philippians, ‘Do not be anxious about anything…’
Timothy says ‘God has not given us a spirit of fear’
Over and over, scripture tells us, ‘Don’t be afraid!’
Fear of failure, fear of defeat,
Fear of pain and suffering.
Fear of embarrassment and ridicule.
Fear Not.  Trust God. 
God can handle our fears.
God…help me to trust and put all my fears in your hands.   

May we be strong in our soul to cry at the wrongs of the nations, to weep with the bleeding earth. -JPN Excerpt
         Our nation has entered a new era with the inauguration of our new President.  It could be a scary time as we see basic human rights revoked or abused for certain aspects of our citizenry.  My soul does cry at the wrongs uttered, praying they won’t come to fruition.  Millions marched throughout the world yesterday in solidarity with the United States, the earth bleeding in the pain of anticipation, bleeding from the wounds of war, genocide, and cruelty in the name of faith. We must have strength within to do what is right, what is good, and noble, strength to voice our concerns and stand above the mob mentality.  I pray for our new government daily.  I want them to succeed, because to fail means all bleed.  I will do my part and take hope in yesterday’s scripture: ‘Fear not. I am with you.’ 

God…use my tears to wipe clean the wrongs of all nations. Amen.

Peace for the earth and its creatures
Peace for the world and its peoples. -JPN Excerpt

         Our world is desperately in need of this word, peace.  Maybe if we could break it down into an Acronym for five simple actions, we can begin to do our part.  Each simple act of compassion, encouragement, acceptance on behalf of someone who looks, thinks, or acts differently from me is a beginning. 

God of Peace….May we all do our part to bring peace to our world.  Amen.  

All quotations are from PRAYING with the EARTH: A Prayerbook for Peace by John Philip Newell.  William B Eerdman’s Publishing Company, 2011.   

Sunday, January 8, 2017

2017 JAN Meditations: Praying with the Earth - SUNDAYS

PRAYING with the EARTH: A Prayerbook for Peace
John Philip Newell

         John Philip Newell’s book Praying with the Earth focuses on the divisions in our world, the Beatitudes of Jesus, and common spiritual background of the three major religions.  An excerpt from the back of the book reads,
We as Jews, Christians, and Muslims share a common spiritual descent, yet painful divisions between us lie at the center of much conflict and war in the world today.  Praying with the Earth: A Prayerbook for Peace articulates the deep longings for peace that unite these great spiritual traditions.
         Each day’s meditations contain Old Testament scripture from the Jewish tradition, New Testament from Christianity, and text from the Koran (Muslim).  The book also focuses on common themes in the artwork of each faith: circular designs or mandalas that signify wholeness and completeness and interwovenness or the intricate web of life that connects us all.  Newell writes,
If as nations and religious traditions we were to follow the wisdom of artists, if we were to remember what they seem never to forget, then we would know that the themes that underlie the human soul are deeper than the patterns that distinguish us.  Then we would know that the lines that distinguish us can also be the interlacing that unites us. (p58)
         Wow.  Powerful.  The book is broken down into a series of daily prayers, morning and evening.  Each day centers on one of the ‘Blesseds’ from the Beautitudes.   I am going to pray and draw my way through it day by day.  Come…join me! 

SUNDAY:  Blessed are those who know their need for theirs is the grace of heaven.  (Matthew 5:3)

1.8.17       SUNDAY Morning Prayer of Awareness  
Light within all light
Soul behind all souls
At the breaking of dawn
At the coming of day
We wait and watch. 
Your Light within the morning light
Your Soul within the human soul
Your Presence beckoning to us from the heart of life.
I attempted to include the colors of the rising sun as it
dances on the snowy surface surrounding us.  
In the dawning of this day
Let us know fresh shinings in our soul.
In the growing colours of new beginning all around us
Let us know the first lights of our heart.
Great Star of the morning
Inner Flame of the universe
Let us be a colour in this new dawning.  (John Philip Newell)       

         I write as the morning sun struggles to break through the clouds and cast its pale pinks and purples across the white landscape.  Morning light that reaches into the shadows of the night with brightness but also illumination.  The colors weave in and around.  God is woven in and through our lives.  May we see the light.  May we welcome the Light.  And, as the last line voices, may we BE a color in our new day.  May we shine with the love of God.  AMEN!

1.9.17       Sunday Morning Scriptures
God is our shelter and strength; always ready to help in times of trouble. (Psalm 46.1 GNT)
Ask and it will be given you.  Seek and you will find.  Knock and the door will be opened to you.  (Matthew 7.7 GNT)
For every soul there is a guardian watching it. (Quran – Nightly Visitant 86.4)

         We have a need for God and we are blessed when we come to that realization.  God is watching over us, tending to our needs even before we realize we have them, but still waiting, waiting for the knock that truly will open the door to the Kingdom of Heaven.  What a sense of comfort and security to know GOD IS PRESENT! 

         As I wrote my prayers on today’s drawing, I found myself dividing the circles into family; friends & community; and world.  For some reason this made the intersection of the circles in the middle more vibrant – the interweaving of our lives and others – all within the presence of a guardian God.  May I knock today and open the door to such a blessing.  

1.10.17     Sunday Morning Prayer for the Life of the World
In the life of the world this day
And in our own hearts
Let there be fresh tears of love. (John Philip Newell)

FYI: The braid design encorporates the colors of the
three major Abrahamic faiths:
Green - Islam; Blue - Judaism; Purple - Christianity (Advent & Lent)
         ‘Fresh tears of love’.  What a phrase!  But the poet is asking us to daily see the pain and joy in our world, to daily ask ourselves, ‘What can I do?’ to ease and comfort, to celebrate and affirm.  How do we shed tears of love without being involved and engaged?  

         Last night as I watched the College Championship football game, I was attempting to put tears and hearts into a circular, interwoven pattern of design.  Our guest simply said, ‘Ginger, what in the world are you drawing?!’  I tried to explain, but realized again the challenge before me for the next two months as I visually work through Newell’s book. 

1.11.17     Sunday Morning Prayer of Blessing
May the sparks of God’s beauty
Dance in the eyes of those we love. (J.Philip Newell)

         The imagery and poetry of these two lines really jumped out at me in Newell’s Prayer of Blessing.  Sparks give the impression of short, tiny bursts of God – everywhere!  So often we look for the big miracle, the lightning bolt, and miss all these little sparks flashing around us.  May we look around at our circle of friends and family, those we hold most dear, and recognize all the wonder, all the love, dancing among us.  Sparks of God! 

God of beauty, God of love…. Help me recognize your daily dance. Amen. 

1.12.17     Sunday Evening Prayer of Awareness
As light gives way to darkness
And the busyness of day concedes to night’s stillness…
We pause to listen
For the beat of your Presence in all things…. JPN

         Yesterday we looked for sparks of God beauty everywhere.  Today, in this evening prayer at the close of day, we stop to listen.  What does the beat of God’s Presence sound like?  Is it the rhythm of my mate’s heart beating next to mine?  Is it the pulse of a community working together to clear the snow?  Is the echo of laughter as children enjoy a day off from school?  In the stillness of the snowfall, can we HEAR God quietly, surely, drift into the cracks and crevices of our lives?  
         Oregon has been buried in snow this week.  Portland got over a foot in a surprise and unexpected amount.  Baker was a sea of white yesterday morning and school was cancelled once again to give the plows time to catch up.  For some reason then, this interwoven design with six points reminds me of a snowflake.  It just seemed appropriate for today's prayers.  

God of light, God of darkness… May I pause to truly listen.  Amen.  

1.13.17     Sunday Evening Scriptures
The compassion of God is for all that has been made. (Psalm 145.9)
Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  (Matthew 11.28)
By the light of day and by the dark of night, your God has not forgotten you. Quran-Daylight 93.1-3)
Proud of myself....I drew the interlocking hearts myself!
No tracing off the internet! 

         The Psalmist in Psalm 145 writes of an all-inclusive love of God – ALL that has been made.  Not just the Christians, not just the Jews or Muslims, but ALL.  That includes the atheists, agnostics, Hindus, Buddhists, and on and on.  ALL.  And why not?  God created us all.  God loves us all.  God cares for all.  As an artist, I have a love for that which I have created.  God is no different.  How can we think otherwise?

God of all… Help us to respect and honor all in your name, through your love.  Amen. 

1.14.17     Sunday Evening Prayer for the World
May those who carry great burdens for their people find strength,
May the midwives of new beginnings in our world find hope. JPN
         Are we not all midwives of new beginnings?  Do we not all have the potential to reach out and give birth to hope?  What a blessed birth it will be!  Somewhat akin to our God giving birth to HOPE two thousand years ago.  Now it is our job to remember and rebirth. 

Birthing Hope
A baby born
In stable hay,
Infant innocence
God incarnate.
God alone, midwife.

Two thousands years hence,
You are midwife.
I am midwife.
In a rebirth
Like stable hay, humbly.
As infant innocence, purely.
Not in worldwide scope,
But intimately, intentionally.
Hope delivered…
         In the kindness to a neighbor,
         A card of affirmation,
         An unexpected gift.
Hope brought forth…
         In a welcoming smile,
         A tender touch,
         Mended relationships.
Hope rebirthed…
         In helping hands,
         Warm homes,
         New beginnings.
Hope manifest…
         In joyful laughter,
         Faithful trust,
         In a patchwork of Love.
Let us all be midwives of Hope. GMR      

1.15.17     Sunday Evening Prayer of Blessing
I realized I have never taken the Cubism style of drawing
to my prayers before.  It was rather fun!  
In sleep may we be made new this night. 
In sleep may we let go of today and release the worries of tomorrow. JPN
         Each day is a fresh start, made new.  When we lay down our heads on that soft pillow, all the hurts and pains, mistakes and frustrations of the day can drift away.  The worries for tomorrow can be released to God’s hands.  When we awaken, we have a clean slate.  What a joy to go to sleep at night with that reassurance! 

As I head into bed, O God, take my cares and grant me peaceful sleep.  Amen. 

All quotations are from PRAYING with the EARTH: A Prayerbook for Peace by John Philip Newell.  William B Eerdman’s Publishing Company, 2011.