Sunday, July 31, 2022

Falling Upward by Richard Rohr


by Richard Rohr

     Early summer 2021 our interim pastor, Randy Butler, gave me a book upon his departure - a book by Richard Rohr titled FALLING UPWARD.  I was in the middle of a multi year devotion by Bob Goff, and didn't get to reading Rohr's book until a year later.  So finally....I am ready to post my prayer drawings based on the book.  Thank you, Randy, for this gem of insight.  It really causes us to stop and think, "How ARE we spending the second half of life?"



CHAPTER ONE: The Two Halves of Life

CHAPTER TWO: The Hero and Heroine's Journey

CHAPTER THREE:  The First Half of Life

CHAPTER FOUR:  The Tragic Sense of Life

CHAPTER FIVE:  Stumbling Over the Stumbling Stone

CHAPTER SIX:  Necessary Suffering

CHAPTER SEVEN:  Home and Homesickness

CHAPTER EIGHT:  Amnesia and the Big Picture

CHAPTER NINE:  A Second Simplicity

CHAPTER TEN:  A Bright Sadness

CHAPTER ELEVEN:  The Shadowlands

CHAPTER TWELVE:  New Problems and New Directions


CODA: A Meditation on a Poem by Thomas Merton