Monday, October 3, 2016

October 2016 Scripture Meditations

10.1.16     Colossians 1:13  GNT
God rescued us from the power of darkness and brought us safe in the kingdom of his Son…
PRISMA rendition of the beautiful fall foliage going
over Santiam Pass. 
         The ‘power of darkness’ seems so Star War-ish, but it is a good term for how we blindly strike out on our own in the dark.  Dark depresses and shuts us off from seeing our path.  The power of the dark to lead us astray, to lead us away from God, is strong.  Yet God has given us a ‘light unto our path’ to quote a well known song.  Jesus.  The Kingdom of Heaven.  Here and now. 
         On this my second day of travel homeward, it is comforting to know that I have a guide leading me, a God who will bring me safely home. 

Thank you, Lord, for the light that leads us out of darkness.  Amen.

10.2.16     Psalm 5:11 GNT
But all who find safety in you will rejoice; they can always sing for joy. 
         We can always find something in each day worthy of praise and rejoicing!  Sometimes it is easier to find than others as some days seem to produce darkness and gloom on an hourly basis.  But I’m a firm believer in ‘silver linings’ and ‘God has a plan for making this work’. 
         Today will be a busy day of church, visitations, and getting ready to leave for the SW early tomorrow morning.  But I shall take time out to sing with joy for the little things that reflect God’s light. 
May I rejoice often in each reflection of your light and love, O God. Amen.   

10.3.16     Proverbs 19:15 MSG
Life collapses on loafers; lazy bones go hungry.
         I love some of the adages from Proverbs!  Such little tidbits of wisdom!  So many other words of wisdom similar to this one – don’t be lazy!  Don’t wait for someone else to do the job, to make the contact, to mend the relationship, to extend the helping hand. 
         On the road today so little time for reflection and artwork.  We put in 585 miles, our single longest day of travel towing this trailer.  (We logged over 700 miles leaving Tucson one day with Luke and the tent trailer!)  So….we were NOT loafers today!!  Tomorrow?  Edgewood and family! 
Lord God, may I always do my part and not succumb to laziness.  Amen. 

10.4.16     1 Corinthians 6:11 MSG
You’ve been cleaned up and given a fresh start by Jesus, our Master and Messiah, and by our God present in us, the Spirit… 
    Two parts of this verse that speak to me.  I like the image of being ‘cleaned up’ by God/Jesus.  I can imagine a washcloth cleaning me up, wiping my errors off my face, and letting me start fresh once again.  Secondly I love the image of God present IN us through the Spirit.  The Almighty God in me, in little old insignificant me, one of trillions of life forms in this universe.  And such a God can abide IN ME!  Think about it!  Pretty amazing. 
God of the universe, may your Spirit abide in me….always.  Amen.

10.5.16     1 Samuel 12:15 GNT
But if you do not listen to the Lord but disobey his commands, he will be against you and your king.
         If we want God on ‘our side’ we must be on ‘God’s side’, ergo….doing what God wants us to do.  Short and sweet.  Catch up day. 
Help me to listen, Lord, REALLY listen to your voice.  Amen.

10.6.16     Romans 5:2 MSG
We throw open our doors to God and discover at the same moment that he has already thrown open his door to us. We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand—out in the wide open spaces of God’s grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise.
       There is something about this verse, perhaps the phrase ‘wide open spaces of God’s glory’ that reminds me of mountain vistas, sunrises and sunsets, and all the examples we witness of God when outdoors.  It is definitely where ‘we hope to stand’!  With each sunrise, God is throwing open the door.  May we return the favor and throw open the door to our heart to God.  And sing our praise! 
The door is wide open, God.  May I walk through in praise! Amen. 

10.7.16     Exodus 15:11 MSG
   Who compares with you among gods, O God?
    Who compares with you in power, in holy majesty,
    In awesome praises, wonder-working God?
         This is another appropriate text for the glory and majesty we witnessed while driving through Southern Colorado.  The snow peaks in the Pagosa valley were incredibly glorious!  Who compares with the creative power of the Almighty?  None!  The universe is his!  Also appropriate for the majesty of the night sky on recent clear evenings walking out to the trailer.  The Milky Way and the stars are so bright, the sliver of a crescent moon so stark against the deep blue.  Gorgeous. 
All praise to you, O God!  Amen!  

10.8.16     Exodus 15:13 GNT
Faithful to your promise, you led the people you had rescued;
    by your strength you guided them to your sacred land.
Today's drawing is a composite of Randy's gate
and a New Mexico sunrise from the trailer. 
And by God’s strength we are still led today into the Kingdom of God.  God is faithful.  God is present.  Even when we fail to recognize God in the chaos of our world today.  If we can just see the God present in each other, we will see God.  God is not absent.  We have simply blinded ourselves to God under the veil of our own selfishness and prejudice. 

Faithful God…may love remove our blindness, may faith guide us to you.  Amen. 

10.9.16     Psalm 91:4 Voice
Like a bird protecting its young, God will cover you with His feathers,
    will protect you under His great wings….
         One of my favorite scripture verses – the metaphor of the eagle and its young, God the protector.  I have drawn this several times.  Perhaps I will simply add my prayers today to an old scribble of this scripture.  I preached a whole sermon once on the Eagle and God. 

Eagle God…hold all your children safe within your wings.  Amen.  

10.10.16   Hebrews 12:28-29 MSG
For God is not an indifferent bystander. He’s actively cleaning house, torching all that needs to burn, and he won’t quit until it’s all cleansed. God himself is Fire!
         Ouch!  This is a verse that literally burns with the flames of redemption and cleansing, a little ‘hell, fire, and brimstone’ thrown in for good measure.  It goes against the ‘loving God’ image while describing a God that punishes the transgressors.  I like to think we rather punish ourselves when we separate ourselves from God through sin.  So perhaps fire is the separating wall that we ourselves erect. 
God of fire…burn through the walls we create that separate us from your love.  Amen. 

10.11.16   Psalm 96:9 MSG
Bring gifts and celebrate,
Bow before the beauty of God,
Then to your knees—everyone worship!
         Celebrate!  Worship!  Sing praise to our God!  Wow….what a difference one day can make in the feel of the scripture.  Yesterday, fire and brimstone; today, celebration and praise!  I would rather concentrate on the praise!  I’ll use the beauty and celebration of the Balloon Fiesta for my prayers!
Hear my prayers, O God, prayers of praise and prayers of supplication.  Amen.

10.12.16   Ezekiel 38:23 MSG
 “‘I’ll show you how great I am, how holy I am. I’ll make myself known all over the world. Then you’ll realize that I am God.’”
       It doesn’t take but a look around when hiking on a trail or gazing at a sunrise or sunset to know how ‘great God is’, how holy.  The evidence is everywhere is we have eyes to see and hearts to acknowledge.  May I continue to look for God’s presence each day and proclaim it, to help ‘make God known all over the world’.  
Give me eyes and heart to see, God, your presence everywhere.  Amen.

10.13.16   Psalm 10:15 GNT
Break the power of wicked and evil people;
    punish them for the wrong they have done
    until they do it no more.
         I guess I’m not as concerned with the punishment factor – that’s God’s business – but I sure would like to see the power of the wicked broken.  The power of war and greed, the power of prejudice and intolerance, the power of selfishness and dishonesty BROKEN!!  What is my role in breaking such power?  Every time I fail to act, fail to identify, fail to speak when facing the power of evil, I have failed to break such power.  It brings to mind the saying, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. (Edmund Burke)

Stir me to action, God, when facing the power of evil.  Amen.  

10.14.16   Romans 6:11 MSG
That means you must not give sin a vote in the way you conduct your lives. Don’t give it the time of day.
         It is election season.  The Presidential election is just weeks away and the system is in chaos.  A major party questions its nominee, because the nominee has revealed to be sinful in some rather major ways.  None of us are without sin, but……  Will the nation give ‘sin a vote’ by electing this man.  I hope not.  Let us concentrate on the issues, the positive in each candidate.  So much of this election has focused on the bad. 

Lord, may I focus my days on the good in all around me, not giving SIN the opportunity to rear its ugly head. Amen. 

10.15.16   Proverbs 18:24 MSG
Friends come and friends go,
    but a true friend sticks by you like family.
         Ah, the old saying, “You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family.”  And yet, the ties that bind us to family, regardless of the relationships within, are strong, and a true friend can give us that link just as well.  Families have history, a shared heritage, that friends don’t have.  But true friends have developed in a shorter time a similar history and bond. True friends ARE family in my mind. 

God of friendship….help me develop that kind of relationship with you. Amen.  

10.16.16   Mark 9:23 MSG
Jesus said, “If? There are no ‘ifs’ among believers. Anything can happen.”
         My first thought when I read these lines is Genia, once again undergoing chemo for an aggressive cancer.  Anything can happen.  Healing can come with God. Yet, so much pain…. Not IF she lives. There is always hope.   And yet… my faith weak?  No Ifs.  Believe.  Believe that God is in control and can make positive come from anything.  God has Genia in HIS hands and that's all that really matters. 

Give me faith, Lord….faith that with you anything truly can happen. Amen.  

10.17.16   Mark 9:41 GNT
 I assure you that anyone who gives you a drink of water because you belong to me will certainly receive a reward.
         Currently in Tucson, AZ, during a freak October heat wave (mid 90’s).  We went hiking on Friday and I probably didn’t tank up on the water as I should have.  Got dizzy and light-headed.  A drink of water was welcome, even if it was warm.  Rick gave me more than my share of the two liters we had with us.  Water is life-giving.  Water is a beautiful analogy to the force of life the Spirit of God can put within us. 

God of Abundant Water…may your spirit quench our thirsting hearts.  Amen. 

10.18.16   1 Timothy 1:12 MSG
I’m so grateful to Christ Jesus for making me adequate to do this work. He went out on a limb, you know, in trusting me with this ministry.
         This verse is so apropos for my CHRPA work yesterday.  It is only through God/Christ that I am able to volunteer effectively at CHRPA.  I often don’t have a clue as to what I am doing (or worse yet, just bare minimum knowledge!)  Yes, God ‘trusts me’ with this service.  The homeowners that I serve trust me.  My partner trusts me.  It is just a little scary. 
         Yesterday we installed a hot water heater for a wheelchair bound Hispanic lady and her son.  The house is in a sad state of disrepair.  They hadn’t had hot water all summer and were so excited with anticipation of a hot shower.  My partner had never installed a GAS hot water heater before, but thankfully he had some plumbing skills.  I learned a lot.  I got to sweat and solder some copper fittings.  I used a mini pipe cutter.  Adequate.  That about sums it up.  Not skilled, just adequate. 

God…thank you for trusting me to serve you in this CHRPA ministry. Amen.  

10.19.16   Zechariah 7:9-10 MSG
“‘Treat one another justly.
Love your neighbors.
Be compassionate with each other.
Don’t take advantage of widows, orphans, visitors, and the poor.
         Well, this pretty well sums it all up.  Love, compassion, justice.  In a nutshell, that’s how we are to treat one another.  Special attention to those who are disadvantaged: the widows and orphans, immigrants or foreigners, the poor.  These are the ones that CHRPA targets – elderly, veterans, disabled.  Our service is one of compassion and justice.  Everyone deserves a decent, affordable place to live. 

Thank you, God, for the work CHRPA does to reach out in love to those who most need it.  Amen. 

10.20.16   1 John 2:6 MSG
 Anyone who claims to be intimate with God ought to live the same kind of life Jesus lived.
This beautiful Oleander was just outside a CHRPA client home. 
     I find the word ‘intimate’ interesting here because last Sunday the sermon was on INTIMACY.  The preacher liken the word to INTO ME SEE.  When we are totally open with one another we can see into each other.  Such an intimacy with God changes us, changes how we live, allows us to live as Jesus lived: open, loving, and totally accepting of others.  Can I claim intimacy with God?  Does my life reflect such a claim?  God sees into me already, but do I accept that vision? 

God…help my life reflect an intimate relationship with you.  Amen. 

10.21.16   Proverbs 1:7 Voice
The worship of the Eternal One is the first step toward knowledge.  Fools cannot stand wisdom or guidance.  
         Confession.  Today’s proverb from chapter 20 actually admonishes against drunkenness.  It wasn’t relevant to me.  So I found this one at the beginning of the book and it caught my eye in an election season sense.  I won’t mention candidate names, BUT…one candidate resonates with the uneducated and disenfranchised.  Said candidate does not worship God alone, but seems to worship SELF far more.  S/He fears knowledge among the electorate because such wisdom illuminates one’s faults and untruths. I feel like this is the first
election when we might find out just how ignorant the American public is.  Trust me, both candidates have their faults.  I really don’t feel good about either.  But to pander to the disenfranchised because they don’t know any better is wrong.  This is the very group Jesus sought to serve, but candidate interest is solely for the vote.  If service was the goal, personal money would be directed at the problems, not just empty words.  Gosh I’ll be glad when November 8 rolls around and this is all resolved! 
God…may our votes be cast with YOUR message in our hearts.  Amen.  

10.22.16   Colossians 2:15 GNT
Christ stripped the spiritual rulers and authorities of their power; he made a public spectacle of them by leading them as captives in his victory procession.
A PRISMA rendition of the plant in front of the Caris Mirror Lab at UA.  
       We have had spiritual rulers as a public spectacle, especially with regard to sexual misconduct charges.  And the result today?  A loss of trust and faith, especially among the young people, in any sort of established religion.  Belief in God is fine, but the organized church is a mess.  As it was in Jesus’ time.  So perhaps we need to take a good hard look at Jesus’ preaching and ‘strip’ the church down to the basic essentials of the Gospel Message: to love one another and serve one another.  Such a church will lead the victory processions. 

Lord…May we focus on the essentials of your message – LOVE and SERVICE to all.  Amen. 

10.23.16   Malachi 3:7 GNT
You, like your ancestors before you, have turned away from my laws and have not kept them. Turn back to me, and I will turn to you. But you ask, ‘What must we do to turn back to you?’
         What must we do to turn our world back to God?  Stop thinking of ourselves and what WE want!  Stop thinking of divisions and seek unity!  One God!  Who cares what name we give God or how we worship God!  If we are putting God first in our lives, the world will be a better place. 
         A beautiful sunrise this morning with light rays perfect forming around the rising glow.  God is present!  Amen!

God of all….May the light of your love rise once again.  Amen.  

SERMON NOTES: Shalom Mennonite Fellowship
Adam Hostettler
·       Watch movie Angels in America.  About those who feel unsafe, unwanted, unloved. 
·       Metaphors with the angels in Luke 2 and Jacob wrestling with angel (God) in Genesis.
·       Check out   ‘Small, but powerful’!
Water your good seeds.
“Arrange things in your daily life so that you have time to water your positive seeds. Ask your loved ones to practice in the same way. Say, ‘Darling, if you really care for me, please water the good seeds in me every day. I am capable of loving, understanding, and forgiving and I need your help to practice these in my daily life. I promise to recognize the positive seeds in you, as well, and to do my best to water them every day.’ “ This is true love. (Thich Nhat Hanh)
Let the bad seeds dry up with neglect.  Focus on the positive traits in yourself and one another.  Grow the positive.  Make this a spiritual practice. 
Our watering will spill over into the gardens of others and ALL WILL GROW! 
More on Good Seeds from Thich Nhat Hanh:
Our mind is like a piece of land planted with many different kinds of seeds: seeds of joy, peace, mindfulness, understanding, and love; seeds of craving, anger, fear, hate, and forgetfulness. These wholesome and unwholesome seeds are always there, sleeping in the soil of your mind. The quality of your life depends on the seeds you water. If you plant tomato seeds in your gardens, tomatoes will grow. Just so, if you water a seed of peace in your mind, peace will grow. When the seeds of happiness in you are watered, you will become happy. When the seed of anger in you is watered, you will become angry. The seeds that are watered frequently are those that will grow strong. – Thich Nhat Hanh

10.24.16   Isaiah 29:15 GNT
 Those who try to hide their plans from the Lord are doomed! They carry out their schemes in secret and think no one will see them or know what they are doing.
         The words ‘hide’ and ‘see’ made me think again of last Sunday’s sermon on Intimacy.  When we are intimate with another, we hide nothing; we allow another to see into our innermost self.  We can put barriers up to our intimacy with God, but God maintains no such barriers with us.  We can try to hide, but in truth, we cannot.  God knows what we are doing.  God wants us to put ourselves totally in the open with God and with others.  No secrets, no hidden agendas.  How intimate is my relationship with God, with my spouse, family and friends? 
God of intimacy….open my heart and soul to risk such relationships with those I love.  Amen.  

10.25.16   1 John 3:8 GNT
Whoever continues to sin belongs to the Devil, because the Devil has sinned from the very beginning. The Son of God appeared for this very reason, to destroy what the Devil had done.
While building a ramp today, Abi and I had a discussion on the Devil! 
         Jesus didn’t destroy much as he concentrated on building people and ideas UP, but he did bring down the moneychanger tables, he did get very angry on occasion.  The source of such anger was always the Devil. 
         I’m not big on ‘Devil talk’.  I prefer to think of sin as an estrangement from God.  When we have that intimate relationship with God there is no room for evil, no room for Satan to live.  So in teaching up to build intimacy with God, Jesus destroyed sin. 
May my relationship with you, God, leave no room in my heart for the power of evil.  Amen.  

10.26.16   Psalm 93:5 GNT
Your laws are eternal, Lord,
    and your Temple is holy indeed,
    forever and ever.
As we passed through Las Vegas, the setting sun put on a display
in front of the palm trees and distant hills.  Beautiful!  
         Each one of us is a part of the temple of God; God within us.  And that makes us holy.  The responsibility is immense, but to truly live in relationship with God we can be and do great things within that relationship.  How do I treat my holy temple of a body?  What kind of respect do I show God in how I treat my holy physical being? 
Eternal God…may I show reverence for you in the reverence I give the holy temple of my physical being.  Amen.

10.27.16   1 John 2:17 Voice
This corrupt world is already wasting away, as are its selfish desires. But the person really doing God’s will—that person will never cease to be.
Nothing like Hwy 93 heading north from Las Vegas...a straight lonely
road heading into the vast interior of Nevada.  
         The person doing God’s will – REALLY doing God’s will – shall never die.  In one way or another the will of God will live on.  I think of amazing people, God people, who pass away from this life, yet seem to live on and on in the words they spoke, the deeds they did, the effects they had on other people.  I want to be the kind of person who might just have that effect on others, but it takes sacrificing my personal desires and focusing solely on what God would have me do.  Easy to say, so very hard to do. 
         Another 544 miles on the road today.  I need to make it more of a challenge to compliment gas station attendants, fast food workers, fellow travelers I encounter on these days of travel.  I need to make a difference in even a small way. 

God…use me to do your will with small acts of kindness and love while I am on the road.  Amen.  

10.28.16   1 Peter 2:12 MSG
 Live an exemplary life among the natives so that your actions will refute their prejudices.
Flower images are from Tucson client gardens!
I kinda laugh when I read the word ‘natives’ here, as if our neighbors are natives from another land!  But the more accurate term might be ‘non-believers’.  Live our love.  Preach with our actions, not words.  Carry out our daily affairs in such a way that the Gospel Message cannot be refuted.  That’s a tall order.  It is hard to live such an exemplary life day in and day out.  But it is a good goal to have – stars worth reaching for. 

Loving God….you gave us an example, may we serve as one as well. Amen.  

10.30.16   Acts 14:21-22 GNT
They strengthened the believers and encouraged them to remain true to the faith. “We must pass through many troubles to enter the Kingdom of God,” they taught.
         Jesus never said the way would be easy.  Remember the narrow gate?  But each time we pass through the troubles, we learn more and more to rely on the grace and mercy of God.  We gain trust.  We put our own issues aside and learn to serve.  As I write this, I think of Genia encouraging others in the hospital while she faces more chemo, pain, and uncertainty.  What a source of light she is, an example of remaining true to the faith.  I thank God for the opportunity to witness and receive her blessings. 
When troubles come, Lord, may I remain true to you.  Amen.

10.31.16   2 Thessalonians 3:3 MSG
But the Master never lets us down. He’ll stick by you and protect you from evil.
         What can be more assuring.  God never lets us down (in spite of what we think at times!)  God is always with us, watching over us, and helping us make the right choices (if only we would listen to God advice!) 
It is the end of the month, another month of travel.  Within these 31 days I have been from Bandon to Baker City to Albuquerque to Tucson and back to Baker City.  And God has traveled with me, each mile of the way, opening my eyes to needs, opportunities, and beauty. 
Thank you, God, for being such a steadfast companion.  Amen.