Wednesday, March 27, 2013


SATURDAY, March 30  “Debts and Death”
1 Corinthians 15:55  (The Message)
“Death swallowed by triumphant Life!
Who got the last word, oh, Death?
Oh, Death, who’s afraid of you now?
    Our Daily Bread  tells the story of a man who heard a radio ad for ‘beating death’.  He wondered, a new diet craze or fitness fad, cryogenics?  Then he realized the ad was to beat ‘debt’ for good!  Through his death and resurrection, Jesus did both:  victory over our physical death and payment for the debt of our sin.  We beat both death and debt at once! 
     With the promise of a new house, Habitat homeowners also might feel they have overcome both death and debt.  Unsafe and unsanitary living conditions can result in poor health or even death.  Financial woes can be the reason for not having the money to put down on conventional housing.  While the homeowner puts in plenty of sweat equity to their ‘debt’, the banking arrangements of Habitat homes are such that homeowners have hope for a brighter future. 
     Every time a new Habitat home is dedicated and blessed, another resurrection of new hope and light takes place!  Keep building!  ‘Homelessness’, who’s afraid of you now? 
“We owed a debt we couldn’t pay, Jesus paid a debt He didn’t owe.”  (ODB)

GOOD FRIDAY, March 29   “It Is Finished”
John 19:30 (Message)
After he took the wine, Jesus said, ‘It’s done….complete.’ Bowing his head, he offered up his spirit. 
     It is done.  It is finished.  The words of Christ upon the cross.  Not words of defeat, however, but words of victory.  This time of earth living in the form of a man was over, a time of trial and pain complete.  Resurrection was ahead!  Life and light awaited!
     When a Habitat house is finished, a dedication ceremony takes place.  All the sweat-equity hours are over for the homeowner, the volunteer hours of labor complete for the builders.  It’s done….complete.  The keys are handed over, paperwork signed.  But for the homeowner, it is a new beginning.  Habitat houses so often provide new life in the form of security and safety, comfort, and hope. 
     As we build Habitat houses, may we sense the cross and crucifixion in our labor, but ultimately may we celebrate the joy, the hope, and the excitement of the Resurrection when ‘It is finished.’

MAUNDY THURSDAY, March 28  “Darkness”
John 13:26-30 (The Message)
“Jesus said, ‘The one to whom I give this crust of bread after I’ve dipped it.’ Then he dipped the crust and gave it to Judas, son of Simon the Iscariot.  As soon as the bread was in his hand, Satan entered him. 
‘What you must do,’ said Jesus, ‘do.  Do it and get it over with.’
No one around the supper table knew why he said this to him.  Some thought that since Judas was their treasurer, Jesus was telling him to buy what they needed for the Feast, or that he should give something to the poor. 
Judas, with the piece of bread, left.  It was night.”
Night, darkness.
Despair, death.
The sense of sorrow lingers
    as Judas goes out the door.
What is happening?
But the veil of uncertainty will continue
    for a few more days.
The shadows of Gethsemane
    Surround agonizing prayer.
Jesus knowing the future,
Yet as a man frightened with apprehension.
Mockery under a midnight council
    of those who should have been his support.
And even in mid-day,
Darkness prevailed as mankind
Crucified the Son of God.
Maundy Thursday.
We remember the dark that surrounds Holy Week.
We remember the pain and suffering,
The sacrifice of ultimate love endured for us.
One by one the lights are extinguished,
Our Sin is magnified,
Our separation extended,
Until the Light and Life of Resurrection.
Until Sunday,
    when darkness is no more.

Calvary reveals the vileness of our sin and the vastness of God’s love.  (Our Daily Bread)

WEDNESDAY, March 27  “To KNOW Truth”
John 17:17 (Message)
[Jesus is praying to God].  “Make them holy – consecrated – with the truth;  Your Word is consecrating truth.”
     The Our Daily Bread devotional goes on to quote from Luke 4:1-13 and the Temptation of Jesus in the desert.  Jesus and Satan were having a verbal battle quoting scripture.  We have all heard those who attempt to use scripture to justify something that is wrong or those who give the scripture out of context; they don’t tell the ‘whole truth’. What is our defense?  We must KNOW God’s message.  It must be more than verses in a book, lines from a sermon.  In the Hebrew language, the verb TO KNOW often meant an intimate relationship.  That’s how we must know our God.  Internally, from within our heart and soul.  In this way TRUTH will emanate from us in ways we might not be able to control.  That will be God at work through us.
      In Habitat work to KNOW construction means building without having to literary think through every detail.  When a supervisor has a crew that is grounded in construction truth, the job flows.  I’m afraid I am still at the manual stage in construction, but I hope God’s truth is beginning to be consecrated within me. 

TUESDAY, March 26 “Creation Tenders”
Genesis 1:27-28  (The Message)
“God created human beings; he created them godlike.
Reflecting God’s nature, he created them male and female.
God blessed them: ‘Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge!
Be responsible for fish in the sea and birds in the air,
For every living thing that moves on the face of Earth.”
     Psalm 24 opens with, “The Earth is the Lord’s and everything within it.”  This spinning orb in space does not belong as a possession to us, its residents, to use, abuse, and then toss aside.  We are responsible for all life on the planet, both animal and other humans.  We are responsible to care for the natural resources in a way that prospers the earth rather than degrades. 
     This message today in Our Daily Bread seems appropriate for our move to Hobbs.  The transition from the culture and overall vibe of Tucson to Hobbs is striking.  We have shifted from the environmental oasis of Tucson with its biking lanes, recycling programs, xeriscape landscaping, and multiple aid programs for those in need to oil-rich Hobbs. At first glance, the town is bursting at its seams, wantonly using natural resources of water and power, gouging its citizens and workers with boom-town, inflated pricing.  Why?  Because they can?  Because the resources, for the moment, are available and plentiful?  Fortunately, the city fully supports the work of the local Habitat - city coffers are overflowing and they are willing to spend on behalf of Habitat work.  We asked at the meeting yesterday about the logic of planting grass in the front of the homes….isn’t water an issue?  Apparently not yet.   
     Responsibility for Creation is a fine line between liberal environmentalism at all cost to exploitation of the earth no matter what.  But when we abandon our job as tender of creation and mistreat our world, we also dishonor and offend the Creator.  May we all remember to take the daily small steps of creation love – with the natural world and with each other,  and,in so doing,  offer our praises to Creator God. 

MONDAY, March 25  “Heavy Loads”
Matthew 11:28-30   (Message)
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me.  Get away with me and you’ll recover your life.  I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it.  Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.  I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.  Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”  
What amazing words of reassurance and comfort!  We know them more familiarly from the NIV translation (or perhaps Handel’s Messiah and King James!)  “Come unto me, all ye who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”  Whether we are consumed by guilt, fear, or doubt, Jesus invites us in, welcomes us to a point of healing and comfort.  God did not create us to bear such heavy loads alone.  Our God WANTS to have the relationship with us where we will burden God with whatever burdens us.  This knowledge, this assurance, should surely LIGHTEN our day!!! 

Palm Sunday, March 24   
"The Lord Has Need of It"
Mark 11:4-6  (Good News Translation)

So they went and found a colt out in the street, tied to the door of a house. As they were untying it,  some of the bystanders asked them, “What are you doing, untying that colt?”
They answered just as Jesus had told them, and the crowd let them go. 
     Jesus told the disciples to simply say, "The Lord has need of it" and the owners of the donkey would let them use it.  What of our possessions, especially those we put high value on?  Do we let them go as the Lord requires need?  
     A member of our church had need of a new car recently.  She prayed, others prayed.  Someone in town obviously heard the prayer of "Let it go" because a car was donated to her.  Not just a battered, used unwanted car, but the perfect vehicle for her needs: 4w drive for safety and lots of room!  We are quick to donate our used and unwanted possessions to charity, but do we ever sense the urge to release goods that are special to us, valuable, or perhaps JUST what the agency needs?
     If strangers come to us today and ask to borrow our prized possessions, what is our response?  I know what my initial response would be, 'no way'!!  But then they say, 'The Lord has need of it'.  Hmmmm...that throws a different light on the matter.  Or does it?  Maybe, just maybe, we aren't just talking possessions here.  Maybe our time is prized as well, our gifts.  
     'The Lord has need of it.'  Are we open to give when someone else obviously needs some part of us?  In such giving to God, the gift will be glorified beyond belief!  
     What donkey do I need to release today to God? 
God gives us all we need, so we can give to others in their need.  (ODB)

     I got to thinking about this morning’s devotion in relationship to Habitat for Humanity work and Pete’s parting message to us on Thursday.  Perhaps our ‘the Lord has need of it’ is to work for Habitat in the less desirable places; to NOT choose a location based on the natural beauty or the fine amenities offered by the affiliate.  We are called to go where we are NEEDED!  A good message to remember as we pull into Hobbs Habitown ‘Resort’ with its lack of internet, few TV stations, and rather primitive camping conditions.  The city has donated the use of the property to the Habitat affiliate and the need appears to be great for affordable housing in the area.  

SERMON NOTES, Sunday March 24  Palm Sunday  Psalm 118  “Gratitude”
‘O Give thanks to the Lord for he is good.  His steadfast love endures forever.’
·       Gratitude has nothing to do with circumstances of life, but everything to do with your vision of God. 
·       Palm Sunday is a moment of God-Vision; the crowd saw Jesus for who he truly was, the son of God.
·       When we fail to look through the lens of Christ, our world view warps. 
·       Two types of Biblical Gratitude:
o   Responsive Gratitude – to praise and give thanks in response to God’s past and current blessings.
§  There are ALWAYS reasons to be grateful; pay attention!
§  So many refuse to give thanks by focusing on what life has NOT given them.
§  Our attitude is always up to us.  We can complain or thank – the only choice.
o   Creative Gratitude – finding the blessings of God in what WILL happen or become.
§  Praise a God who isn’t done with creation.
§  This road can be painful, uncomfortable and confusing.
§  God is still creating in the thin veneer of what we call the ordinary.
·       There is a cost to the promise of hope for the future. 
·       To be fully alive requires you to creatively be grateful for the promise of tomorrow and endure the pain of losing a bit of your past.
·       Hold blessings in open hands – ready to release them in appreciation and accept new ones.
Heard by Rick on TV commercial:  The car has a small rear-view mirror for looking back at the past (responsive gratitude) and a huge front windshield for looking ahead to the future (creative gratitude). 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Lent Week 5 - Potpourri

SATURDAY, March 23 "Obedience"
Philippians 2:8  (GNT)
He was humble and walked the path of obedience all the way to death—
    his death on the cross.

Give us the mind of Christ, Lord.
We pray to be like him. 
Make him real in our lives. 
A tender shepherd, healing and caring,
feeding, blessing, sharing. 
Humility and servant-hood. 
Oh, I skim over that part, Lord.
Those words are a little touchy. 
We must subdue dreams we hold dear,
And find glory of a different nature.
That path isn't a walk in the park,
But conflict in the garden,
A struggle between the welfare of others
And our selfish personal desires. 
And death on a cross? 
That really hurts.  
Give us the mind of Christ, Lord. 
We pray to be like him. 
Just help us remember living our prayer
Is never easy. 

FRIDAY, March 22 "Become Nothing"
Philippians 2:7  (NIV)
"He made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant."
Become nothing, Lord?
But we all want to BE somebody!
We all want to make a name for ourselves.
We want to be remembered for greatness. 
We want to climb higher and higher,
Closer to heaven, right?
Think the opposite?
Be nothing?
Lowly, humble?
Be mocked & ridiculed?
Accept pain & disgrace?
Serve the unlovable?
Defer to others?
This nothing is much harder than we imagined. 
Guide us, Lord. 
You showed us how once, 
But we still need your help.  

THURSDAY, March 21 "Mind of Jesus"
Philippians 2:5 (GNT)
The attitude you should have is the one that Christ Jesus had.

Act like Christ.
Seek direction,
Follow his will.
Go forth into the world.
But how?
With the MIND of Jesus.
With humility,
In servanthood. 
Our work will be unified,
As the interests and needs of others
Supercede those of our own. 
To act like Christ,
We must think like Christ. 
In all circumstance...
With all we encounter.  

WEDNESDAY, March 20 "God the Sculptor"
Proverbs 3:11-12 (the Message)
But don’t, dear friend, resent God’s discipline;
    don’t sulk under his loving correction.
It’s the child he loves that God corrects;
    a father’s delight is behind all this.

Michelangelo God.
Carefully crafting his sculpture of man. 
Chiseling each day to perfect the vision of creation in his mind. 
The tool is sharp at times, perhaps painful. 
But the end result is worth the momentary cut into the form.
God will not stop until the sculpture is finished.
God has too much invested in the relationship.
Like a parent to a child, he will correct until we are mature. 
Until the sculpture is complete and we are wise. 
God disciplines those he treasures.
May we delight in being formed and created by the Almighty! 
We are a work of art!!!    

TUESDAY, March 19 "Good Morning, God"
1 Chronicles 28:9 (The Message)
Solomon my son, get to know well your father’s God; serve him with a whole heart and eager mind, for God examines every heart and sees through every motive. If you seek him, he’ll make sure you find him, but if you abandon him, he’ll leave you for good. 
Get to know God, they say. 
Seek him, he'll find you.'s God we're talking about!
I went to Kitt Peak Observatory. 
I heard how big the universe is. 
And it is expanding!!  
How can a God of light years and par-secs
Possibly have time for me?
Possibly know me on a personal level?
It is utterly mind-boggling!!  Incomprehensible!
But....that the capacity of our God. 
Vast...and personal.
Incomprehensible, yet intimate. 
Start out the day with a greeting,
'Good Morning, God!
How are you today? 
How are the vast reaches of space coming?
How am I doing here on earth?
You talk, God....I'll listen.
It helps to start my day
Knowing you love and care for ME!  
So, first things first this morning...
How's it going, dear friend?'

MONDAY, March 18 "Creative Best"
Galatians 6:4-5 (The Message)
Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.

     CHRPA gives plenty of opportunities to explore your 'creative best'.  Home repair is light years from new home construction.  Problem solving constantly, putting your heads together to figure out the best you can do.  There can be no competition, no sense of "I goofed up major!" because everyone is simply there trying to do the work we are given in the best way we can figure.  As long as we feel we are giving our best, be content with that! 
     It can be exhausting to always compare oneself to others.  Each one of us has gifts, but no one of us can do it all.  We cannot expect that of ourselves, nor can we expect it of others.  In HIS wisdom, God has equipped us to do just what he wants us to do - no more, no less!  
When God gives an assignment, it comes with His enablement.  (ODB)

SUNDAY, March 17 "M.M.M."  (ODB)
Psalm 12 (The Message)
Quick, God, I need your helping hand!
The last decent person just went down,
All the friends I depended on gone.
Everyone talks in lie language;
Lies slide off their oily lips.
They doubletalk with forked tongues.

Slice their lips off their faces! Pull
The braggart tongues from their mouths!
I’m tired of hearing, “We can talk anyone into anything!
Our lips manage the world.”

Into the hovels of the poor,
Into the dark streets where the homeless groan, God speaks:
“I’ve had enough; I’m on my way
To heal the ache in the heart of the wretched.”

God’s words are pure words,
Pure silver words refined seven times
In the fires of his word-kiln,
Pure on earth as well as in heaven.
God, keep us safe from their lies,
From the wicked who stalk us with lies,
From the wicked who collect honors
For their wonderful lies.

Who owns my lips, Lord?
When I speak with flattery,
Is my aim to manipulate?
Do I twist and turn my speech,
To get my own way?
Do I blurt out hurtful words without thinking?
Do I speak gossip and lies with no consideration?
Do I toss out careless words that ignite strife and conflict?
When I am the Manager of the Mouth Department,
   the temptation is great to prevail,
To say what I please,
To have the 'last word',
To accuse or belittle,
Despite the cost and hurt to those loved
   and those unknown. 

May you, Lord, own my lips.
May you manage my mouth.
May my words mirror your words,
With encouragement, support, and LOVE. 
Refine my language and heart,
So my speech is acceptable in your eyes.
May I stop at the Door of Utterance and ask,
   "Does blessing and healing enter?
     Am I bringing Love inside?"
I fire myself as  mouth manager 
And put you in charge, O God!

He who guards his mouth preserves his life.  (Proverbs 13:3  NIV)

SERMON NOTES:  John 12:1-8  "The SENSE of the Gospel"
* Be ready to sense the goosebumps from God that may come in both the hot and cold moments of life. 
* Analogy of a good movie or book - John gives away the end of the story!
* There is always a story within the story, a dual soundtrack: God infused into the ordinary, the God-story within the world-story. 
* Do we distrust extravagant displays of love solely BECAUSE they are extravagant?
* Sometime our desire for responsible management of our resources and the extravagant love of God can be in conflict. 
* Every meal is communion if we sense God in the corn-flakes. 
* Allow our SENSE of the SPIRIT to SIMULTANEOUSLY rest with our SENSORY perceptions of the world.  (I shall call this S.S.S.)
*It is love that lives at the end of the movie!  


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Lent Week 4 - CHRPA

SATURDAY, March 16  "Body Repair"
Proverbs 3:7-8  (The Message)
Don’t assume that you know it all.
    Run to God! Run from evil!
Your body will glow with health,
    your very bones will vibrate with life!

   We were made in the image of God to be in relationship with God.  We were formed to serve God and one another.  This is what keeps us healthy, what brings us abundant life.  When our focus is not on ourselves, but on others, through the love of God, it can be physically healing!
    Laughter is good medicine.  Service is also good medicine.  People in the depths of physical depression are often advised to reach out, help others and take the focus off themselves.  For the many who volunteer at CHRPA as retirees, the work can be like a daily vitamin for good health (not to mention some concentrated physical exercise!)  I have great admiration for the former carpenters, plumbers, electricians who show up one or two days a week to share their knowledge and skills in service to others.  They are giving, but the gift is also one to themselves!  'Their very bones vibrate with life!'  
    Brother Lawrence wrote, "Our only business is to love and delight ourselves in God."  If we keep God as the source of our energy, focus, and living, we are nourishing our bodies as well as our souls.  

FRIDAY, March 15 "Eyes of Jesus"
Matthew 9:36 (CEB)
Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion for them because they were troubled and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
   This morning's devotion from Our Daily Bread applied so instantly to my last two weeks of work at CHRPA.  The quote from the bottom reads, 'If you look through the eyes of Jesus, you'll see a needy world.'  It is so easy to walk into the home of a client and see the layers of dirt, the clutter, the unkempt atmosphere.  You see the holes in the walls, you feel the heat penetrating the room, you wonder, 'How can this person be of value when they live like this?  HOW can they exist in these conditions!?'  And because the clients so often perceive this hesitation, not just with us but with all the judgmental eyes of the community, they build up walls to protect themselves from the pain of our interaction.  
    The children have no such walls built yet.  They are open and welcoming, quick to smile and laugh, quick to accept.  I often tried to make my first 'inroads' with the kids, to show the parent my acceptance of them as human beings, to show a nonjudgmental approach to whatever way in which we came to help. I engage the child in conversation, tease or laugh with them.  It proved to be a good technique!  
     Jesus has eyes of love only.  Not eyes that criticize or judge.  May we remember to always open our hearts and eyes as Jesus when we encounter those who on the surface appear "troubled and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd."  Those sheep have names, they have substance, and they are children of God who are deserving of our love.

I have got to get some CHRPA scribbles done this weekend!  I showed Scott my Habitat book on Thursday and I think he wanted to keep it.  I wish I had brought a few more copies with me.  Maybe I will order one and donate it to the office and have it sent.  But I promised Scott I would get some CHRPA drawings done!  

THURSDAY, March 14  "Learning from the Past"
1 Corinthians 10:11 (The Message)
These are all warning markers—danger!—in our history books, written down so that we don’t repeat their mistakes.
     It is said history repeats itself.  But it is not for a lack of instruction.  The guidebooks are present.  The Jewish people had the Torah to which Paul referred.  We have a Bible. CHRPA has Thursday morning 'schools' of instruction to help the volunteers avoid mistakes and to learn the right way to install something.  By learning from the past, we can move forward into a future with promise. Today's CHRPA School is a continuation of our Electricity lessons - information that can be a matter of life and death!  
     God gives us instructions as well that are a matter of life and death:  Abundant life for all time or death to a relationship with God.  Are we heeding our lessons well?  Are we listening?  Are we learning?

WEDNESDAY, March 13  "Leaning"
Proverbs 3:5-6 
Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
    don’t try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
    he’s the one who will keep you on track.  
(The Message)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, 
And lean not on your own understanding.  (NIV)
How does my heart lean?
Where do I seek direction?
If I search inward, through my own resources,
The path is going to be difficult, 
The final results questionable. 
In everything....decisions, actions, 
    words, and relationships
Seek God first. 
Lean on God for support and understanding.
Follow God's wisdom, no matter what.
And the way will be made clear.
Perhaps not easy, but clear. 

Monday, Ali and I were tackling a toilet installation and didn't have a clue what to do about a rusted flange.  Last Wednesday, Jon and I faced the installation of a window that we hardly knew top from bottom.  In both, we were able to 'get it done'.  I am experiencing first hand the words "If you just are willing to get started, God will show you how."  I am helping with things I didn't know I could do, but since the expectation is there, with God's help, we are doing it!  What an amazing feeling!  Hmmmm  .... I am reading back over my blog and I realize that this is NOT unrelated addendum, but directly related!  Lean on God for support, count on God, and he will show you how to do something!  

TUESDAY, March 12   "Enough"
Proverbs 30:1-9  (GNT)
I ask you, God, to let me have two things before I die:  keep me from lying, and let me be neither rich nor poor. So give me only as much food as I need.  If I have more, I might say that I do not need you. But if I am poor, I might steal and bring disgrace on my God.
     When Rick and I were preparing to retire, we wanted to be responsible in our financial affairs, but not extravagant.  What a fine line to walk!  Rick heard a quote, "The opposite of poverty is not wealth, it is enough!"  Agur in the Old Testament Proverbs seems to voice the same - 'give me only as much as I need'.  We decided we had 'enough' to be able to reach out and serve without compromising the projects we wanted to serve.  We had 'enough', but not so much that we wouldn't need to rely on God's providence along the way. 
     As we work for CHRPA, we often have to ask for Social Security proof of income from the client.  In an abstract way I knew many lived on far less, but this action has reinforced my realization that our 'enough' is probably 'more than enough' in comparison to the little so many manage to live on.  How do they do it?  For some, faith.  Faith that God, through agencies like CHRPA, will provide.  How much is my 'enough'?  Yours?  Is it based on trust?
MONDAY, March 11  "Be Thankful"
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (GNT)
Be joyful always,  pray at all times,  be thankful in all circumstances. This is what God wants from you in your life in union with Christ Jesus.
     Is the glass half empty or half full?  We who have much focus so often on the little we don't have, complaining about gas prices or mortgages.  Those who struggle economically, would rejoice to have a car to drive or a place to call home!  As CHRPA volunteers we enter many homes during the course of the week. In some, it is hard to imagine people live in this kind of situation!  Yet so often, what we hear is not complaints, but thanksgiving.  They are so grateful for the little we can do.  They are grateful for family, for faith.  In some homes, I see small Catholic altars tucked into the niches of walls.  I end up being the one blessed by the interaction as I witness what sustains them through the hard times. These clients are able to find something in every situation for which to thank God!!   
     Whatever our circumstance, whatever our lot, we have a God who is always in touch with us, always ready to be present for us.  What more can we ask?  Focus on the blessings and be thankful! 
PS.  Yes, I am preaching to myself today as I whined about the gas prices in our drive down to Tucson, rather than thanking God that we were blessed with a truck to drive to do the work.  But....prices ARE dropping again in Tucson.  Praise God! 

SUNDAY, March 10  "Cast Your Cares"
Psalm 55:22 (The Message)
Pile your troubles on God’s shoulders—
    he’ll carry your load, he’ll help you out.
He’ll never let good people
    topple into ruin.

Cast your cares,
Pile up your troubles.
What does it mean?
Sometimes prayer becomes an act of anxiety,
Expecting immediate relief.
More than prayer.
Abandonment of responsibility?
Apathy on our part or
An invitation to irresponsibility
Because God has it covered?
More than that.
To pile up our troubles on
    the shoulders of the Almighty
Is the most proactive step we can take.
We acknowledge our own futility,
We actively watch, not ignorantly wait.
We expectantly believe,
Not aggressively intervene.
Act when God says to act,
Wait when God says wait.
Don't micromanage God,
But communicate and be ready for anything.
Hope and believe and sleep with the peace
That God has wide shoulders and can carry our load.

Addendum:  Today is my 59th birthday!  I thank God for the gift of this life, for my parents and family and a nurturing childhood.  I thank God for a loving husband and two thoughtful and God-seeking sons.  And mostly, as I 'mature', I thank God for the good health to continue in some meaningful work.  Glory to God!  Happy Birthday to me!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Lent Week 3 - SEIZE GOD

SATURDAY, March 9  "Seize Prayer"
1 Thessalonians 5:25 (CEB)
Brothers and sisters, pray for us.
Prayer chains. 
Prayers of the people. 
Congregational prayers. 
Collective prayers of friends and family,
Spiritual prayer partners. 
Offered prayers and answered prayers. 
Amazing ways in which God responds, 
On God's timetable,
Within God's plan. 
Support, encouragement, 
Sustenance in difficult times. 
Prayer can make a difference. 
Seize prayer. Seize the bond that prayer provides. 
Say a prayer and watch God work. 

The best kind of friend is a praying friend.  (ODB)

Sources for Devotions:  Passport On-line Devotions
WwW:  The One Year Walk with God Devotional, Chris Tiegreen, Tyndale Publisher
ODB:  Our Daily Bread, published by RBC Ministries
RCL:  Revised Common Lectionary

FRIDAY, March 8  "Seize a Team!"
Luke 5:27-28 (GNT)
After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector named Levi, sitting in his office. Jesus said to him, “Follow me.” Levi got up, left everything, and followed him.
1 Corinthians 1:27 (GNT)
God purposely chose what the world considers nonsense in order to shame the wise, and he chose what the world considers weak in order to shame the powerful.
     Rick and I recently watched a movie (Moneyball) about the Oakland A's general manager Billy Beane who rocked the baseball world in 2002 when he assembled a major league team of what others considered 'has-beens' and 'over-the-hill' players.  He didn't (and couldn't) purchase the super stars, the recognized players of the day.  While they didn't win the World Series, this rag-tag team did win their division and put together a record-breaking 20 game winning streak.  
     Jesus used somewhat the same approach in putting together a team of disciples.  He included fishermen, tax collectors, zealots:  ordinary men of a varied backgrounds.  They were not the powerful or the influential.  Did they all agree on the theological and political issues of the day?  Probably not!  Were they all of the same economic status?  No!  Yet, they worked together because they had a common purpose, an incredible 'manager' (Jesus) and a loving general manager (God) They worked together for a winning streak that continues to this day in its influence. 
     How do we assemble our 'team' for life?  Do we treat everyone the same? Do we seek the support and advise of those society would consider the 'lessers'?  What about those with physical limitations?  We all have gifts to contribute to the team.  God loves us all equally.  We can do no less in the respect and honor we afford each other.     
     Seize a team as Jesus did!  A team with a colorful and diverse background can only add to our spiritual winning percentage!  
       I got to thinking later about the TEAM approach and CHRPA, where Rick and I are currently volunteering.  CHRPA has four full time employees, but none of them are contractors or specifically trained in the building fields.  They come from a variety of backgrounds, much as the disciples.  Other workers are all volunteers, youth and old, with a vast array of skills.  TOGETHER, our 'manager' Scott has formed an ever changing team to serve the community.  Yesterday I was part of the roofing team!  What an experience! 

THURSDAY, March 7 "Seize Consistency"
Psalm 61:7-8 (CEB)
So I will always sing praises to you, as I offer you daily what I have promised.
Philippians 3:15-17 (GNT)

Only let’s live in a way that is consistent with whatever level we have reached.
A night on the town with friends, 
A fancy place - a dining experience! 
I feast and gorge myself on new flavors and tastes. 
The service attentive, it is a night to remember.
And tomorrow? I'll eat again. 
Afterall, my body is programmed to eat daily.  
Are we as consistent in providing spiritual sustenance?
Or do we have a 'mountaintop' moment
And expect the soul feast to last a few months. 
God is consistent and ever present in love for us. 
God's compassion is not sporadic, but daily. 
If we strive to be in the image of God,
We must seize consistency in our spiritual life. 
We must daily come to the table to feed our souls. 

WEDNESDAY, March 6  "Seize Patience"   
James 5:11 (GNT) 
We call them happy because they endured. You have heard of Job's patience, and you know how the Lord provided for him in the end. For the Lord is full of mercy and compassion.

Financial trials.
Family heartbreak.
Pain and disease.
Speed dial God.
Push the relief button. 
God will fix it. 
If not today,
Surely tomorrow. 

But God doesn't work
By instant response. 
God demands patience,
God requires perseverance. 
God's may be on speed dial, 
But not necessarily speed relief. 
Spiritual maturity takes time to grow. 
Seize the opportunity to wait;
Find time to spend with God in the waiting. 
Concentrate on the blessing,
Rather than the hardship. 
Trust the one in control and the final destination  
Will be more than worth it. 
(WwG, ODB)

"When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away your ticket and jump off.  You sit still and trust the engineer."  (Corrie ten Boom) 

TUESDAY, March 5 "Seize the Gold"
Job 23:1-12 (CEB)
Surely he knows my way; when he tests me,  I will emerge as gold.
     One of my favorite OT metaphors is that of refining the impurities from gold.  Only through trials of fire is the brilliance and purity of gold revealed.  Such is our life.  Untested, our TRUE colors really never fly.  We can preach peace, but until confronted with violence, we haven't really practiced peace.  We can't show pure love until confronted with hatred.  Faith is strengthened when it endures trials.  
     Every test or trial God puts before us should be considered a blessing in disguise!  It is gold waiting to be mined!  WE are gold waiting to be purified!  God is working to purify each one of us.  Seize the gold of God and be ready to shine!  Seize the trials of the day!  
     "In shunning a trial, we are seeking to avoid a blessing." (Charles Spurgeon)
Source: WwG

Monday, March 4
"Seize the Kingdom"
1 Corinthians 15:31-32 (The Message)
It’s resurrection, resurrection, always resurrection, that undergirds what I do and say, the way I live. If there’s no resurrection, “We eat, we drink, the next day we die,” and that’s all there is to it.
     The Carpe Diem philosophy, somewhat rampant in our culture, is not new.  Paul refers to it here in Corinthians.  It is mentioned in Ecclesiastes and Isaiah.  And in one viewpoint, it has merit.  We should think of it as live each day to the fullest.  Make the absolute best of what is before us. 
     But the philosophy itself is based on the assumption that there is nothing but death to expect in the tomorrow, so do it all today!  And we, as Christians, know differently. Eternity awaits.  We need to conduct ourselves and live as if the resurrection matters;  we must live in the light of eternity.  We must "Seize the Kingdom of God" and the long term rewards, rather than the short term gain of momentary glory, or profit,
     How do I live my life? Spend my money and time? Use my talents?  Am I living a 'Seize the Day' or a 'Seize the Kingdom' life?  
Source: WwG

Good Sunday morning!  (March 3)
 I  found the following while browsing Christ Presbyterian church website today (trying to decide where to go to church!)  It is from the weekly message of Rev. Sue Westfall, Stated Clerk of Presbytery of Christo:
Two young boys were making a cross to be used in a Holy Week procession. They had decorated the cross with vibrant colors and covered it with flowers. The pastor, seeing their work said, “Well, that’s very nice but the cross on which Jesus died was hard wood, rough and rugged. It was ugly.” To which the boys responded, “But pastor, have you ever seen Jesus touch anything and leave it the same way he found it?”
     I haven't even glanced at my devotionals this morning because I found this and thought WOW!  Yes!  As soon as we are touched by Jesus, we are CHANGED!  God can bring out beauty in us we didn't know existed.  Christ can transform!  AND we can transform others with the touch of Christ as he lives in us.  

"Seize the Wisdom"
Proverbs 3:13-14, 18   (GNT)
 Happy is anyone who becomes wise—who comes to have understanding.  There is more profit in it than there is in silver; it is worth more to you than gold. .....Those who become wise are happy; wisdom will give them life.
Matthew 6:33  (The Message)
Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.
God comes to offer a gift. 
What shall I choose?
I seek happiness and success,
Security and comfort. 
What gift will grant such peace?
Choose the godly. 
Choose that of the Kingdom,
   not of the world. 
Ask God for God-success.
Wealth means more worry, maintenance,
   and uncertainty.
Power doesn't buy happiness.  
Wisdom buys understanding of God. 
Seek the gift of God-knowledge,
And God will grant the
   happiness and success,
The security and comfort, we seek. 

Sources for Devotions:  Passport On-line Devotions
WwW:  The One Year Walk with God Devotional, Chris Tiegreen, Tyndale Publisher
ODB:  Our Daily Bread, published by RBC Ministries
RCL:  Revised Common Lectionary

    We worshiped today with the Shalom Mennonite Fellowship, which is the parent church for the Mennonite Volunteer Services house (VS house of mostly young people, similar to YAVs) and CHRPA headquarters and shop.  Church was full with many new volunteers having arrived.  We seem to be the only ones staying at "Resort CHRPA", as others are residing in the SOOP house or in RV parks of their own choosing.  All of us were introduced!  
 The service was casual - the opening song was one of the theme songs from General Assembly - "Here in This Place".  I was surprised to find the Mennonites follow the Common Lectionary!  The service was contemporary at times with a little praise music, drums and guitar, as well as screen and projector, and very traditional at others.  I shall post my Sermon Scribble!