Sunday, August 16, 2015

Random ABC's, Random God-Messages

This post contains devotions on days when I have no book, no focus, just a keen eye for Creation-Sent letters.  From that I take the ABC Quick Write format from my writer cousin, Lorraine Tom.  I will limit my word list to around 10 words. 

8.30.15  H is for Habitat for Humanity
H  Habitat, Humanity, House, Home, Harmony, Hew, Heritage, Hinge, Hilarious, Hoist, Humor, Hortatory (giving encouragement), Humility, Hospitality, Hardhat, Hammer

James 2:14,17-18  MSG
Dear friends, do you think you’ll get anywhere in this if you learn all the right words but never do anything?  Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really has it? ….Isn’t it obvious that God-talk without God-acts is outrageous nonsense?.... You can no more show me your works apart from your faith than I can show you my faith apart from my works.  Faith and works, works and faith, fit together hand in glove.
            I saved the H for last because today we start a new HABITAT for HUMANITY build in Kalispell, Montana to work on the Kearney family HOME and begin the foundations for two more HOUSES in the subdivision.  This particular Bible passage is the one Rick always uses when it is his turn for morning devotions.  Building HOUSES is how we put our faith into action.  We enjoy the HOSPITALITY of the HABITAT affiliate, we enjoy the HUMOR and HARMONY of our fellow Care-a-Vanners.  It isn’t always easy work.  Preparing the foundation structure for the pouring of the concrete is backbreaking labor, HOISTING 4x8 form boards covered with soy oil.  But to work side-by-side with the HOMEOWNER, to get to know the family that will move in, personalizes the whole experience and fills me with HUMILITY for the many blessings I enjoy.  So tomorrow I will don my bright pink HARDHAT and HEFT my HAMMER and get to work! 

            I don’t have internet as I work on this post.  It was pretty HILARIOUS as Rick and I brainstormed to come up with possible pictures for the prayer letter.  Look hard and see if you can find the HIVE with HONEY, the HAIRY HORSE with HAY, a HAND filled with HUCKLEBERRIES, and a HEAD wearing a HARDHAT!  No unusual or rare words this time around! 
            We took a walk this afternoon upon arriving at our campsite.  I sought an H and a Z to finish up the alphabet.  Eventually I found both, the former as God lit up the sky after a rainstorm and blessed us with fresh air, sunset pink clouds, and a sense of peace to begin our work. 

8.29.15  Z is for ZETA
Z Zeal, Zest, Zephyr, Zenith, Zaftig, Zipper, Zapata, Zarf, Zenography, Zeta, Zuppa , Zumbador (South American hummingbird), Zyzzyva, Zephyranth 
    Almost to the end of my random ABC postings.  I have saved the letter H for tomorrow (you’ll understand why!)  Again, provided some terrific learning opportunities beyond ZEAL and ZEST which are how I hope I can approach life!  I have a ZAFTIG figure (well-rounded or plump!) but Jim Kauth has a ZAPATA (a drooping mustache).  I like ZUPPA which is a fish soup, but I probably just call it chowder!  In astronomical terms, ZENITH is the point directly overhead and ZENOGRAPHY is the study of the planet Jupiter (does that have a correlation to ZEUS, the Greek term for Jupiter?)  ZINNIAS and ZEPHYRANTH are beautiful flowers. Who has heard of a ZARF, a decorative holder for one's coffee cup??  The most amazing word I discovered was ZYZZYVA, often the last word in an English dictionary!  It is a bright red weevil found in the tropical Americas! 

Matthew 9:15 MSG
 But Jesus intervened: “Let the children alone, don’t prevent them from coming to me. God’s kingdom is made up of people like these.” After laying hands on them, he left.
           I found one new Z word, ZETA, which actually tied into a meeting I had this past week at the church.  The word means a small room or closet in a church building.  When I googled it to confirm the definition, I came to a posting from a pastor who was using it for ABC’s to the Church Children.  He said a church should have no ‘secret ZETAS’ in regard to the safety of the children;  no place where adults could be alone with a child.  Last Tuesday we attended our Child Safety Training for all volunteers who work with kids with the key reminder being ‘never be alone with a child’ for their safety and ours.  I find it hard to realize we live in a world where such mandates must be made, where trust has been broken on both sides so often to warrant rules.  But I will remember ZETA because it does have a practical link to our everyday life!  And a ZEAL to advocate for the children!   Now to ZIP this up and get on the road! 

8.28.15  Q is for QUIET
Had to 'borrow' a Q from
my Alpine ABC files!
Quiet, Quaint, Quick, Quandary, Quantum, Quest, Quench, Quirk, Quiff (Light puff of wind), Quinoa, Quartz, Quetzal, Quixotic, Quab (Throb or quiver), Quahog (clam), Quatsch (Nonsense) Quail,  Quink (gray goose) Quinnat (King salmon), Quince. 

            I have put off the Q thinking it would be a short list like the X.  But again, I found so many common words, plus all the QUAINT and QUIRKY words from  While I have heard of QUAHOG clams, QUAIL and the QUETZAL bird,  QUINNAT salmon or the gray goose QUINK were new to me.  I never realized QUAB meant to throb or QUIVER, or that a QUIFF of wind is a light puff of a gentle breeze!  And instead of uttering ‘Nonsense!’ when someone says something silly, I can QUICKLY say ‘O QUATSCH!’ instead!  Then there is QUINOA.  That’s familiar, but I never knew it was the seeds from a goosefoot plant. Does that mean QUINOA comes from a QUINK-foot plant??  QUANTUM? In physics it is a tiny particle of energy, but it is often used as a general big amount!  I might be in a QUANDRY in my QWEST to QUENCH my Q appetite! 

Matthew 6:6 MSG
“Here’s what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace.
Psalm 55:4-8 MSG
My insides are turned inside out; specters of death have me down. I shake with fear, I shudder from head to foot. ….I want some peace and quiet. I want a walk in the country, I want a cabin in the woods. I’m desperate for a change from rage and stormy weather.

            Seriously, however, I find myself drawn to QUIET.  Jesus modeled the need to find a secluded, quiet place to be alone with God.  Time to pray, to listen.  Time to be apart from the busy of life and sense the peace of God.  Time to QUENCH our soul.  Psalmist David wrote often of the same urgency.  We must step away from the stress and demands of life to recharge in the QUIETUDE of God.  That is a good QWEST to have. 

8.27.15  P is for Praise and Prayer
Praise, Prayer, Paradox, Pastoral, Pinnacle, Peace, Pliable, Prevalent, Primitive, Pristine, Propensity,  Pachyderm, Pangram (ABC sentence), Panivore (Bread Eater), Pelology (Study of Mud!)

Philippians 4:6-7 MSG

Don't fret or worry.  Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns.  Before you know it, a sense of God's peace, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down.  It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.            
           Such a PLETHORA of words for P!  I looked in both the SAT list and which is a site for unusual and uncommon words.  I could be here all day, so I only wrote down a few.  I learned that the sentences I composed for my calligraphy classes were called PANGRAMS, sentences that contained all the letters of the alphabet.  We finally have a word to describe what Jed seemed to be early in life – a PANIVORE!  He could live on bread alone, despite what the Bible says!  And then I found it amazing there was a word for the study of the curative powers of mud.  PELOLOGY.  Does that mean most toddlers are PELOLOGISTS
            Yet despite the PROPENSITY and PREVALENCE of P words from on-line sources, today the Bible PROVIDED PLENTY of P’s in just one short PASSAGE.  And what PROMINENT and PARAMOUNT P’s they are: PEACE, PRAYER, PRAISE!  What more can we ask for?  PAUL says it all in his message to the PHILIPPIANS: Don’t worry. PRAY. PRAISE God.  PETITION God in PRAYER and you’ll find the PEACE of God.  So I will POLISH this off and write a few PRAISES on my God-Moments list, and then PORTRAY my PRAYERS in a PICTURE.  PEACE for the day. 
8.26.15  X is for XENOPHILIA
Xeric, xeriscape, xebec, xenoliths, xanthic , xylem xanthan gum, xerox, xenophoboia, xenophilia, xylology, xenogamy, xenial. Xenia, Xylosma, Xylophone, xyris (marshy plant yellow flower),

Matthew 9:12-13 MSG
Jesus, overhearing, shot back, “Who needs a doctor: the healthy or the sick? Go figure out what this Scripture means: ‘I’m after mercy, not religion.’ I’m here to invite outsiders, not coddle insiders.”
            Well, I thought X would be a hard day, but there are so many X words I have NEVER heard of!  When you realize many of them are based on the same prefix, they all make sense.  Learning that XYLOLOGY is the study of wood  and XYLEM is woody tissue means that a XYLOPHONE is sound from wood!  XERIC is deficient in moisture, hence we have XERISCAPING or landscaping that minimizes extra watering.  Rick always kids me about my specific terms for colors….just wait until I tell him something looks rather XANTHIC because it is yellow!  I hope my pirate loving niece knows the word XEBEC which is a small pirate ship!  And lastly, what better X word than XEROX photocopies – it begins and ends with X!
            But I gravitate to the XENO words, XENO a prefix referring to foreign.  A XENOLITH is a rock of a different source embedded in volcanic material.  XENOGAMY is cross-fertilization between species. XENIAL refers to hospitality with guests who are strangers.  And of course we have XENOPHILIA and XENOPHOBIA – the love of or the fear of foreigners.  It is the last word that I fear.  We fear or treat differently that which we don’t understand or know.  It seems we Americans often are XENOPHOBIC because we isolate ourselves and concern ourselves selfishly with our own lives.  We want to close our borders and keep the outsiders out.  It makes me think of the Biblical relationship between the Israelites and the Gentiles.  Jesus calls us to be XENOPHILIACS!  The call of Christ is to reach out to the foreigners, to minister to those we don’t know. 
            Which suffix at the end of XENO- am I?  -Philiac or Phobic?   Do my actions mirror my description?

8.25.15  K is for KINETIC
WORD LIST: Kinetic, Knoll, Knowledge, Kinship, Kindness, Kebbie (shepherd’s crook), Kiwi, Kerygma, Kaleidoscope, Knitch (bundle of wood), Kudzu, Kolhrabi 

Acts 17:27-28 VOICE
Yet, in truth, God is not far from any of us. For you know the saying, “We live in God; we move in God; we exist in God.” 

RATS!  I forgot to include a KEBBIE and a KNITCH
on my K prayer picture!  
          K is a rather fun letter – there are so many unusual K words like KEBBIE (a shepherd’s crook) and KNITCH (a bundle of wood).  Tasty K foods abound, most of them laden with calories: KITKAT and KRACKLE candy bars, KLONDIKE ice cream bars, and KRISPY KREME donuts!  Down-Under animals include favorites such as KOALAS and KANGAROOS, plus the non-flying KIWI bird!  KALEIDOSCOPES and KITCES are  fun and colorful toys!  A couple years ago, Rick and I were introduced to the KUDZU plant while traveling in the southeast - an invasive species that covers everything, but it has pretty flowers!  On a more spiritual vein, KERYGMA defines the early preaching of the Christian gospel and KINDNESS is a Fruit of the Spirit.

            But I love the word KINETIC!  A word of movement and motion!  I love KINETIC art: sculptures and mobiles that twist and turn with the slightest breeze.  I studied KINESIOLOGY in college, the movement of the human body.  Principles of physics say a body in motion stays in motion.  That makes me think of my Mom, who at 95 ½ is trying to ‘stay in motion’, realizing that if she stops, she might not start again!  Can we keep moving toward greater KINDNESS?  Can we move toward justice and equality, both socially and economically, for all?  Is there a time to stop moving and let the Spirit move within us? KINETICS!  Motion!  Maybe I should get up off the couch and be KINETIC today!  

8.24.15 G is for GENIA
WORD LIST: Giant, Gratitude, Give, Grace,  Galvanize, Garnish, Genia, Genial, Genuine, Glacier, Giggles and Guffaws, Gingerly, Glimmer, Gossamer  

Colossians 3:16  MSG
Let the message about the Messiah dwell richly among you, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, and singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, with gratitude in your hearts to God.

            Today our friend GENIA and her husband Steve are traveling to Houston, TX, to meet with renowned cancer specialists in treating her advanced ovarian (?) cancer.  This GIANT-hearted woman is as GENUINE and GRACIOUS as they come, filled with infectious GIGGLES and GUFFAWS, and always acknowledging GRATITUDE for GOD’s GRACE and presence in her life.  Her job is GIVING: information and assistance to those in need, GALVANIZING the community to act for the benefit of all.  We met this amazing family on our Care-a-Vanner build for Habitat in Columbia Falls, originally selected due to its proximity to GLACIER National Park.  Now we return for the people, GARNISHED with the lure of GOD’S incredible creation! 
            GOD’S blessings and GRACE be with both GENIA and Steve this week, that they return next Sunday with renewed hope, encouragement, and peace.  

8.23.15  Y is for YAHWEH
Yellow,  Yahoo, Yahweh,  Yin and Yang (Taoist), Yana (Sanskrit for path), Yoga (Hindu meditation), Yuval (fresh water stream, first musician/artist mentioned in Bible), Yarmulke (Jewish cap), Yearn, Yoke , yardage,  yolk, yu (precious jade),  

Psalm 8:1 (Hollman Standard Christian Bible)
Yahweh, our Lord, how magnificent is Your name throughout the earth! You have covered the heavens with Your majesty.
Psalm 33:22 (HSCB)
May Your faithful love rest on us, Yahweh, for we put our hope in You.    

          Wow!  What an education!  The second best letter found yesterday on my walk was a Y, so I decided to see where it would lead me today.  The SAT Word list was VERY short, and all the animals started with YELLOW (except YAK!)  So I goggled ‘Cool Y Words’ and discovered a list filled with references from a wide variety of religions.  I googled Biblical Y words and found more.  But since YAHWEH is the Hebrew word for God, I want to concentrate there.  I went to my BibleGateway site and found only ONE translation that uses the original Hebrew term for GOD!  All my usual translations came up blank; even the King James!  Most substitute the term Adonai or LORD in place of YHWH (the Hebrew version).
          So I did a little research on YAHWEH.  Controversy!  One source says it is not original, that YEHOVA (Jehovah!) is original.  Another sites a discovery dated from 600 BC that clearly spells out YHWH, but to say the word was suppressed in holy respect.  This particular author indicates the verbal suppression led to the written suppression evident in so many translations.  Technically the Hebrew translation means I AM WHO I AM, or simply I AM.  I most appreciated the author who said, ‘God is so much more than His name, He is more than can be described.’ 

          So… I think I will continue to YEARN for and YOKE myself with YAHWEH 

8.22.15   F is for FAITH and FIRE
F  WORD LIST: Friendship, Fellowship, Faith, Fire, Fun, Flora & Fauna, Fervent, Firmament, Foster, Fragrant, Frolic, Fiddleheads

I encountered my F walking home
from my early morning hair appointment.
Luke 12:49 MSG
“I’ve come to start a fire on this earth—how I wish it were blazing right now! I’ve come to change everything, turn everything rightside up...
James 3:5-6 MSG
It only takes a spark, remember, to set off a forest fire. A careless or wrongly placed word out of your mouth can do that.  By our speech we can ruin the world, turn harmony to chaos, throw mud on a reputation, send the whole world up in smoke and go up in smoke with it, smoke right from the pit of hell.  

            I awoke this morning to discover the skies are again gray and heavy, the air laden with the smell of smoke and ash.  Somewhere last night, the changing winds FANNED the FLAMES of the FIRES once again.  We had a brief reprieve of several days in our two week FIRE FIGHT in Baker County.  There are FIRES burning the FLORA and FAUNA of Washington, Idaho, California, Montana.  The whole Pacific Northwest seems to be in FLAMES.  FIREFIGHTERS are pouring in from around the world to help.  We must continue to support one another and have FAITH that God is indeed with us.
            FAITH and FIRE are often linked in the New Testament with FIRE representing the Holy Spirit.  In such cases we want to FAN the FLAMES,  we want the Spirit at work within us.  FIRES can catch with the tiniest of sparks, travel rapidly just licking the tops of trees and brush enough to catch and move on.  Can our Spirit FIRE move likewise, spreading embers of God, lighting the spark of the Spirit among all we encounter?  Do we have the FAITH that God burns hot enough within us to ignite others? 
            While the FIRES burn, I am going to concentrate on the positive aspects of FIRE, and FERVENTLY FOSTER my FAITH through the turmoil.  

8.21.15  S is for SERVICE and SHARING
The S today was created more by
s Word List:  Service, Sophia, Share, Sacrifice, Settle, Shift,  Seamless, Serendipity, Sobriety, Solitude, Spontaneous, Sister, Smoke

Hebrews 13:16 MSG
Make sure you don’t take things for granted and go slack in working for the common good; share what you have with others. God takes particular pleasure in acts of worship—a different kind of “sacrifice”—that take place in kitchen and workplace and on the streets.

          I have used up the three letters I found in SALEM, but a good neighbor has been moving over the past few days.  Her name is SOPHIA and she doesn't want to re-SETTLE in with other family.  She has been busy packing to SHIFT her home to another SEVERAL blocks away.  It will be a SACRIFICE of her SOLITUDE and independence.  I feel for her and am unable to help in any way other than SUPPORT and encouragement, and to SERVE as a listening post. (Not to mention a STACK of newspapers to wrap her valuables!) 
           S words resonate currently as my brother works for SOBRIETY, my SISTER amazing in her SEAMLESS SUPPORT and the SERVICES they are SHARING back and forth in that SITUATION.  When we SHARE, when we SERVE, when we SACRIFICE our personal desires for that of others, we often will find the SERENDIPITY that arises from SUCH a SPONTANEOUS action.  But ultimately?  We SHARE, we SERVE, we SACRIFICE because that is what God does for us.  It is one way to SAY 'Thank You, God!'   

8.20.15 J is for JOY
J Word List:  Jedediah, Joy, Jargon, Jest, Job, Justice, Jollity, Juxtapose, Jovial, Jazz, Jinx, Junk, Jump

Psalm 28:6-7 MSG
Blessed be God— he heard me praying. He proved he’s on my side; I’ve thrown my lot in with him. Now I’m jumping for joy, and shouting and singing my thanks to him.

          I will take the opportunity this morning to complete the triad of letters I found last Tuesday morning outside JED'S apartment.  When I see the letter J, the first word that usually pops into my mind (besides JED!) is JOY. At the moment, JED'S JOY in particular.  When I came upon this scripture passage, I thought, 'JED could have written that!'  He is so excited, so JUMPING for JOY at the start of his new JOB at Willamette University.  He is filled to the brim with thanksgiving.
          J abounds with JOLLY words, such as JESTand JOVIAL.  They are words filled with JOY, words describing people filled with JOY.  God doesn't make JUNK!  When we fill ourselves with God and God-service, JOY is the end result!  

8.19.15  A is for AMELIORATE 
Word List:  Adorn, Acme, Affable, Advocacy, Alacrity (liveliness and eagerness), Ameliorate (to make better), Anthropomorphic, Aptitude, Ardent, Abstract,  

Proverbs 10:22 MSG
God’s blessing makes life rich; nothing we do can improve on God.

AMELIORATE.  What a great word that can sum up much of the rest of my list.  We AMELIORATE our lives if we are AFFABLE and ARDENT, if we have an APTITUDE for ADVOCACY, if we APPROACH our ACTIONS with ALACRITY!  To AMELIORATE means to make better, to improve.  How can we AMELIORATE the living conditions of others?  How can we improve our relationship with God?  How can we ADORN our days with an ATTITUDE of gratitude and thanksgiving?  Our ACTIONS need not be great in magnitude, simply deliberate daily ATTEMPTS to AMELIORATE a hardship for ANOTHER 

8.18.15  T is for TEACH and TRAVEL
T Word List: Travel, Teach, Tactile, temerity (fearless daring), tessellation, thermal, thrive,  torque, tout (loudly promote in positive terms), Translucent
Psalm 143:8-9 MSG

Point out the road I must travel; I’m all ears, all eyes before you....Teach me how to live to please you, because you’re my God. 

I found the T for Travel right behind our
car parked at Jed's apartment.  
 I took a short walk this morning from Jed’s apartment in search of a letter.  I found three: J, A, and T.  Which to use?  I prepared the word lists for all of them while waiting for Rick and Jed to arise.  The J seemed appropriate for JED!  The T for teach, his new career, or travel, what we will do this day.   And the A was the first letter I found!  Hmmmm.
               So.... T is for TEACH and TRAVEL !  It occurred to me that there is much that TRAVEL can TEACH us.  We learn of new cultures and ideas.  If we approach our TRAVEL with TEMERITY we will discover that all people TOGETHER can TESSELLATE into one world, one family under GOD.  We all have a piece in the puzzle, and that we includes the non-humans of the natural world.  How can we THRIVE as one?
               In a similar THOUGHT, Jed will be TEACHING physics – the laws of how our world works TOGETHER or TESSELATES.  He might be using TERMS like TORQUE and TENSION, THERMAL and TAUON, but it still all goes back to the amazing interconnection between all life on earth.  That’s pretty heady stuff.  Let it not be said that science and the spiritual don’t mix!  Each is TRANSLUCENT to the other, we can see God veiled behind all science and we can see the science with the spirit. 

8.17.15  C is for CLEAR and COLORFUL
C Word List:  Clear, Color, Clam, Crab, Chowder, Crystal, Cloudless, Crest, Cling, Curve

Genesis 9:13 MSG
I’m putting my rainbow in the clouds, a sign of the covenant between me and the Earth. 

(Note….I actually wrote this yesterday FOR today, as I knew we would be leaving early this morning from Bandon and had a busy day with Jed planned.)
                I went out this morning looking for a letter. What message did God have in store for me?   I found a gentle curve CURVE in the sand from one of the sand critters and my first thought was “There is a U. I already have a U.”  But I changed my focus and of course realized it was also a C.  I shook my head and muttered, ‘Couldn’t you make it a little more CLEAR, God?’  Then I realized….C…CLEAR! God had made it CLEAR!  As I rounded the corner of the giant rock seastack, I found a great expanse of flat beach with a skim of water on top.  The other day I danced with the divine on that water, the CLOUDS reflecting so I felt I could walk on them.  Today, the skies are CLOUDLESS and CLEAR.  I couldn’t see the ‘divine’.  And it occurred to me that often when our lives are CLEAR from the CHAOS and CONFUSION, we fail to see God at work.  When things are good, who needs to look?  But when the CLOUDS of life move in, we are able to feel God’s presence in a more tangible way.  I want to work to see God in it all….CREATION waves CRESTING, starfish CLINGING to the rocks, CRABS and CLAM CHOWDER…God is present.  Yes, that is very CLEAR….

               ….and so very COLORFUL!  I stopped to investigate some COLORFUL anomalies on the rocks this morning and discovered some unusual and unnamed critters living there among the anenomes and starfish.  I marveled at the purple and orange of the seastars, the green of the anenomes, the rich blue-greens and whites of the surf, blues of sky and water.  I love COLOR!  Perhaps that is why I own so very little white clothing.  I tie-dye everything from shoelaces to underwear, shirts and socks to towels!  The brighter the better!  I appreciate the nuances of COLOR God uses to paint the CREATED world of nature.  I love that one of God's symbols is the rainbow - the full spectrum of COLOR that comes packed with a promise:  I love you.  Thanks, God, for the constant reminder. 

8.16.15 D is for DECIPERHING the DIVINE
D Word List: Decay, death, despair, devoid, deep, dappled, divine, depressing, decipher, discover

Ephesians 5:13-14 VOICE
When the light shines, it exposes even the dark and shadowy things and turns them into pure reflections of light.  This is why they sing,
     Awake, you sleeper!  Rise from your grace,
     And the Anointed One will shine on you. 

           Earlier this week on the beach the words that kept coming to mind for this visit were DEATH and DECAY, the beach DEVOID of life.  I had seen few starfish and relatively few anenomes.  The beach was flush with DEAD birds, bits and pieces of crab parts, clumps of barnacles and mussels.  There was little seaweed washed up, few rocks and shells.  It was just a little DEPRESSING
Sand critter carved D
       But yesterday morning, as I walked and pondered those D words, I DISCOVERED a D, etched in the sand by a small critter.  I think it was a DIVINE moment, for then I realized the incredible beauty of the new DAY’S DAWNING.  While on Friday the skies were DAMP and DARK, Saturday God-light was streaming from the east, illuminating every crack and crevice of rock. The world was lit up!   Creatures appeared everywhere (ok, so perhaps the low tide had something to do with this!) – enough starfish I didn’t bother to count, anenomes of gargantuan size.  Birds were everywhere, singing the melody of sea life.  People were everywhere, DISCOVERING the DELIGHTFUL beauty of the ocean. I realized there was a DIVINITY in all I was experiencing this DAWN.  
            Halfway through my walk, the sun DISAPPEARED momentarily behind the clouds, DAPPLED bursts of light DANCING on the reflective waters of the sand.  I felt like I was suddenly walking on the clouds, especially when I  focused DEEPER below my feet on the cloud patterns.  Is this what heaven is like?  To walk on the clouds above all, apart yet one?  I was almost giddy with DELIGHT as I tiptoed, then DANCED, then twirled in joy.  I nearly called my pastor Katy, because this was a moment she would appreciate, a touch with the DIVINE
            Thank you, God, for the DIVINE D’s of our life.  Thank you, God, for helping us DECIPHER what we experience and find the DIVINE

8.15.15  W is for WHIMSICAL
Ten W Words: Watermelon, Waves of Water, Wait, Wildfire, Watch, Wafting Wisps, Wander, Wade, Whimsical, Wizardry.
The W I found on the beach. 

1 John 4:19 MSG
We, though, are going to love—love and be loved. First we were loved, now we love. He loved us first.       

        I discovered a W on the beach yesterday morning.  It was created from seaWEED.  I continued to WANDER the shore, WADING through the ebb and flow of the WAVES, marveling at the WIZARDRY of our Creative God.  WISPS of drifting clouds WAFTED across the sky, dancing with the rising sun in a peek-a-boo game of light.  My mind, however, was in Baker Valley, a WATCH and WAIT period as WILDFIRES continue to burn, evacuating friends and church community, burning land on others, and escalating the county into a crisis unseen in recent years (save the WATER contaminant from two years ago perhaps!)  I WORRY for the safety of the crews, the safety of homeowners, hoping for a slow soaking downpour of WATER, but knowing that all is in God's hands.  I worried while I cut up a ripe WATERMELON last night and tasted of its juicy sweetness.
        With that dichotomy of peace and chaos, I focus on WHIMSICAL.  Defined as 'determined by chance or impulse, rather than necessity' I love the GOD-grace of WHIMSY.  God doesn't have to love us, God doesn't have to care.  God has plenty of universe to worry about, it isn't necessary to spend time with each of us.  But God does.  Perhaps not by chance or impulse, but because of WHO God is.  WHIMSICAL love means doing kindness for no reason, impulsive love, radical love.  When the opportunity arises to bestow love, do it!  It doesn't have to be necessary or expected.  Sudden, random love is much like the grace of God. 

Monday, August 10, 2015

CELTIC MEDITATIONS 6: Evening Closing Prayer

This is the last in a series of 6 posts based on John Phillip Newell's book, CELTIC BENEDICTION.  All red italicized print is a direct quote from the book.  

8.8.15  Peace in a River of Love
John 14:27 MSG
I’m leaving you well and whole. That’s my parting gift to you. Peace. I don’t leave you the way you’re used to being left—feeling abandoned, bereft. So don’t be upset. Don’t be distraught.

The stillness of God be mine this night
That I may sleep in peace.
The awareness of the angels be mine this night
That I may be alert to unseen mysteries.
The company of the saints be mine this night
That I may dream of the river of love.
The life of Christ be mine this night
That I may be truly alive to the morning
That I may be truly alive. JPN

Peace.  Rivers of love. Unseen mysteries. Truly alive.  I love the visual images that come to mind when praying Newell's prayers.  These evening closing prayers really are for night, not as I sit at daybreak overlooking the dawn strike the clouds and waves of the ocean.  But I am feeling much more peace this morning than two days ago.  Mom and Jed are healing; The hikers are breaking camp and ready to head out; Liz is enroute to NYC and back today with Tommy.  But there are still unseen mysteries waiting to be discovered, trickles of miscommunication and rivers of distrust to navigate for my brother, and the bumps and hurdles of life for us all that create discontent and unrest.  Moments of stillness.  Moments of quiet search for God's peace can make all the difference.  May I be washed and restored in the river of love, O God.  

8.9.15 In the Darkness: LIGHT!
John 1:5 MSG
The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness;
    the darkness couldn’t put it out.

May the grace of the night's stillness be mine
may the grace of the moon's guidance be mine
may the grace of heaven's vastness be mine
to renew my soul in sleep
to enlighten my dreams in the night
to open my spirit to eternity
until the angels of light awaken me
until the morning angels awaken me. JPN 
Thanks to for help with today's drawing!

          For some reason what struck me as I wrote the words of the prayer was how we approach the nighttime process of sleep.  We seem to put it off rather than welcome it.  It is a necessity of life rather than a process to be spiritually embraced.  We go to bed hoping to be rested in the morning, but rarely do I consider the time for spiritual enlightenment, for renewal of my soul.  There is the darkness of the unseen in the night, but the Light of Life shines through.  God's presence is so very visible in the vast eternity of the universe, the beauty of a clear sky and the Milky Way, the intricate colors and designs of space as revealed by Hubble and technology.  May I allow this Life-Light to blaze in my sleep and wrap me in the wonder and beauty of God. 

8.10.15 Windsong of the Spirit
John 3:8 GNT
The wind blows wherever it wishes; you hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. It is like that with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

O Brother Jesus
who wept at the death of a friend
and overturned tables in anger at wrong
let me not be frightened by the depths of passion.
Rather let me learn the love and anger
and wild expanses of soul with me
that are true expressions of your grace and wisdom.  
And assure me again that in becoming more like you
I come closer to my true self
made in the image of outpouring Love
born of the free eternal Wind.  JPN

        There is something amazing if you consider that to be Spirit-filled is like the wind.  When we work on Habitat builds in Montana, our site supervisor emphasizes the 'air penetration factor'.  The houses we build have a tiny penetration as opposed to most standard homes.  The wind simply cannot get in the cracks.  And such is the Spirit-Wind: it shifts and changes direction, the tendrils of God filling a crack here and a crack there.  We don't always know how and where the Spirit will blow through us, but we can be assured that God is at work.  If I can resolve to be the wind of the Spirit, an outpouring of love for all, then I know that God is touching lives through me.  Be like the wind!  
         This seems so appropriate because the other day we were discussing John Denver's Windsong.  I'll close with the final verse from the song:
So welcome the wind and the wisdom she offers,Follow her summons when she calls again,In your heart and your Spirit, let the breezes surround you, Lift up your voice then and sing with the wind.  
          Substitute the concept of Spirit-God-Wind into the lines and 'follow the summons'! 

John 12:24-25 MSG
Listen carefully: Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to the world, it is never any more than a grain of wheat. But if it is buried, it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over. In the same way, anyone who holds on to life just as it is destroys that life. But if you let it go, reckless in your love, you’ll have it forever, real and eternal.

Glory be to you, O Holy Seed of all that has been born
for earth, sea and sky in vibrancy of color.
Glory be to you O Light of Life
for your liberation of earth's bound treasures. 
Glory be to you O River of delight
surging through the heart of creation. 
Renew me this night in the depths of sleep, 
set free my dreams of the unknown. 
Safeguard this time of resting, O God, 
enfold me in the darkness of the night.  JPN

          O Holy Seed. Light of Life. River of Delight. Reckless in love.  These are the words that strike me this morning.  I've written this week of rivers and light.  So perhaps today I'll focus on reckless.  Reckless is defined as unconcerned about the consequences of an action.  It seems to me Jesus was often reckless in love - he didn't care if he angered the religious leaders or worked on the Sabbath or ticked someone off.  If love was the right thing to do at that moment, Jesus loved. (And when isn't love in the right?)  But to me reckless in love also implies unselfish in love or without concern for the personal consequences of my loving action.  Will people laugh?  Will I be in danger?  It doesn't matter.  Love with abandon.  Love without regard for consequences.  Just plant the seed of love.  Over and over.  And in so doing we will find the River of Delight.   

8.12.15  Eternal Waves
John 8:32 MSG
“If you stick with this, living out what I tell you, you are my disciples for sure. Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you.”

In the beginning, O God,
you placed seeds in the womb of the earth. 
On the surface of the earth and in its seas and skies
you made male and female of every species. 
And above the earth 
you called the two great lights into relationship. 
Renew me this night
in the fruitful intermingling that you have woven into creation 
that I may wake to the morning
enlivened by love
that I may wake to the morning
enlivened by love. JPN

         I took a walk on the beach yesterday and as I stood and watched the waves roll in, constant, predictable, the eternal ebb and flow of water,  it occurred to me that the shore is very much a metaphor for God.  I could see love washing up on each surge of wave, sometimes a smooth flow of liquid, more often in a froth of foam and turbulence.  God comes to us in both the peace and chaos of our lives, but God always comes.  I watched children playing, jumping waves, splashing God-love everywhere.  Children do that; they approach God with wild abandon.  I saw some older women timidly near the water, then turn and run when it appeared they might get wet.  We all react in such a way at times, fleeing when we get too close to God, the reality too intense.  But I also realized that we HAVE to get wet to experience the ocean; we have to dive in to realize the power of God's love, the faithfulness of God's presence.  
          The God-waves of love will roll into our lives unchanging, steady, and consistent, waiting for us to take the risk of stepping into the unfamiliar waters and discovering the freedom of going to sea with God.   May I always hear the reassuring sound of the waves, may I wade in the waters of love, and may I finally dive head-first into the heart and soul of the Almighty.  Where is my swimming suit?

8.13.15  SENSES of the SOUL
John 11:25  VOICE
 I am the resurrection and the source of all life; those who believe in Me will live even in death.

You have given me eyes to see with, O God, 
and ears to hear life's sounds and sorrows
and yet my seeing and hearing
like my tasting and touching
are wounded and weakened by failures. 
As rest can heal the sores of a body
and sleep restores its strength
so may your angels of grace visit me in the night
that the senses of my soul may be born afresh. 
Visit my dreams with messengers of grace, O God,
that the senses of my soul may be born again.   JPN

           When I walk on the beach I feel like my senses truly are alive.  The wind is usually blowing in my face, my eyes are dazzled by sunlight reflecting off the beach sand, the bass harmonies of rolling waves a constant roar, the smells and taste of salt air linger everywhere, and the touch of my barefeet on the sand brings to life the temperature changes, the stones and shells.  Barefoot on the beach can be a sensory overload! It is easy to discover traces of God-Light everywhere.
           I am keeping a journal this year of my daily God-Glimpses: moments and situations, encounters with a sliver of the Almighty.  Some days I think my God-sensory receptors are finely tuned and I can't write 'sightings' down fast enough.  Other times  my 'senses of the soul' seem to be turned off and I am blind to God-encounters. May I continue to be daily restored to receive God in each and every way we meet in the days ahead.  

Later....I took Mom to the eye doctor today and while we were waiting I starting sketching an EYE!  (How appropriate!)  Since the eye is one of our senses I figured I could finish with a Bandon themed drawing filled with my prayers of thanks and glimpses of God at work.  

   John 6:63 MSG
The Spirit can make life. Sheer muscle and willpower don’t make anything happen. Every word I’ve spoken to you is a Spirit-word, and so it is life-making.

Renew me this night in the image of your love
Renew me in the likeness of your mercy, O God. 
May any refusal to forgive
that lingers with me from the day
any bitterness of soul
that hardens my heart
be softened by your graces of the night. 
Renew me in the image of your love, O God, 
renew me in the likeness of your mercy.  JPN

          I walked on the beach early this morning and started pondering my meditations while on the shore.  I knew that the Friday readings concentrated on our being made in the image of God.  As thoughts started coming to my mind about how we shroud ourselves in schedules and wealth, materialism and indifference, I used the verbal notes on my phone to remember some of it.  Not a good idea.  Here is what I found when I returned: "Me too God like hidden in all of that but we cover that I did underwears free him materials fail"  UNDERWEAR FREES HIM?  What kind of hidden message is that, Lord??  I'm not even sure I can remember the phrase I said from that garbled mess! 
           We are created in the image of God, filled with God-love and God-mercy.  Why do we hide it?  Why do we cover up our God-within through pride and egoism, abundance and busyness?  Perhaps because it is risky to let the light shine.  It involves trust and faith to peel off the layers of protection and live solely with God alone pouring from our soul.  We wear a costume of humanity, a mask of our mortal being, when our inner self is capable of radiating God.  Renew us, Lord. Free us from our underwear of humanness!  Help us discard our pretense and truly live in your image.  
          I am finished with Newell's book.  I love the simple language and the God-in-everything aspect of Celtic traditions.  Now what?  I'll have to figure that out tomorrow.