Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Wall of God's Call

I found this scribble partially done on the opening page of our Missional Book, probably as a result of our discussion.  Our call to be missional people isn't easy - God's Call on our lives isn't easy - but the Promised Land on the other side is worth it!  I thought the concept was a good one and decided to finish up the picture.  Enjoy!

Again - since this is coming to you initially as an email, here is the link to go to blogspot so you can comment:

Note: If you type it in there is NO www included.


  1. Ginger, this is a test, only a test, boy I hope this works

  2. Yea, this works!!!!! "Its not easy but I'm going over" that's sort of how I feel now having successfully commented on your blog. You are soooo right, God's call is not easy, thankfully God does give us all we need to answer his call. The flames are great!!! thank you for setting this up Ginger. I've got some thoughts on this community blog, when I've thought through everything I'll discuss them with you.
