Friday, November 15, 2019



     Once again I shall lay the blame on my cousin Lorrie for her Haiku inspired writing prompts!  For Thanksgiving season she has urged us to write 'THANKUs' - or haiku format poems of praise and thanks.  I can do that.  I went back to my Celtic knots, mixed in a little scripture and background reflections and came up with a design for the rest of November!  Enjoy!  (Confession....I went back and added the first four drawings later...the Thanku had been written, but I was still finishing up my Altars Prayers!)

SUNDAY, November 10
Gratitude for the Ring Praise concert....
What a wonderful combination of scripture and music!  Sean and Phyllis have worked together for so long they intuitively know what each other is going to do - a real gem of a concert. 

MONDAY, November 11
Gratitude for Zach and Jess's help.....
With Rick gone to Albuquerque, I needed some help moving furniture so I could paint it.  Zach and Jess to the rescue! 

TUESDAY, November 12
Gratitude for Christmas music....
Driving back and forth to town, I have enjoyed putting on a Christmas CD and singing along with abandon! 

WEDNESDAY, November 13
Gratitude for my church partner, Sharon....
Sharon and I spent the day going through costumes for the Christmas play, planning out December worship, and then cutting wood for a new nativity at the front of the sanctuary.  We work so well together after years of PYG experience!

Thursday, November 14
GRATITUDE for the glory of fall colors
When I first thought of this design fall leaves came to mind, hence one of my first prayers was of praise for the beauty of fall colors! 

Friday, November 15
GRATITUDE for our new home
High on our list this year is our new home - and thanks for all the hard work the crew did to make it happen.  The new neighbors have been great.
SATURDAY, November 16
GRATITUDE for local law enforcement help
The Baker County Sheriff's department, along with some local OSP officers, have responded to the need for some 'muscle' on Thursday mornings at the Backpack Program.  It has been a blessing to have their help and to get to know the officers on a personal basis.  

SUNDAY, November 17
Gratitude for the vast expanse of sky we can now see from our home...
I have my morning devotion area situated so I can watch the sun rise every day as I reflect!  We have glorious sunsets... and the sky is so dark we can really see the stars at night.  So much sky overhead!
MONDAY, November 18
Gratitude for family gatherings....
In July over twenty of the McLean/Walker tribe gathered together in Bandon to celebrate Mom's life and internment in Grants Pass and the transfer of the home to her granddaughter Kirsten.  It was a great party! 

TUESDAY, November 19
Gratitude for the ability to give back to an organization like Habitat for Humanity and all the wonderful families and folk we have worked with...
Habitat Care-a-Vanners have given us the opportunity to serve, to learn new building skills, and mostly to develop lasting friendships with like-minded people and wonderful families

WEDNESDAY, November 20
Gratitude for my faith family, the people who make up my church....
Wherever I have lived, my faith family, the church, has been a source of joy, growth, sometimes frustration, but always a larger community of support and spiritual nourishment.
THURSDAY, November 21
Gratitude for the special group of friends who call themselves the MT Nesters...
We started out watching tennis together over 15 years ago and once our kids 'left the nest' we continued to gather once a month, supporting one another through the deaths of parents, illness, and joys.

FRIDAY, November 22
Gratitude for opportunities to travel with long-time friends to an event together....
We drove down to Boise with Darrel and Cherrie Conklin and dinner at the Mongolian Grill before the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert.  What a show!  

SATURDAY, November 23
Unending gratitude for the blessing of our two sons...
Jed and Luke...we couldn't be prouder of the men our two boys have become.  Photo taken during one of their 'jumping' sessions on the Bandon beach.  

SUNDAY, November 24
Gratitude for the bounty of sustenance we enjoy free from worry....
What a blessing to have the abundance of food to share freely.  I try to waste not and preserve alot of fruit others would throw away.

MONDAY, November 25
Gratitude for the beauty and variety of wildflowers .... 
The variety and glory of wildflowers on mountain hillsides never ceases to fill me with thanksgiving and praise. 

TUESDAY, November 26

Gratitude for my husband, Rick....
Not much needs to be said here!  So grateful this man decided to attend church one Easter 40 years ago!  

WEDNESDAY, November 27
Gratitude for good health....
We take good health for granted, but it is not a given as we enter the 'Golden Years'!  

Gratitude for God in all forms....
I veered from my celtic circle knots to use the Trinity Knot today - symbolizes the triad nature of God: Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer
FRIDAY, November 29
Gratitude for family....
I had to alter the images today because I didn't want to cover up any of the faces ....Luke's baptism was probably the ONLY time after our wedding that all four of our parents were together.  My father passed away 3 years later.  What a heritage these four individuals passed on. 

SATURDAY, November 30
And a final prayer of Gratitude for...WINDOWS!
View out the kitchen bay window on a cloudy day that lets the sun shine through off and on, reflecting on the crystal sitting on the ledge.  

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