EARTH: A Prayerbook for Peace
John Philip Newell –
Thursday Prayers
Blessed are the
forgiving for they are free. Matt 5.7
2.8.17 Thursday Morning Prayer of Awareness
We wake to the
freedom to begin again.
We wake to the
mercy of the sun’s redeeming light.
Always new
Always gift
Always blessing.
We wake to the
forgiveness of this new day. –JPN
Brings freedom.
A renewal of relationship
A blessing of love.
The Beatitude for this week is more
commonly known as the “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy.” I guess I have never equated forgiveness with
mercy, but it makes sense. Each day we
begin anew with new opportunities to extend mercy, to grant forgiveness to
those who have wronged us, to right those we have wronged. The gift of mercy is a blessing of
grace. God-grace.
God…Help me extend mercy and forgiveness this and every day. Amen.
2.9.17 Thursday Morning Prayer for the Life of
the World
May our enemy
become our friend, O God,
That we may
remember our shared birth in you. –JPN excerpt
Common birth.
Why must siblings
quarrel so?
At a meeting yesterday one of my church
friends said that this weeks lectionary was on loving our enemies. How appropriate for today’s text. Yet, it seems like our biggest ‘enemies’
now-days are those of our Abrahamic siblings – our brothers in God. We disagree with the current actions of the
Israeli Jews while supporting the Jews living in our country. We seem to have, as a nation, lumped all
Muslims into one ‘enemy’ category. We
are one. We have a common birth as sons
and daughters of God. We can disagree,
we can practice different rituals and rites, but in the end, we are
How do we make our enemies our
friends? By personalizing them, by
putting names to faces, by getting to know each other and finding we have more
similarities than differences.
God…help me move today toward reconciliation with my ‘brothers’. Amen.
Sunrise. Moonrise.
2.10.17 Thursday Morning Prayer of Blessing
To fill us with
To free us with
To stir us with
flames of compassion. –JPN Excerpt
Fire. Water.
Spirit. Baptism.
Ignite the flames.
Strike the rock to
Pour forth a stream
Of forgiveness.
The images of fire and water and
spiritual – the Holy Spirit and Baptism.
But they are also images of action and movement, a stirring of emotions and
intent. I love the image of flames of
compassion – to start a fire of kindness that will grow. Not ALL wildfires are bad! A wildfire of mercy and compassion, an
outpouring of love and forgiveness – such a blessing! The freedom of forgiveness is powerful. How
can I be a part?
of fire, God of water….Ignite the flame of mercy within me. Free me.
2.11.17 Thursday Scriptures
not seven times but seventy times seven times. Matthew 18.22
Return evil with
good and your enemy will become your friend. –Quran – Revelations Well Expounded
Seventy times seven.
Moments of mercy.
Acts of Forgiveness.
Over and over because
God does it also.
The Bible
is rich with ‘sevens’ but this Matthew passage multiplies it even further. Forgive not just seven times, but 70 x
7! That’s 490 moments of mercy. It is Jesus’ way of saying….infinity! Just keep forgiving! As many times as it takes, because in the
long run, it is for our own good. It
frees us for a complete and full relationship with God.
God… May we forgive often and fully.
2.12.17 Thursday Evening Prayer of Awareness
Not because we have
made peace this day.
Not because we have
treated the other as our self.
Not because we have
walked the earth with reverence today
But because there
is mercy
Because there is
Because your Spirit
has not been taken from us
We come
Still thirsting for
Still longing to
Still hungering for
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I have to explain that today's picture is based on the beautiful sunrises and full moonrises we have witnessed the past couple days! |
Daybreak. Eventide.
Longing persists for
Mercy, grace, justice.
We thirst for God
Nothing we have done on our own has earned
the right to bask in the glory of God’s love and grace. To feel the wholeness of God, to live in and
within that love, grants us the compassion, the mercy, the desire to extend
such love and grace to others. Until we
can fully accept the love, it is so hard to completely share it.
of grace and unfathomable love….quench my thirst that I might fill the cup of
others. Amen.
2.13.17 Thursday Evening Prayer for the Life of the
The ageless
mountains are full of your glory
The vast seas swell
with your might
The shining skies
expand beyond our imagining
So we pause to
We wait in wonder
We listen to learn
Of the mountain glory
within us
Of the sea force in
our veins
Of love’s shining
Grant us the grace,
O God,
To serve this inner
universe of soul among us. –JPN
In praise and
God’s glory and grace
Can be within us.
Seek and we shall
I am currently re-reading The Shack in anticipation of the movie
release sometime in March. Somehow this
morning’s prose from Newell reflects some of the incredible descriptions in the
book of God’s all-encompassing love and life WITH God WITHIN us. This ‘inner universe of soul’ with and among
us can change everything in terms of our relationships with one another –
relationships that have no hierarchy or power-plays. Such relationships are based totally on
mutual love and mutual submission to the needs and desires of one another. Revolutionary.
of Unending Love….Help us ‘listen to learn of the mountain glory within’
ourselves and each other. Amen.
2.14.17 Thursday Evening Prayer of Blessing
Light for new
Strength to make
Peace for our world
On the pathways of
earth’s journey this night
Let there be peace.
–JPN excerpt
Our world is in turmoil. Peace is going to take sacrifice. Peace is going to take an effort on the part
of each one of us, starting with peace in our own hearts, families, and
communities. We can’t bemoan the lack of peace in world affairs when we stir up
hostilities within our own homes and communities. The old 60’s folk song really hit the mark: “Let
there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” Can I make some tangible effort each day,
whether it is to reconcile with a broken relationship, a note of ‘I’m sorry’, a
letter to a congressman, or a donation to reduce domestic violence? SOME tangible action
to make peace! It might involve a sacrifice
of embarrassment, money, or time. But if
everyone did their part, peace could happen.
Peace is carefully crafted
One ‘piece’ at a time
When everyone sacrifices
To seek reconciliation
And forgiveness.
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The gray symbol at the left is the Chinese character for Peace. |
God…Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me. Amen.
quotations are from PRAYING with the
EARTH: A Prayerbook for Peace by John Philip Newell. William B Eerdman’s Publishing Company,
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