Think of this for a moment: we are all foreigners in the kingdom of God. No one is native to the place where God reigns; we are all invited and, by grace, we are made citizens.
We do well to keep this in mind as we encounter every person along our way. Each of them is no more "the other" to God than we are.
This inclusive God invites you again today to stand in the Presence, to dwell in God's land.
SATURDAY, June 8 "Citizens Together"
Ephesians 2:19 (Good News Translation)
So then, you Gentiles are not foreigners or strangers any longer; you are now citizens together with God's people and members of the family of God.
We come before God as family, citizens of the Kingdom, bound together with a common community. We come as equals, our past connections, allegiances, or differences of no regard. Our creator connects us together. Yet we continue to focus on those differences in our daily lives, allowing them to separate and keep us from loving one another as commanded.
There is a common adage, "You can choose your friends, but you can't choose family." It is true in the Family of God!!! We may not always LIKE everyone in our God family, but we are called to LOVE all simply because they are family. If we approach every stranger in this way, what could be the result?
Brothers and sisters, welcome to the family of God! Love one another!
FRIDAY, June 7 "Faith"
Ephesians 2:19 (Good News Translation)
So then, you Gentiles are not foreigners or strangers any longer; you are now citizens together with God's people and members of the family of God.
We come before God as family, citizens of the Kingdom, bound together with a common community. We come as equals, our past connections, allegiances, or differences of no regard. Our creator connects us together. Yet we continue to focus on those differences in our daily lives, allowing them to separate and keep us from loving one another as commanded.
There is a common adage, "You can choose your friends, but you can't choose family." It is true in the Family of God!!! We may not always LIKE everyone in our God family, but we are called to LOVE all simply because they are family. If we approach every stranger in this way, what could be the result?
Brothers and sisters, welcome to the family of God! Love one another!
BENEDICTION.... (Brenda Thompson)
Travel through this day knowing there is no confining the love of God,
And no borders to cross between you and God's presence.
And no borders to cross between you and God's presence.
Pray that your life might also be so open
That God's love in you knows no barriers,
That God's love in you knows no barriers,
Providing free passage for others.
FRIDAY, June 7 "Faith"
Luke 7:9-10 (The Message and Good News)
Jesus was surprised when he heard this; he turned around and said to the crowd following him, "I tell you, I have never found faith like this, not even in Israel, the very people who are supposed to know about God and how he works.” When the messengers got back home, they found the servant up and well.
Who has faith?Who holds an abiding trust in God?
Do we recognize them?
Are they who we think?
Churchgoers? People of religion?
Our neighbors? Foreigners?
The rich and famous?
The poor and downtrodden?
Saints or sinners?
Faith is a great mystery.
We cannot judge or predict.
We know not who or why.
The seed of great faith is planted in us all,
Waiting to be nurtured to maturity,
Seeking the hardship of trial to nourish roots.
Basking in the light of love,
Drinking of the waters of grace,
Until a simple trust in God's power,
Faith that God CAN,
Overrides all else.
When I look in the mirror,
Do I see the faith I profess?
Do I see centurion or Israelite?
THURSDAY, June 6 "Worthy of Welcome"
Luke 7:6-7 (The Message)
Jesus went with them. When he was still quite far from the house, the captain sent friends to tell him, “Master, you don’t have to go to all this trouble. I’m not that good a person, you know. I’d be embarrassed for you to come to my house, even embarrassed to come to you in person. Just give the order and my servant will get well. I’m a man under orders; I also give orders. I tell one soldier, ‘Go,’ and he goes; another, ‘Come,’ and he comes; my slave, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”
I can't go to church, you hear.The roof would collapse!
I've done bad things!
Those people are better than me.
I'm not good enough.
There are no requirements. No pre-requisites.
All are welcome. All are worthy.
I don't belong with those Christians.
I feel like a foreigner among them.
God doesn't help 'my kind'.
My love is for all - no matter the past.
There are no foreigners in my kingdom.
All are welcome. All are worthy.
I'm embarrassed. I'm ashamed.
I've sinned over and again.
I'll probably sin once more.
How can I show my face among those strangers?
Everyone comes as equals through my door.
Everyone has hidden shame.
All are worthy of welcome.
BENEDICTION.... (Brenda Thompson)
Travel through this day
Knowing there is no confining
the love of God,
And no borders to cross
Between you and God's presence.
Knowing there is no confining
the love of God,
And no borders to cross
Between you and God's presence.
Pray that your life might also be
So open
That God's love in you knows
No barriers,
providing free passage for others. So open
That God's love in you knows
No barriers,
WEDNESDAY, June 5 "Worthy"
Luke 7:1-5 (The Message)
When he finished speaking to the people, he entered Capernaum. A Roman captain there had a servant who was on his deathbed. He prized him highly and didn’t want to lose him. When he heard Jesus was back, he sent leaders from the Jewish community asking him to come and heal his servant. They came to Jesus and urged him to do it, saying, “He deserves this. He loves our people. He even built our meeting place.”
"He deserves this." The NRSV reads "He is worthy of this." In some ways I like the term worthy better. To deserve something almost implies you have earned it. When I looked up the definition of deserve the first meaning was 'to be worthy of'! But another said to have 'done something or have qualities' that are worthy of merit. None of us will ever deserve or be worthy of God's love and healing, of God's interaction. That is God's grace alone - abundant grace.
But I think the point of this is more about differences - about relationships with 'foreigners'. The centurion is from a different culture, religion, and background. To enter a Jewish home is incomprehensible. Yet his actions and regard for the Jewish people have made them deem him 'worthy'. The centurion is wealthy, yet has a regard and a relationship with his servant that goes beyond the ordinary. There is a love for each other that transcends cultural boundaries. This is the kind of love we must share with those who are the 'foreign' different. Might we regard all as 'worthy' - giving value rather than judgment. May we attempt to bring all before God because we know how God will respond....with love, grace, and healing.
TUESDAY, June 4 "THEIR Prayer"
MONDAY, June 3 "A Thousand Hallelujahs"
(Yes! had the same scripture two days in a row. I used a different translation each day!)
1 Kings 8:41-43a (The Message)
And don’t forget the foreigner who is not a member of your people Israel but has come from a far country because of your reputation. People are going to be attracted here by your great reputation, your wonder-working power, who come to pray at this Temple. Listen from your home in heaven. Honor the prayers of the foreigner so that people all over the world will know who you are and what you’re like and will live in reverent obedience before you, just as your own people Israel do.
When we travel, impressions form about a region based on the encounters experienced while in that region. Prior to last spring, we had a preconceived negative impression of Texas. Our encounters proved otherwise! The people were friendly and welcoming. We were invited to join many a church meal. We felt encouraged to share our needs and concerns. We were foreigners in a strange land yet we felt that our prayers were honored.
We often beseech God to "Hear our prayer." How often do we ask "Hear THEIR prayers"? - to specifically request God to respond to the unknown needs of unbelievers? To honor the prayers of the foreigner means to listen as a community to the needs and concerns of those around us and respond. Perhaps God's answer to THEIR prayers is our action.
MONDAY, June 3 "A Thousand Hallelujahs"
Psalm 96:1-6 (The Message)
Sing God a brand-new song!
Earth and everyone in it, sing!
Sing to God—worship God!
Shout the news of his victory from sea to sea,
Take the news of his glory to the lost,
News of his wonders to one and all!
For God is great, and worth a thousand Hallelujahs.
His terrible beauty makes the gods look cheap;
Pagan gods are mere tatters and rags.
God made the heavens—
Royal splendor radiates from him,
A powerful beauty sets him apart.
When I was 18 I sang "One Tin Soldier" at my high school senior awards assembly. It was one of those special moments you have in music, for as the final notes rang through the gymnasium, my classmates and peers arose and gave a standing ovation. 'A thousand Hallelujahs', not just for one song, but for the many solos I had shared over the previous three years. "Good job, Ginger! We appreciate your voice and your message!" Yes, it felt GOOD!
When did we last stop and give God a standing ovation? Have we shouted Hallelujah with a thousand other people? We might pause and think, 'Wow! How in the world did God think of this? or Can you believe how well this animal adapts?" But THINK! The wonder of our human body! Sunsets and sunrises! The Milky Way! Alpine meadows ablaze with color! Fireflies! Yosemite Valley or the Grand Canyon! Friendships! You can make a long list of everything that amazes you, everything that gives you pleasure, and then say, "God did this!" YOU ARE AMAZING, GOD! Or in the words of the song, "MY GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!"
The world over, regardless of race, religion, or status, has a common appreciation and awareness for creation, for our incredibly crafted world. We all come as one before God in this regard. Perhaps "Earth Day" could become a day to give God his due: a standing ovation, a thousand hallelujahs from the people of the world to our Awesome God! Hallelujah Day???
(Yes! had the same scripture two days in a row. I used a different translation each day!)
SUNDAY, June 2 "Together, Sing!"
Psalm 96:1-6 (Good News Translation)
Sing to the Lord, all the world!
Sing to the Lord, and praise him!
Proclaim every day the good news that he has saved us.
Proclaim his glory to the nations,
his mighty deeds to all peoples.
The Lord is great and is to be highly praised
he is to be honored more than all the gods.
The gods of all other nations are only idols,
but the Lord created the heavens.
Glory and majesty surround him,
power and beauty fill his Temple.
Psalm 96 is a "Super Song of Praise"! It is considered one of the great missionary psalms as it calls upon all the world, all of creation, to praise God. There are no boundaries in God's world - everyone comes equally before him. What unity we would discover if we spend our time celebrating God at work in our lives rather than tearing apart the lives of each other! What music we could make!
Our lectionary study group weekly challenges us to identify specific places God has been seen in our daily pursuits. What a call to then sing God's praises to all around, to voice God's presence, and share with our neighbors near and fall the glory of God! Sing! With all creation together, sing!!
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