Monday, April 17, 2023



Building the Labyrinth 


Labyrinth Poetry


Be still. (Breathe deeply)

Be still and feel God’s presence
Within and all around.

Be still and see God’s glory
In Creation that surrounds.

Be still and hear God’s voice (whisper)
In the birdsong overhead (silence that surrounds)

Be still and smell God’s fragrance
In the wildflowers that abound.

Be still and taste God’s goodness
In the abundance of the fertile earth.

Be still and touch God’s love
In all life everywhere.

Be still, be aware, be conscious of God
Within and all around

Be still….and KNOW God.

Be still and EXPERIENCE God.

Be still. (Breathe deeply)
4.29.20 Adapted frequently

Labyrinth laid out
Spray paint now marks the circle
Mulch and rocks to come

Be still and know God…
I walk the lab’rinth in peace
List’ning to birdsong

Songbirds croon, geese honk,
Hawks screech, backhoe beeps, cars hum
Labyrinth chorus.

Be still and feel God
In the damp freshness after
Ev’ning thunderstorm

Walking Labyrinth...
A shadow crosses my path
Hawk soars overhead

Clouds drift by northward
Shadows dapple Elkhorn face
Peace from Lab’rinth core

Donkey brays, doves coo
Chickens cackle, birds warble
Labyrinth music

Labyrinth ev’ning
Rushing wind and silver clouds
As sun dips below

Lab’rinth afternoon
Calm, cloudless, warmth of sunshine
Meadowlark singing

Soul-refresh in Christ
My place is lab’rinth center
Calm, quiet and peace-filled

God stretched cotton clouds
Along the Elkhorn foothills
Bands of feathered white

Puffy cloud layers
Drift northward between the pines
While train rolls southward

Two white butterflies
Flutter a dance in the breeze
O’er new lupine blooms


I walk the winding path
Out from the labyrinth center
Away from a time of prayer,
and I listen…
I listen for the voice of God.
My eyes are virtually closed
But my ears are open,
Ready….. receptive to hear your voice.
How do you speak to me this day, Lord?

Chickens cackle and ravens caw
Geese honk alonside the
The songbird choir
A hawk’s cry pierces the air
against the constant pidgeon coo
My ears sense the low hum of a fly
as it wings past my head.

Do you speak, O God…
In the crunch of my footsteps on the dry grass
or the rush of wind in the trees?
The braying of the mule or the barking of neighbor dogs?
The drone of cars far off on Wingville road
the roar of an airplane passing overhead
or the whistle of train on distant tracks?
I pause and listen...
Lawn mower music
The throb of a generator
The pounding of construction
Encouraging sounds of people back to work
during the pandemic threat
Words of hope from you, O God?

In the diversity of sounds…
I pause and listen
For you speak in a medley of ways
to a diverse world
We each must hear for ourselves…

So I listen, Lord.
May I hear what you have to say
And then, may I act…
May I put your words to life
In obedience

I come to the end of the path
and as I open my eyes
I focus on the stones written...
Be Still and Know God”
Be still and hear God.
Be still. Listen.
God is speaking.

Bovine Conversation

I had a long chat today
With a black angus cow -
I from my labyrinth center
She from under the tree
Her friends had left
And she alone remained
Staring at me with curiosity.

I began to speak…
gentle words of inquiry
She replied with low moos
I spoke to her my Spanish Bible verses
She her own cow language
She came over close to the fence
And we continued our conversation.
Slowly she began to move away,
But when I began to shift away,
singing out from labyrinth center…
She paused as she heard my song.
Frozen, she listened, eyes locked on me
When I stopped walking and singing,
She responded,
Plodding off with a chorus of moos
Just to demonstrate that she, too,
Could sing and walk as well. (6.22.20)

Crows, crickets and cows
Ev’ning sounds from the center
Breath in the voice of God.

A new lab’rinth smell
Cows are now grazing ‘next door’
Be strong flower-scents!!

Father’s Day worship
Enjoyed from labyrinth core
Take and eat, Christ comes.

Poppies are blooming!
Orange colors dance in the breeze
What wildflower joy!

Young fox races past
Halts, stares, bolts back to safety!
Graceful, bouncing run

Quiet, still morning
Not a breeze or songbird sound
God feels very close.

Orange poppies unfurl
And give beauty for three days
Leaving spike of seeds

Bord’ring the lab’rinth
Pale blue chickory blossoms
Line the dry creek bed.

Bright red poppy blooms!
Glory to my lab’rinth bed
More colors appear!

In pine tree shadow
Sun shines bright on wildflowers
Rainbow of color.

Every morning
I find new petals unfurled
God-glory revealed.

Color-filled center
Yellow, orange, pink, blue, purple
Wildflower glory.




      My cousin Lorrie is a Writing Instructor who specializes in Haiku as a daily practice.  She has challenged us to write a daily 'piece of poetry pie' for the remainder of the month of April.  I decided to combine my haiku with my daily prayers - especially since I love iterations!  And then...find an appropriate scripture verse!   Only...since I'll be on the road til the first week of May, we'll just keep eating pie until then! 

Monday, April 10

For as long as Earth lasts, planting and harvest, cold and heat, Summer and winter, day and night will never stop.”    Genesis 8:22

Tuesday, April 11

Engage the earth in conversation; it’s happy to share what it knows.   Job 12:8

Wednesday, April 12

But my brothers are fickle as a gulch in the desert – one day they’re gushing with water from melting snow….by midsummer they’re dry, gullies baked dry in the sun. Job 6:15

Thursday, April 13

Does the snow ever melt on the peaks of Lebanon’s mountains? Jeremiah 18:14

Friday, April 14

Let me tell you what God said next. He said, “You’re my son, and today is your birthday. What do you want? Name it. Psalm 2:7 MSG

Saturday, April 15

God placed the stars in the heavenly sky to light up Earth and oversee day and night, to separate light and dark. Genesis 1:17

Sunday, April 16

Time to switch to a strawberry rhubarb pie! 

My chosen people are like a bird attacked from all sides by hawks. Call the wild animals to come and join in the feast! Jeremiah 12:9 GNT

Monday, April 17

So I turned and dedicated my heart to knowing more, to digging deeper, to searching harder for wisdom and the reasons things are as they are. Eccesiastes 7:25 Voice

Tuesday, April 18

Wilderness and desert will sing joyously, the badlands will celebrate and flower – Like the crocus in spring, bursting into blossom, a symphony of song and color. Isaiah 35:2 MSG

Wednesday, April 19

Remove my sin, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.   Psalm 51:7

Thursday, April 20

You hear my voice in the morning; at sunrise I offer my prayer and wait for your answer. Psalm 5:2 GNT

Friday, April 21

How clearly the sky reveals God’s glory! How plainly it shows what he has done! Psalm 19:1 GNT

Week 3 - Time for Chocolate Cream Pie!
Sunday, April 23
The setting sun sets fire to the hilltops, like a metal furnace glowing from the heat. It sends out fiery rays, blinding the eyes with its brightness. Sirach 43:4 GNT 

Monday, April 24
God bless you and keep you, God smile on you and gift you, God look you full in the face and make you prosper. Number 6:24-26

Tuesday, April 25
They’ll build houses and move in. … No more building a house that some outsider takes over. Isaiah 65:21

Wednesday, April 26
For we are partners working together for God, and you are God’s field. You are also God’s building.   1 Cor 3:9 GNT

Thursday, April 27
Neither numbers nor words account for you. Psalm 40:5

Friday, April 28
These words I speak to you are not mere additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are foundation words, words to build a life on. Luke 6:47 MSG 

Chocolate was good...but time for PEACH PIE! 
Saturday, April 29

Lift your hearts high, O Israel, with abandon, volunteering yourselves with the people—bless God! Judges 5:9 MSG

Sunday, April 30

You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-color in the world.  Matthew 5:14

Monday, May 1
The life of every living thing is in the blood… Leviticus 17:11

Tuesday, May 2

Take notice of the walls and examine the fortresses, so that you may tell the next generation: Psalm 48:13

Wednesday, May 3

May there be peace inside your walls and safety in your palaces.” Psalm 122:7

Thursday, May 4

He is like a man who, in building his house, dug deep and laid the foundation on rock. The river flooded over and hit that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. Luke 6:48

Friday, May 5

I will send you rain at the right time, so that the land will produce crops and the trees will bear fruit. Leviticus 26:4

Saturday, May 6

The king who rules with justice, who rules in obedience to God, is like the sun shining on a cloudless dawn, the sun that makes the grass sparkle after rain.” Samuel 23:4

That's all!  I've been eating too much pie!!